Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 42: , Go away, flies!

After a while, Zhang Xiang burst into the asteroid's interior.

After coming to this place, the defense finally began to gradually tighten up.

In the defense zone of Base No. 1 covering hundreds of thousands of square meters below, every few hundred meters, there is an ultra-clear camera capable of capturing all areas within tens of thousands of meters. Scenery, a special metal sphere used for warning.

These metal spheres are about one person in a bag, floating in the air using a special anti-gravity device.

Moreover, their role is not enough to be used as a warning.

Zhang Xiang's spiritual power spreading over can be clearly felt. There is also a special beam-shaped gun hidden inside those spheres.

If only one such special metal sphere launches a beam attack, some mechas with transfer armor layers can easily resist.

However, when the number of beams that can easily penetrate tens of centimeters thick, it reaches thousands.

I'm afraid that even those strategic warships will suffer a big loss.

What's even more exaggerated is that by invading one of the special metal spheres, Zhang Xiang found that all the special metal spheres present had their own defense system, and they were not connected at all on the network.

In other words, even if Zhang Xiang wants to control these metal spheres through invasion, he still needs to crack them one by one.

And looking at the thousands of metal **** in the field, Zhang Xiang knew that it was impossible to control all these metal balls.

There is no doubt that this is a very tightly guarded place.

And, more importantly, the defense range of these metal spheres is not only external, but also internal.

Or it should be said that the original purpose of setting up these metal spheres is to prevent any creatures that have not passed permission from this base. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

That's right, the original purpose of these metal ball facilities is to defend the interior.

Because, the things that this No. 1 base is researching are very dangerous.

This is a base that is separated from other bases and is still vaguely surrounded. The research and production items are not warships, nor mechas, nor other things about machinery.

But something else-biological transformation!

Yes, this is the most important biological transformation base for the old man.

Although, after the emergence of the new human rebellion, the technology of biological transformation was once blocked.

However, these blockades were abolished two thousand years ago, when the old man was almost extinct.

Moreover, under the guidance of hatred, they further began to study unscrupulously.

I want to study a virus that specifically targets new humans.

Later, due to various coincidences, he began to study other things, such as the modification of organisms, the creation of biological brains, the continued genetic modification, and the cultivation of viruses and special bacteria.

In the course of two thousand years of development, about three-quarters of the most authoritative biological experts of the old man have gathered here to conduct various researches.

And because some experiments are too dangerous, in the two thousand years of history, there have been dangerous creatures that almost wiped out this asteroid, so these special metal spheres were set up specifically for the interior.

At a critical moment, they can explode the special type of nuclear bomb loaded inside, turning the entire base into a sea of ​​lava and fire, eliminating all dangers.

This is the purpose of setting up these metal balls.

"Some trouble..." Zhang Xiang looked at the tight defense and couldn't help but touch his chin.

His current goal is to find some authoritative biological experts, especially those on genes and cloning, and then take them away, instead of coming here to destroy them.

And if you rush in, it will be difficult to find those experts in that short time.

More importantly, even if he broke in, he found those experts, but how could he take them away!

If these metal spheres blew themselves directly, wouldn't it be a waste of work!

As for the ability to use teleportation, Zhang Xiang said that although he can use teleportation in this world.

However, the consumption is somewhat large.

He wanted to take so many people to the spaceship hundreds of kilometers away, he said he couldn't do it with his current strength!

After worrying for a while, Zhang Xiang finally made a decision.

Or it should be a grumpy decision.

"Damn, what do you want to do so much! Just do it, get rid of these metal balls, and then kill whoever blocks it!" Zhang Xiang suddenly made something that fits his current Saiyan status. Decided to come.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang is no longer a hidden figure, he directly floated within the observation range of those metal spheres.

At the same time, the defensive device of the metal sphere was also activated, and the metal spheres within the observed range all began to stick out the barrel.

"Ah! Disappear for me!!" Zhang Xiang yelled abruptly, suddenly becoming angry.

The powerful air current visible to the naked eye burst out from his body.

At the same time, his hands turned into a series of afterimages.

A series of qigong cannons shining orange-yellow light suddenly shot out from his hands.

It was only a second, and nearly hundreds of qigong guns were already lasing out, hitting all the metal **** within the sight range, blowing them all up.

Suddenly, a loophole appeared in the metal ball defense circle densely in the air.

However, Zhang Xiang's attack also induced a chain reaction.

All the metal spheres started to detect intruders, and along with the harsh sirens sounded in this hemisphere, various defense facilities in the base began to activate.

Within the scope of Zhang Xiang's mental observation, those researchers were escaping from the base, after extensive inspections, to a spaceship hidden in the base.

"How can I let you run away like this? Didn't I come here in vain?!" Zhang Xiang once again exploded with a strong breath, driving his body to directly hit the base. He would directly rush into the base and intercept those researchers.

However, at this moment.

A series of dazzling red rays bombarded Zhang Xiang.

Although Zhang Xiang’s speed was already very fast, the speed of those beam weapons was even faster, and nearly one-third of them continuously bombarded Zhang Xiang’s body, submerging him. In the red light.

It's just that these beam-type weapons may be able to penetrate the mecha, but they kill Zhang Xiang, who is immortal and has a combat power of one million.

"Too annoying, it's really annoying, do you know!" Zhang Xiang's violent shout was transmitted from the red light.

Immediately, the powerful Qi instantly supported a radius of several meters, blocking all the red light beams outside.

His whole person exploded at a speed far exceeding the red beam, and instantly came to the middle of the group of metal spheres.

"So, disappear for me, you annoying flies! Infinite Qigong Cannon!"

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