Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 44: , The game, are you finished? !

And looking at the gradually dissipating smoke, Zhang Xiang, who was about fourteen or five years old and about 1.7 meters tall, showed panic on the face of the old human doctor opposite. Come with a surprised face.

After all, whoever looked at the terrifying creature he thought he was originally a 14 or 5 year old would be surprised.

However, when he saw Zhang Xiang's tail wrapped around his waist.

His face began to change drastically.

"You, who are you? No, you, what kind of creature are you? How can you have a tail! It is a newly transformed person of a new human?!" The doctor, who is about forty years old, his face changed drastically. Asked.

Because, in his memory, even new humans have no tails.

However, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang looked at the other party with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"It's a shame... I'm not a transformative person! Me, now it's a Saiyan! Oh, yes, for you who are trapped in this small galaxy, you may never know what it is. Saiyan." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly and said to the other side.

Then, Zhang Xiang walked towards the other side.

And this action of Zhang Xiang made the old human doctor whose face changed drastically after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, and he couldn't help but retreat again and again.

"Stop, you go forward, I'm going to shoot!" The panicked Old Human Doctor, from under his white robe, hurriedly took out a pistol and pointed it in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, looking at his trembling hands, Zhang Xiang felt that even if he was standing still, the opponent would not be able to shoot him.

After all, if you are three meters away, there are no ordinary people who have undergone training unless you are aiming at a large-scale place like the chest.

Otherwise, if you want an accurate hit, it is basically impossible.

However, the other party obviously didn't know, or was panic enough to forget it.

Seeing that Zhang Xiang was walking and didn't mean to stop, he closed his hands in a panic, and desperately began to pull the trigger in his hand.

"Stop, stop for me!!!" A panic roar came from his throat.

Accompanied by the sounds of ‘bang, bang, bang’, they sounded continuously.

A large number of bullets shot out from the pistol of the opponent's hands.

To be honest, when the opponent is firing, the gesture with both hands is good.

But it is a pity that because of fear, his hands trembled too much.

Therefore, even if Zhang Xiang was standing as close as three meters, the bullet shot from the opponent's muzzle would sputter from Zhang Xiang's side, causing only a little spark in the alloy channel.

When Zhang Xiang walked less than two meters in front of the opponent, the orange bullet shot out from the opponent's muzzle was considered to have hit Zhang Xiang's body.

It's just that Zhang Xiang has never removed the gas barrier outside his body!

Therefore, the result is destined!

Zhang Xiang didn't have any obstacles at all. Even though some of the orange bullets hit outside of his gas barrier, he fell to the ground without breaking through a centimeter.


"Yo Xi, the game, are you finished?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, and immediately grabbed the pistol that was pouring bullets in the opponent's hand.

With just a little effort, the pistol completely changed its shape.

After changing the shape, the opponent seemed to close his eyes and did not understand the cause of the situation. He still closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

Therefore, tragedy is doomed.


So, at the next moment.

Accompanied by the fingers of his right hand, he squeezed the trigger desperately.

A muffled ‘bang’ sound rang.

The pistol in the hands of that old human doctor blasted directly, exploding his hands to a little bloody.

"Ah... it hurts, it hurts..." The old human doctor, whose hands were blown to blood, was extremely pale on the ground, and shouted with cold sweat on his forehead.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang continued to walk towards the other side.

However, when he was halfway down, Zhang Xiang stopped and frowned slightly.

"It seems that the reaction is faster than I thought! Then, stop playing, let's get it done soon!" Zhang Xiang raised his head slightly, as if he saw the base through the heavy alloy ceiling. The appearance outside is average.

In fact, his mental power is indeed shrouded outside the base, always providing him with information outside the base.

And the meaning of ‘faster than he imagined’ in his mouth was that the opponent’s reaction mechanism had already reacted, and an easy-to-start spacecraft had already started flying towards this side.

It is expected to arrive in two minutes.

Therefore, at the moment when his voice fell, his figure suddenly became blurred.

And the old human doctor who was howling on the ground also trembled and passed out.

At the same time, a very strong rope appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

It seemed to be spiritual, spreading directly out and bound the old human doctor, and bound his body heavily.

Then, Zhang Xiang turned his head, took the other end of the rope over his left hand, and dragged the comatose figure of the other party directly to the special elevator and walked in.

——When he was delayed, most of the people on this foundation had already fled to the last floor.

"However, it is just right, lest I waste time." Zhang Xiang pressed the button to close the elevator door and directly pressed the button on the last floor.

It was just the moment he pressed the last button.

The elevator door, which was closing slowly, was suddenly closed with a bang.

Moreover, a special metal baffle dropped from above the elevator door to prevent him from opening the elevator door directly.

Then, a series of mechanical gears sounded hard for ordinary people to hear.

A series of laser firearms appeared in every corner of this elevator, which was not too big and could only accommodate sixteen people, and aimed directly at him.

And the sound came from the speaker built into the elevator.

"Intruder, you have been targeted by twenty laser anti-sniper equipment, quickly raise your hands to surrender, and tie yourself with the alloy rope that appeared in the elevator. Otherwise, you will be killed on the spot by us! Repeat the last Once, raise your hands and tie yourself with the alloy rope that appeared in your elevator..."

And just before the series of shouts fell, not far from Zhang Xiang's feet, there really was a metal plate with a special alloy rope shining with metallic luster on it.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay attention to this, but lowered his head.

"Really, I obviously want to be more civilized..."

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