Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 50: , The main gun fired!

Due to the collision and powerful sound waves, some damage was caused to the base's institutions. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Red sirens and harsh sirens echoed throughout the entire base.

And the super battleship that was rushing toward the gate in an accelerated state suddenly seemed to hit the asteroid, and the speed was more than halved!

A violent shaking passed the entire super battleship, and many of them were suddenly thrown out and hit their heads.

Even the officers who tied themselves to their seats couldn't help but throw their bodies forward, almost not being strangled to death by the safety on the seats.

Even if he was not nearly strangled, the strong shock wave was absorbed by the outer armor, but the remaining sound wave still caused many people in the super battleship to faint.

Although, this is much better than the Gundam drivers who were directly killed at the gate.

This made the faces of everyone on the bridge change drastically, and some of them even turned pale.

This is not just physical weakness, but also psychological fear.

However, fortunately at this moment, that cold voice rang again.

"Report the loss!" The middle-aged captain with a scar on his left eye rang out in a calm voice.

And years of training, the personnel on the bridge could not help but start to act subconsciously, restraining fear a little.

"There is no obvious damage to the hull..."

"There is a slight internal injury, the injury rate is 09..."

"There were casualties up and down the ship, with 56 injured and zero deaths!"

"The speed of the warship has dropped by 80, and it is dropping at a rate of 20..."

Listening to the lack of damaged armor of the battleship, and the zero number of deaths, the officers present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, when they heard that the speed of the super warship they were riding on had dropped so much in such a short period of time, and it was still continuing to decline, the expressions of the officers on the scene turned pale again. .

They were the people who watched the entire battle before the elevator, and they knew Zhang Xiang's destructive power very clearly.

They can imagine what kind of attack the super battleship would suffer if it stopped!

Even though, they knew that Zhang Xiang couldn't invade into it without breaking through the special transfer armor of the super battleship.

But it still does not prevent them from continuing to fear.

While looking at the officers with scared expressions and the captain sitting on the command seat, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

‘It’s a pity, although the corresponding operations have not been reduced much under regular exercise. However, the courage is not as good as before on the battlefield. I promised to stay here for two years, and I really did something wrong..." The captain sighed inwardly.

However, his expression is still so cold and serious.

"What to panic! It's just that I didn't hit him in the first time. It hasn't been blocked by him yet! The order goes on, the main engine increases the output with the fastest power of 10, until it reaches the highest, and then continues to increase. For the energy input of the transferred armor, it is guaranteed to be able to enter the overclocking state at any time. In addition...Start the backup energy furnace to accumulate the main gun! Ready to fire the main gun at any time!" The middle-aged captain with a scar in his left eye, his voice became more and more loud. Loudly gave orders to the controller below.

However, after listening to his orders, the faces of many people present could not help but changed drastically.

"But, Captain. If launched here, it will have a huge impact on the structure of the asteroid..." One of the officers responded to the captain with a changed face.

"No, but execute the order!" The middle-aged captain squinted slightly and said with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Under his squint, the scar on the corner of his left eye looked so hideous.

The officers who knew his style knew that the captain was already angry.

Therefore, the officers on the scene did not dare to say anything else, and they all began to get busy.

That was already a super warship with super power output, but the main engine started to spin faster and faster. A powerful torrent of flames sprayed out from the back of the warship, giving the entire warship even more power. Power.

At the forefront of the battleship, Zhang Xiang was in a hideous posture, blocking the advance of the entire super battleship.

A strong qi exploded up and down his whole body, and the strong qi even made his hair stand up, swaying slightly.

Pieces of extremely strong muscles appeared from all over his body, appearing so sharp and angular. The muscles above his exposed arms gave people a hard feeling like granite.

On the other hand, blue veins appeared on his forehead, and his wide eyes showed a strong fighting spirit, and his hands pressed against the super battleship that was constantly increasing its power output.

Just the armor of the super battleship that he touched with both hands burst out with a bright light.

That is the transfer armor of the super warship, in a rapid state, absorbing the recoil of his hands against the super warship, and dispersing it on the entire warship.

You can imagine if this super battleship is regarded as a bird.

Then, Zhang Xiang was the needle with the pointed tip facing the long titanium needle of the flying bird.

When the big bird hits it super fast, there is no doubt that the long titanium needle will penetrate the entire body of the big bird.

The same applies to Zhang Xiang, who is changing into a super battleship and blocking him.

If there is no transfer armor that is playing a powerful role, the pressure of Zhang Xiang's hands against the place is transferred to the transfer armor of the entire super warship.

So, at the moment when the super battleship hit.

Zhang Xiang is already acting as the needle of the super titanium alloy, and hitting a through hole directly on the super battleship that penetrates the entire battleship!

And it was at this time that the main engine that the super battleship was continuously outputting started to give Zhang Xiang a tendency to retreat.

However, there was an expression of excitement on his face.

"Not enough, not enough! Continue to increase the power output for me! Otherwise, I will block you!" Zhang Xiang's excited voice was unscrupulously passed out, with the help of that start The gradually thinning air passed on to the entire super battleship.

At the same time, a stronger qi burst out of Zhang Xiang's body.

"Give me, stop for me!" Zhang Xiang yelled more excitedly.

Roots, like earthworms, began to emerge on the muscles of Zhang Xiang's hands.

At the same time, a strong sense of shock was also transmitted to the super battleship.

The super battleship that had just gained momentum, but at this moment was finally completely blocked, and could not even move.

This scene is so shocking!

At the same time, the transfer armor that was facing each other on his hands also began to dent because of the super physical pressure.

In addition, there were traces of cracks.

Obviously, even this transfer armor that can easily withstand a blow from the main guns of other warships is beginning to be unable to bear Zhang Xiang's power.

After all, when the transfer armor was first manufactured, it was more about the transfer of energy rather than the transfer of physical attacks.

Only at this time.

A bright crimson-blue light radiated from the main gun barrel on the super battleship.

"Let's launch! Positivity City Breaker! Destroy this monster!" The middle-aged captain, who had been waiting for the opportunity, almost roared amidst the shock, shouting this sentence. of.

"Yes, launch!" The management staff of the main gun also shouted out and pressed the launch button in his hand.

A red-blue beam of light 50 meters in diameter lased out at a speed close to half the speed of light, illuminating the entire underground base.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's front was completely overwhelmed by the red light!

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