Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 77: , The mysterious slate!

The only flaw in this process is that Zhang Xiang has forgotten that the people of the new humans live in survival fortresses floating in space. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Moreover, the number of these survival fortresses has increased a lot with the passage of time and the resolution of the new human fertility problem.

Therefore, even if it is the Saiyan replica he controls, one chooses a survival fortress and falls.

There are still several survival fortresses that can't be considered.

But fortunately, under the situation that the old human forces were pressing on the whole line, they still forced the other party to be unable to return to rescue, and finally completed the plan to capture the new human rear.

Then, by creating opportunities to give the enemy a chance to send power back little by little, it will gradually erode the forces of the new humans that are still outside.

Of course, when this plan arrived later, it was finally seen through by some people.

However, at that time, the remaining strength of the new humans could no longer change this situation.

Therefore, after a part of the surrender surrendered with knowledge, and a part of the forces swarmed by Zhang Xiang and the old man were wiped from the world, the new man also fell into Zhang Xiang's hands!

Next, it's the old one.

Zhang Xiang directly repeated the cleaning of the old mankind, and once again began to clean the new mankind.

What Zhang Xiang did not expect was that when he cleaned up the power of the new humans, it was much simpler than the old humans.

This is exactly the opposite of what he originally expected, because there are more new humans who are smart, and they may encounter some bigger troubles when cleaning.

However, after Zhang Xiang thought about it for a while, it suddenly became clear.

The reason why he felt that it was much simpler than when cleaning old humans was mainly because he had already hosted once and had relevant experience.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the old and new humans are now completely under his command.

Because, he doesn't have to worry about whether information such as information will be leaked out, and he can open his hands and feet drastically.

Moreover, he wanted to be a bit short.

That is, after the old humans have undergone natural stimulation, after nearly two thousand years of rapid evolution, they are no worse than the new humans in terms of IQ.

Not to mention, high IQ does not mean high EQ, nor does it mean how powerful it is.

Just as there are many people with high IQs in this world, but the highest-ranking ones will always be guys with high EQ and tough methods.

As for these people with high IQs, they are usually either depressed or succumbed to others.

On a deeper level, this does not have to do with IQ or EQ. It is just because the system and human nature determine everything.

However, none of this has anything to do with Zhang Xiang. He is too happy to be able to solve these problems more quickly and well!

How can you find it too simple and cause yourself some trouble?

This is not ability, but an idiot.

And just as he felt, the time he spent cleaning up and transforming the old human forces was only about nine months.

In other words, the task was completed three months earlier than the old humans.

After completing the cleansing of the old and new humans, Zhang Xiang began to try to let the forces of the old and new humans begin to merge. At least he began to integrate science and technology, and then formed a more powerful force.

I believe that after the science and technology of the new and old humans merge with each other, the technological level of the humans trapped in this star field will usher in an explosive development.

Because, as far as Zhang Xiang knows, the four-dimensional space bombs and gravity bombs that are being manufactured between the two sides are some very high-tech products.

It's just that both parties are in a predicament because they have encountered some technological problems.

If the two parties share technology and rely on different ways of thinking together, and put forward some opinions, the progress of the solution will undoubtedly make a lot of progress.

Even, it is not impossible to break the power that traps this star field and return it to normal space and time in the universe.

But Zhang Xiang only hoped to this extent.

After all, the high-levels of the old and new humans were playing exhibition games tacitly.

However, these are only known to the high-level officials, not even the middle-level officials, let alone the people at the bottom.

Therefore, even Zhang Xiang didn't have much confidence in the integration of the old and new humans who had had hatred for more than two thousand years. He could only rely on the illusion technique to make progress.

After all, even if the low-level illusion arts were strengthened, they couldn't directly change a person's mind like other gods.

In addition, the number of new and old humans is really too big, close to 20 billion.

If he wanted to repeat the previous method in the underground secret space, he couldn't do it even if he was exhausted!

You know, the previous scene caused the collective brainwaves to be connected for a short time, and he created the illusion scene of virtual memory, but he saved the chakra for a long time, and only did it in a specially designed confined space. Arrived.

Give such a shot to all mankind, please forgive him for not being able to do it!

Perhaps, when he can freely use the writing wheel in this world, and then move the sacred tree and the sacred domain, he can do it.

But by no means now!

But having said that, when he can ignore the incomparably powerful restraining power of the secondary source world in this world, and wantonly use these sources from foreign lands, and the most important thing is that even his body can come and mess around.

At that time, he had not already recovered to the ability of the previous life, and could directly resist the restraint of the secondary source world, it was that he had at least controlled a part of the origin of this world.

Thinking about it, it's better to go to the earth to find Dragon Ball, and find the Dragon God to help you realize the following wishes and be more realistic!

Although, to use Dragon Ball's desire to do some things, it can be said that it is not doing business, or picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

And when everything was stabilized, Zhang Xiang began to re-collect and explore the unknown ruins in this hidden star field according to the original plan.

And when he combined the information of both the new and the old humans, he really found important information that he had not found before.

That is, after the ruins were unearthed, in addition to some technological materials and the like, there was also this mysterious slab floating in the air.

And this stone slab, Zhang Xiang finally spent half a year, after mobilizing all the strength of the old and new mankind, he found it.

The content on the slate is very intriguing: ‘When the hidden darkness is broken, the distorted time and space will return to the right track, the origin will return, and the price will eventually be repaid! ’

In addition, Super Invincible is very grateful to [Distilled Water vs. Methanol] for the reward and full set of 10000 VIP points. Thank you for your support of this book. Thank you for adding another chapter tonight.

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