Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 89: ,chief scientist

In a short while, Zhang Xiang was already in front of Dr. Zejuan's house in Penguin Village. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Doctor, Doctor, someone is looking for you" Arale yelled before he even ran home, and reached out and knocked on the door.

But unfortunately, Arale used too much strength.

Therefore, at the next moment, as the door flew out, a scream of screams already rang.

Listening to Arale's voice, Dr. Zejuan, who wanted to open the door, was knocked vigorously by Arale and flew into the room, hitting the center of his body, and directly patted the wall behind him.

However, Arale did not realize this.

Instead, he ran in and started shouting all over the room: "Doctor, doctor, where are you? Someone is looking for you doctor."

And listening to Arale's voice, Dr. Zejuan, who was originally pressed by the door panel against the wall, finally struggled to stretch out a hand from behind the door panel.

"I am here, I am here..." Dr. Zemaki said, waving his right hand.

But, watching this scene, Arale couldn't help but tilt his head.

"Ah, Doctor, why did you hide behind the door and flew to the wall?" Arale asked curiously. She didn't notice that Dr. Zejuan would fly to the wall because of her.

And listening to Arale's words, maybe you are used to it, or knowing the explanation is useless.

"Stop talking, come and save me! But don't have too much power!" Dr. Zejuan said anxiously, waving his right hand.

"Okay, Doctor!" Arale raised his right hand and pulled the door panel covering the doctor off.

It's just that Aralela's strength to come down is obviously not as small as Dr. Zewan's orders.

At this point, there were two more gaps on both sides of the entrance and exit of the house, turning into something like a cross.

An object that exceeded the speed of sound flew past Zhang Xiang and the others. If you don't know where it flew to Penguin Village to harm others, you can know it.

At this moment, Dr. Zejuan finally appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others.

This is a short and chubby middle-aged man with a height of only one meter and six meters, and he seems to be in his thirties.

However, his posture in front of Zhang Xiang was a bit bad.

Because, he appeared to be pulled down by Aralei, grabbed the ground directly with his face, and slammed into the floor fiercely. He finally struggled and appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't believe that this short, poor, middle-aged man in front of him would be the first guy in the Dragon Ball world to create a humanoid.

Of course, what he cares more about now is whether the other party can stand up.

"Hello, you are Dr. Zejuan, right?" Zhang Xiang asked the other party and stretched out his hand.

However, there was a trace of hesitation on his face.

Even the vitality of the characters in the animation world is extremely tenacious, but ordinary people have suffered so much damage, can they still speak?

In the next moment, something that surprised Zhang Xiang a little happened.

Not long after Zhang Xiang's voice fell, Dr. Zejuan who was lying on the ground was already resurrected on the spot.

"Yes, I'm Dr. Zejuan, what do you want me to do?" Dr. Zejuan jumped up immediately, tidying up his clothes at a speed that Zhang Xiang could not see clearly. His face with red noodles also returned to normal in an instant.

Zhang Xiang had to marvel that the opponent's face-changing skills were really amazing.

Of course, Zhang Xiang didn't know yet. If the beauty who appeared in front of Dr. Zejuan right now, he might be able to do even more surprising things in an instant.

That is to change clothes in an instant and transform into a tall and handsome man.

If Zhang Xiang knew it, I'm afraid he would be sighed and exclaimed: "The characters in the animation world are really amazing."

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zhang Xiang. He didn't come here to see the other person transforming.

"Hello, Dr. Zejuan, we would like to invite you to join the Earth Federation as the chief scientist in the Earth Federation." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, holding Dr. Zejuan's right hand and said.

However, Zhang Xiang's moving words surprised Dr. Zejuan.

"Oh, I was invited to be the chief science...what? What did you say? First...the chief scientist?!" Dr. Zejuan suddenly recovered, with a surprised expression on his face.

Looking at the surprise look of the other party, Zhang Xiang knew that his invitation was a play.

"Yes, chief scientist." Zhang Xiang repeated again.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Dr. Juan couldn't help cheering, his face full of surprise.

But in the next moment, his face showed a hesitant expression.

"But why did you invite me to be the chief scientist? I'm just a scientist in a remote place? Although I am a genius, there should be more candidates? And, the Earth Federation. Name, isn't the dog king ruling this world now?" Dr. Zeju scratched his head, with a puzzled expression on his face.

And listening to Dr. Zejuan's words, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Dr. Zejuan, don’t be presumptuous. Apart from anything else, the Arale you invented is enough to see your talent in science. As for why you are chosen, besides your talent, it’s even more important. Because you are a kind scientist and will not do anything harmful to humans..." Zhang Xiang explained to Dr. Zejuan.

Of course, Zhang Xiang would not explain to the other party.

Although there are people who are more powerful than him in terms of artificial people, they are simply not easy to control. They are all guys with too much ambition, and it is easy to change his plan.

"As for the issue of the Earth Federation, this is a newly established organization that is used to re-integrate the various countries on the earth and fight together against possible alien invasions and other threats. Moreover, the dog The king also promised to abdicate today and let the Earth Federation take over all the affairs of the Earth." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Really?" Dr. Zejuan's face showed a skeptical expression.

"Of course it is true. If you don't believe it, you just have to watch the global live broadcast in an hour, and you will know. Moreover, if you can become the chief scientist of the Earth Federation and create weapons to protect humanity. Then, you Don't you think that your favorite teacher, Riko Yamabuki, will admire you very much?" Zhang Xiang shifted the topic skillfully.

Sure enough, when the topic touched on Yamabuki Riko, Dr. Zimaki was immediately attracted.

"Really? As long as I become the chief scientist of the Earth Federation, will Luzi admire me?" Dr. Zejuan said with some beaming eyes.

At this time, after ‘introducing’ Zhang Xiang to Dr. Zejuan, Arale, who had been running around in the courtyard, raised his head and put his right hand on her big eyes.

"In the sky of God, there are many, many meteors"

The plan to invade the earth is officially launched!

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