Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 96: , Hide the star field!

Yes, Kevela’s head was the head of Kevela, the terrifying demon who once ruled this edge of the galaxy with terror and killing!

What a frightening fact this is!

The horror devil who originally ruled nearly half of the Milky Way and enveloped all the places he passed by with terror and destruction, his current head was taken out by Zhang Xiang, that is, their master, and thrown on the ground. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Moreover, above the other's head, those eyes also showed infinite fear and resentment.

How can this not make them shocked and frightened!

Even some people started to tremble.

"Impossible, this cannot be the head of King Kevela..."

"Yes, how could the universe king be defeated so easily!"

Some people were terrified to the extreme and began to subconsciously deny it. They thought that such a terrifying existence could not be defeated by anyone.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"This is indeed Kevera's head. Moreover, it was not long after I slashed it down with my own hands." Zhang Xiang's cold words, before more people who echoed out of fear appeared, were already resounding. The whole metal hall.

Suddenly, many of the pale-faced guys who had been confused and wanted to subconsciously deny were stunned.

Then, an emotion that didn't know whether to say it was excitement or fear to the extreme, emerged from their hearts.

"K, Kevlar, are really dead... there is only one head left?!!!" A certain cosmic person opened his eyes wide, and a flush of excitement emerged under his dark face. .

"Yes, Kevela, the universe demon, was actually killed!"

"This is really, really great!"

A series of words began to rang, and then there was the noise of 10,000 mad bees flapping their wings, and the whole metal hall sounded.

There were various expressions on the faces of scientists of different races present.

Some people's faces are shocked, some people are excited and surprised, and some people are fear and admiration, and some people's expressions are more complicated.

However, regardless of their expressions, they couldn't help but become more humble towards Zhang Xiang.

Or it should be described as fear.

Some cosmic people who were originally transferred in because of their race was conquered, the thoughts they originally had in their hearts were also suppressed by fear.

After all, in their minds, the only ones who can kill the universe demon are more terrifying.

Looking at the scenes between the courts, Zhang Xiang not only nodded slightly.

The reason why he came here specifically was not to appreciate the fearful expressions of cosmic people of different races.

The purpose of Zhang Xiang's coming here is to stabilize the hearts of the people here, so that they dare not show it even if they are unwilling.

Frieza and Kevela were able to lay down such a large territory and become the cosmic emperor in name. What they depend on is definitely not kindness, but terror, which gives the conquered absolute terror and death.

As far as Zhang Xiang knew, there were already no fewer than 300 planets that Frieza detonated over the years.

Moreover, these planets are basically the existence that allows living things to survive.

In other words, the intelligent creature that Frieza killed all was no less than one trillion.

Only with such a terrifying prestige can Frieza be able to suppress hundreds of intelligent planets and command most of the galaxy!

"Okay, I have already given you things. All I need is to get the details of each other's memory in a month. I have already given a lot of time. If you can't do it, I don't mind changing it. Let scientists do things for me..." Zhang Xiang said coldly.

After that, his figure suddenly turned around and disappeared in this research room.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone in the research room was first stunned.

Then, a horrified expression appeared on everyone's faces, and they quickly put down the things in their hands and ran toward the head of a Kevlar that rolled on the ground, like a football. go with.

The fear Zhang Xiang gave them was too strong.

Especially, when Zhang Xiang established his fame on the corpse of the cosmic demon king Kevela, who was running across the galaxy, it made everyone feel awe.

Let us turn our eyes back to Zhang Xiang's body.

After he moved away in an instant, he didn't instantaneously move to Namek Star or return to Earth.

Don't think that teleportation does not require effort. On the contrary, this ability requires a lot of energy.

Just like in Dragon Ball GT, it is already able to transform into Super Saiyan IV. The fighting power can almost be described by the astronomical existence of Jing, Wukong, who is using teleportation to move humans above the earth. When they are rescued, they will consume all the qi in the body.

Let alone Zhang Xiang now.

When he moved directly from above the earth to this place not far from the hidden star field, the qi in his body was already less than half.

Otherwise, it depends on the Saiyan's instinct for fighting.

He might be like Monkey King, waiting until the opponent uses all his strength before defeating the opponent.

And it's not like it is now, just kill the opponent without hesitation!

Of course, this is also the biggest difference between Zhang Xiang and Monkey King.

Monkey King will be controlled by instinctive belligerence. Because of being too soft-hearted, or wanting to engage in a hearty battle, the enemy's combat effectiveness will rise again and again, and eventually will be overturned.

If it weren't for him to be the protagonist of this world, carrying the luck of this world.

Well, he has died a long time ago. I don't know how many times.

Moreover, it will even cause the death of family and friends.

But Zhang Xiang is not like this. Once he feels that he doesn't necessarily kill the opponent and holds the opponent in the palm of his hand to tease, he will never be paralyzed.

Rather, they will directly take advantage of the other side's care, and knock the other side up in one fell swoop!

Therefore, after teleportation consumed half of the Qi, and after the subsequent battle with Kevela once again consumed a lot of Qi, Zhang Xiang did not directly instantaneously move to Namek or Earth.

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to come back to the hidden star field to take a look.

He felt that now he might be able to see what the words on the stone slab meant.

Therefore, when he moved out of the instant, he came to a dark star field shining with dim light, and it seemed that the nearest galaxies were thousands of light years away.

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