Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 99: , Neutron star!

Yes, the "Shadow Demon Blade" destroyed by the purple thunder and lightning evolved by the repulsive force of the world is not the body of the "Shadow Demon Blade", but its projection.

Because, after the'Shadow Demon Blade' was promoted to a divine tool, it possessed some divine tool abilities.

Among them, the ability to transform no more than 80% of the body's power into a clone and map it to other places is one of its capabilities.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang decisively let go of it when he found that something could not be done.

If it were the main body, Zhang Xiang would be so decisive, and he would definitely choose to resist the purple thunder and lightning to save it.

Even if this world has some repulsive force against him, it is the same.

However, again, if it is a real "Shadow Demon Blade", relying on its strength, it can't be destroyed by such a purple lightning.

It must be postponed to the later stage, when something terrible is brought out to be destroyed.

The thought of turning Zhuo flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Of course, it's a pity that emotions have to occupy the majority.

After all, the fog that covered everything is about to be revealed, but at the last moment, he has fallen short. How can he not feel a pity?

However, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes.

"This one is?!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a deep shock.

Because, Zhang Xiang thought it was a failure, and the space was cut in half and destroyed. After the'Shadow Demon Blade' that gathered all the energy at one point, it should be repaired by the power of the world in an instant. The space crack was suddenly torn apart by the purple thunder, completely revealing the scene in it.

A planet with a diameter of only a few kilometers, slowly spinning in the distant void.

It puts a heavy pressure on people, it seems to crush everything together, and twist everything into pieces.

As soon as he saw it, Zhang Xiang was already certain that the planet in front of him with a diameter of only a few kilometers was the legendary neutron star.

And behind it are familiar planets, including the new and old planets of the new and old humans, and a star that forms the star field further away.

However, these scenes were distorted by the powerful gravitational force emitted by the neutron star that was blocked in the forefront in the next instant, completely distorting the scene at the moment when the space crack was torn apart. Fuzzy look.

Then, erase all the scenes.

Let this piece of emptiness that had just presented its sights become a dim emptiness again.

It was a long time after the shock that Zhang Xiang slowly exhaled a sigh of breath.

"It's really a good method! Using the neutron star as the wall of the prison to block this space here!" A hint of shock flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, with a hint of excitement or something else. Said all this.

Yes, it appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and the others. It was only a few kilometers in size. It seemed to be a planet that could be broken into countless fragments with a single qigong gun. It was a famous neutron star in the legend.

And what is a neutron star?

The so-called neutron star is a type of stellar body between a white dwarf star and a black hole formed by the collapse of a star whose mass is not enough to form a black hole at the end of its life.

If you only talk about the white dwarf in front, I believe many people will feel it is in the cloud.

Some people even mistake a white dwarf star for something like a red dwarf star, and think it is not powerful, and thus think that a neutron star is nothing remarkable.

However, if we take a look at the two words behind the black hole.

Believe that everyone will be able to feel the reputation of that neutron star!

The so-called black hole is a kind of stellar body with infinite density and infinite size in the universe that will swallow everything it encounters.

Although the neutron star has not reached this level, it cannot be underestimated.

Just make an analogy, we can know.

As long as a neutron star appears in the solar system, all planets, including the sun, will be captured by the gravitational force of the neutron star in an instant, and within a few seconds, a nearby planet will be swallowed up by more than half.

It's like taking a bite of a planet directly as an apple.

Then, using a few years as the calculation time, the entire solar system, including dust, was swallowed clean and turned into a thin layer of mud on the neutron star.

Yes, it is so exaggerated.

This is its horror.

Even the mass of the entire solar system will only add a thin layer of soil to the neutron star that is only a few kilometers in size.

In addition to the strong gravitational force, it also has many terrifying places.

For example, its mass, temperature, pressure, magnetic field, radiation and so on.

Just from a cubic centimeter of soil above the neutron star, it weighs hundreds of millions of tons.

Even if a cubic centimeter of soil falls on the earth, it will directly penetrate the earth's crust like a fine needle penetrating tofu due to density problems, and hit the earth's core, causing big problems.

The temperature on its surface can reach hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius, which is hundreds of times more terrifying than the six thousand degrees on the surface of the sun, and even the temperature of its core can reach a terrifying level of 61 degrees, depending on the temperature alone. Distorting space is no longer a problem.

Therefore, there is no problem in turning the entire solar system into a lava hell.

Not to mention that it has a gravitational force more than 3 million times the equivalent of the earth. As long as it enters its magnetic field, the earth will be shattered by a powerful magnetic field, and it releases the equivalent of millions of nuclear bombs every second. Of energy.

In short, this is a big killer.

It's just a little weaker than a black hole.

Normally, let alone moving it, even if you want to get close to it, it is impossible to do.

However, now this neutron star that can destroy the entire solar system has been used by unknown forces and has become a tool to hide the star field inhabited by old and new humans.

Not to mention, I don't know what method was used to prevent it from swallowing the hidden star field so close in front of me.

Even a trace of gravitational fluctuation was not transmitted.

From this, we can see how strong the forces that can do this are.

To be honest, with Zhang Xiang's current strength, he does not have the slightest confidence to resist this force that can do this.

Don't say it is hard resistance, as long as the other party controls the neutron star to give him a shot, I am afraid that he has not yet approached the neutron star, and the extremely powerful gravitational force has already shredded him.

The so-called neutron star is such a terrifying thing.

I'm afraid that even if Zhang Xiang's current strength is used to give a neutron star such a shot of qigong cannon, it would be better not to talk about it.

It is even impossible to make it shake.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

"It seems that the water inside is still very deep, and you need to take your time..." Zhang Xiang said softly.

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