Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 111: ,desire!

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the second elder of Namekstar couldn't help being taken aback. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"However, Polunga's wish can only be realized in the language of our namek." The second elder's face showed a surprised expression.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head towards him.

"Don't worry, I know the language of Namek," Zhang Xiang shook his head and said.

Before setting off, he had already input the relevant Namek star information into his brain in a special way.

Although he can't speak so smoothly in Namek's language yet, it is not a problem to use Namek's language about the desire to be realized.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, although the second elder was a little surprised, he nodded in the end.

After all, they didn't intend to violate the orders of the Grand Elder.

When making a wish, Yang Feng Yin changed the mantra to the wish of "Exile Zhang Xiang to the edge of the universe".

Of course, the kind-hearted Namekist hadn't thought about this, but Zhang Xiang had flashed this idea for a moment.

However, the reason why he intends to make a wish in person is not for this reason.

But because of deeper reasons.

He wanted to explore what the essence of Shenlong was, and where it came from its ability to reverse cause and effect, and even reverse cause and effect.

Although he had already had a lot of speculation before.

But if you don't feel it yourself, you still don't know the truth.

Therefore, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang was already making his first wish.

"Shenlong, my first wish is to resurrect a named Bick named Namik who died on the earth." Zhang Xiang took the lead in abiding by the agreement and promised him the wishes of Wukong and others. Speak out the language of Nemesis.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's language, a burst of red light appeared in Polunga's eyes.

"This one of your requirements is very simple, I will help you realize it now." Polungana's majestic voice sounded slowly.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's tempered mental power densely around Polunga had keenly captured a bit of mysterious energy, which flashed past Polunga.

‘Feeling is just a message, not energy, or some mysterious power. A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

After all, if you want to reverse the cause and effect and bring a dead person back to life, it is definitely not possible with such a weak energy.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang already made the first conclusion in the first time.

‘It turns out that the dragon that appears in front of us is not the body that can fulfill our wishes. After analyzing it carefully, Zhang Xiang flashed this idea in his mind.

After all, if the energy source for the Shenlong to realize any wish is its body.

Then, in the chapter of Piccolo, when Piccolo killed the Shenlong, why didn't it use its mysterious power to resist it? !

At this moment, Polunga's voice rang again.

"Your first wish has been fulfilled. Tell your second wish." Polungana's majestic voice once again spread across the land.

However, it is at this time.

A figure appeared in the distance, a figure wearing a combat uniform with a combat power of about 24,000.

"Shenlong, realize my wish that I will never die!" A flashing figure suddenly appeared near the Shenlong, and shouted with excitement.

With an expression of ecstasy on his face, he seemed to feel that he had caught the last train and his wish was about to come true.

It's just that Polunga, the dragon of Namek, didn't even pay attention to him.

"Wisher, if you don't make a wish anymore, the remaining two wishes will be reserved. You can call me again after sixty days." Polunga dropped his gaze on Zhang Xiang and ignored him. Vegeta yelling in front of it.

"Hey, look aside! Hurry up and realize my wish for immortality! Are you deaf?! Hurry up and fulfill my wish!" The ecstatic expression on Vegeta's face suddenly became pale. I got up, and started yelling at Shenlong.

But this time, Polunga finally paid attention to him once.

"The language you used to make your wish is not correct. Therefore, I cannot realize your wish." The deafening voice of Namek, the dragon Bolunga, rang across the sky.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang ignored the other party and began to make a wish again.

"My second wish is to make all the causes and effects of this world unable to restrict my behavior." Zhang Xiang directly stated his second wish.

And listening to Zhang Xiang’s wish, he was originally resurrecting Piccolo on Earth for Zhang Xiang, but the second elder who was surprised, could not help showing a shocked expression.

Because what Zhang Xiang said is cause and effect!

This is the basis for the existence of a world, and the things involved can be said to be the entire universe.

According to the words of the great elder before, the greater the cause and effect, the greater the possibility of backlash in the future.

It is conceivable how big the accumulated cause and effect will be when the cause and effect are not bound to the end!

Moreover, it is possible to spread to Namek.

Of course, what the second elder didn't expect was if the cause and effect of this world really couldn't restrain Zhang Xiang.

Then, hasn't he become a saint in the legend that does not affect cause and effect? !

That is close to half-step immortality, even half-step immortality.

It's just that when the second elder breathed a sigh of relief, listening to Zhang Xiang's wish, he originally exuded a majestic posture, as if he could do anything, the dragon Bolunga of Namek star frowned. coming.

"This wish is beyond the scope of my ability, please change another wish." Polunga's eyes flashed red, and he shook his head towards Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the dragon Bolunga of Namek, Zhang Xiang was a little disappointed, but he accepted it.

After all, he knew it before, and this wish was impossible to realize.

Dragon Ball also had a wish that could not be realized, but he had known it a long time ago.

However, when Zhang Xiang was a little disappointed, Vegeta, who was already irritated, couldn't help it anymore.

"What I can't get, others don't want to get it. Shenlong, right? Give me death! Flash cannon!" Vegeta, who was extremely angry, turned out to be directed at the Shenlong Bolunga of Namek. Attacked.

And this irritated Zhang Xiang who was in a bad mood a little.

"Give me a flash!" Zhang Xiang's figure appeared directly in front of the Shenlong Bolunga, directly hitting Vegeta's flash cannon back.

Vegeta didn't even react, she was already concentrated by the flash cannon she released, and directly blasted to the ground, causing a burst of explosions, without knowing life or death!

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