Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 124: , Super Twenty Times Realm King Fist!

But this kind of performance made the vague figure far away hundreds of millions of kilometers away with a sigh of relief.

"Nice little guy."

A non-male, non-female voice, full of vague meaning, rang from the neutron star.

However, although he was talking, his movements did not stop.

The right hand, which had been slapped down gently, began to exert force.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang's power that was already considered to be able to withstand the pitch black palm of the hand, instantly increased thousands of times.

It was just a moment, Zhang Xiang's feet were already slammed into the earth with a bang.

A strong wave of waves rushed out from under his feet, causing the entire planet to start to shift unexpectedly.

What a terrifying force this is, it has caused the entire planet to begin to shift.

And under the action of this huge force, all the volcanoes erupted, and the lava began to spill and flow over the entire planet, and monstrous tornadoes began to emerge in the sea, directly soaring to the sky, and the earth began Cracked, the mountains began to fall apart.

The result of the great elder of Namek star leading his child for so many years was destroyed in an instant.

Faced with such a huge pressure, Zhang Xiang was already violent, and he tried his best to prevent him from kneeling down.

"Quickly, take them and leave. Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, you take them to the direction of the spaceship." Zhang Xiang turned to the Namek star who was already shocked and just treated. Good Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang shouted in the direction.

"But, but..." Xiao Yang's face showed hesitation.

"Don't hesitate, it is me that this giant hand wants to deal with. Therefore, your stay here is just to distract my spirit." Zhang Xiang's face is a bit hideous, and his whole body is filled with golden lightning towards Xiao Yang's direction yelled.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Yang hadn't made a decision yet, Xiao Guang had already bit his lip to help Zhang Xiang make a decision.

"Xiaoyang, let's go. Just like my father said, with our current strength, we are just a cumbersome staying here!" Xiaoguang bit her lower lip suddenly and grabbed Xiaoyang's right hand with her right hand. It is already flying towards the outside.

Xiao Yang felt Xiao Guang's mood, and the true words, finally made a decision.

"Okay, let's go! But next time, we will definitely help Father Father!" Xiao Yang clenched his fist sharply and finally agreed.

Then, he began to cooperate with Xiaoguang and called out the surrounding people from the Mekker.

In addition, he rushed to a certain place in the village in the first time, and explained this matter to the great elder who was brought down by the guards of the Namekist at the moment when Zhang Xiang had just supported it. , Got the support of the great elder.

He even agreed to come out in person.

But after the person with the great elder came out in person, the scene was suddenly controlled, and everyone began to evacuate in the direction of the spaceship in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, after knowing that there was an invasion by foreign enemies, the Namekians in six different places above Namek had already arrived in an orderly manner near the village where the great elder was located.

Therefore, under the great elder's order, all the Namekians flew in the same direction.

However, during this process, quite a few Namekians were injured.

After all, the entire Namek star is now on the verge of destruction.

All kinds of disasters happen all the time.

In addition, because of the sudden attack of the black giant palm before, the Namek who lost his life unexpectedly, this time the Namek has suffered a heavy loss.

However, under the comfort of the elder, everyone entered the spaceship in order.

In the process, although it was encountered that the spacecraft could not fit so many people, and various disasters made it difficult for the spacecraft to take off.

Fortunately, it was resolved in the end.

Xiaoguang released another spacecraft from the universal capsule, and then used the Qigong Cannon to forcibly razed a mountain range directly to the ground, only to reluctantly create a takeoff environment.

At the same time, Monkey King and others also rushed in this direction.

It's just that none of these things are about Zhang Xiang.

Now he is under extreme pressure.

Ten Thousand Jun's strength was constantly suppressed on him, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger.

Of course, what was even more dangerous was that contained in that pitch-black giant palm, that contained the hint of erasing everything.

Zhang Xiang could feel that if he was hit, he would really need to change his body.

And if ordinary people are hit, they may be wiped out in an instant, and even the past and the future will be wiped out.

Fortunately, however.

Faced with this force, Zhang Xiang was not without the strength to fight back.

Whether it is the wisp of immortality contained in the soul, or the'one' hidden in the soul that escapes from this world, he has the power to face this twisted cause and effect.

And his discovery like this made the vague figure that was absorbing the pitch black breath for the first time to make a surprised sound.

"Very interesting little guy... It's just that if it was before, I can still play with you. Now, disappear from this world." Before the vague voice fell, a dark light was already there. It shot out from the bead that appeared in front of the opponent, hitting the void in front of him, allowing his right hand to reach more distance.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang not only felt that the strength on the pitch-black giant palm had increased several times, so that his figure approached and had to kneel on the ground, even shoulders.

More importantly, the giant palm that was originally only printed had a flexible feeling.

The pitch-black giant palm that occupies a smaller half of the size of the Namek star turned its palm into a fist, trying to pinch Zhang Xiang to death.

Suddenly, a terrifying wave of annihilating everything appeared within the range enveloped by the dark hands.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiaoyang, Xiaoguang and others had already left the surface of Namek in a spaceship.

‘Although it’s not far enough, there is no way! Zhang Xiang felt that the space around his body was being continuously compressed, and even the golden lightning that broke out to the extreme around his body began to appear distorted.

He knew if he didn't break free.

Then, he never had a chance to break free.

"Tenfold Realm King Fist!!!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes, his golden yellow body was stained with blood red.

It’s just that it’s not just that the use of the Realm King’s Fist itself will change your aura, it’s because the flesh and blood of his whole body exploded instantly when he used the Ten Times Realm King’s Fist. .

Because, whether it is the transformation of the King Boxer or the Super Saiyan, it is itself a short-term outbreak of constantly squeezing its own potential.

This will inevitably cause a great burden on the body.

After using the second stage of the Super Saiyan, using the Ten Times Realm King Fist will undoubtedly cause irreversible damage to the body!

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