Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 127: , The original plan!

"Sure enough, I guessed right!" Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly sat down on the ground. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, at the moment he slumped to the ground, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because the qi in his body has been scarce to the extreme, his whole body is filled with the urge of exhaustion to the extreme, wishing to lie down on the ground and fall asleep.

But if it was just this, he would still not frown.

More importantly, his current physical injury is too serious.

The whole body was **** and bloody, and it was too serious for the body to be burdened with ten times the Realm King Fist before being forced to use the Super Saiyan's full power.

Although it only lasted less than a second.

However, almost all the subcutaneous blood vessels in the body have exploded, and even some of the flesh and blood are missing.

Even in some places, under the double pressure of themselves and the outside world, even the bones screamed and broke.

Now his physical condition is extremely serious.

The severity of the injury can even be described by Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang not being able to recognize him when they see him now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head.

"It seems that this body won't last long!" Zhang Xiang felt the irreversible damage to his whole body and couldn't help but shook his head.

"However, for now, I still have to keep it going." Zhang Xiang said as he took out a capsule from his belt and threw it forward after pressing the button.

Then, amidst the sound of'Peng', a small room appeared in front of him.

How to say it!

The universal capsules produced on the earth are too strong.

Although it is protected by Zhang Xiang's own energy, if it is not strong and durable enough, it would have been broken under the huge pressure before.

However, things that can compress space should be strong enough.

And these thoughts just flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Then, he dragged his tired body to open the door of the room, and walked directly in the direction of a new-style restoration warehouse in a corner of the room.

The moment he stepped into this room, the lights and various equipment in the room also started to operate.

Moreover, at the same time Zhang Xiang stepped into the repair room, a scanning light was already blasted over, and according to Zhang Xiang's injury, related medicines were deployed.

Then, gradually inject the prepared medicine into the cabin, repairing the inside of Zhang Xiang's body.

At the moment his wound touched the medicine, Zhang Xiang couldn't help letting out a comfortable moan.

"Sure enough, it is the right choice to bring out the new-style repair warehouse..." Zhang Xiang said while enjoying the tingling sensation brought by the gradual repair of his body.

After all, the treatment efficiency of the new-style restoration chamber can't help being more than half higher than that of the old-style restoration chamber.

More importantly, the new-style repairing chamber will deploy different agents according to the injury to ensure that there will be no pain or unbearable pain during the repair process, or symptoms such as itching that occur too quickly to repair flesh and blood.

Of course, Zhang Xiang knew that it was impossible to completely repair all the injuries of his body, whether it was a new-style repair warehouse or an old-style repair warehouse.

Because this time the injury is already related to genetic damage.

Moreover, the genes of the whole body are broken at different levels.

This kind of injury is no longer repairable by current science.

Only Dragon Ball can heal well.

However, after learning about the operation principle of Dragon Ball and the causal cycle involved, Zhang Xiang didn't plan to use Dragon Ball to do these little things.

After all, he didn't want to let the evil dragon appear when he didn't have enough strength.

Because, the appearance of the evil dragon involves a very important part of his plan.

Of course, this was also because he had another way, so he didn't have the idea of ​​playing Dragon Ball.

After all, since a long time ago, he had already begun to prepare for the injury that could not be severely injured, and the preparations for what to do.

Since he had some power, he has already begun to actively cultivate a back-up body.

For him, as long as the soul is not damaged, he can enter those blank bodies created on the basis of his genetic blueprint at any time, and restore his strength in a short time.

This is Zhang Xiang's original plan.

Even if he encounters an unstoppable enemy, as long as his soul still contains the one that escaped from this world, he can use a special method to return his soul to those blank bodies to achieve An alternative infinite resurrection.

Of course, this is a certain amount of wear and tear for his soul.

However, in crisis, this is the best way.

Not to mention, he has Saiyan blood, and every crisis of life and death represents a huge improvement.

Counting it up, it's not a loss.

This is why Zhang Xiang would be so happy when he knew that he had reincarnated into this world and had Saiyan blood.

This is simply tailored for his plan!

Of course, this is not without danger.

In the face of those who possess fundamentally erasing souls, or even erasing the past and the final existence of the future, this plan will become extremely dangerous.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, Zhang Xiang is confident that this half of his soul will not be erased.

After all, if it comes to the final crisis.

He still has the last trick, which is to release the immortal breath hidden deep in the soul, so as to achieve the result of protecting himself.

Of course, this is also a move that can only be used at the last moment.

Because such a trick can no longer work as long as it is used once.

The enemy's guard, coupled with the world's will to focus and suppress, will make it difficult to repeat the plan again.

It's just that, in Zhang Xiang's original plan, these tricks at the bottom of the box are not going to be used until they finally seize the origin of this world.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he almost used it.

This is what Zhang Xiang did not expect.

"Who is the owner of that pitch-black giant palm?! How could it be possible to possess such a powerful power? I am afraid that such a power is already stronger than the evil dragon, and it involves the existence of this world's cause and effect.

According to the truth, this kind of existence can only take action when it involves the origin of the real universe. But why did you do it now!

Moreover, I can feel that this pitch-black giant hand doesn't seem to be fully exerting its true power, as if it's... the feeling of being suppressed all the time... By the way, the last words of Shenlong, is it! "Zhang Xiang thought of this, and suddenly stood up straight in the restoration warehouse, a light flashed in his eyes.

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