Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 140: , The resurrected Frieza!

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang appeared in front of one of the pitch-black aura producing machines.

Two continuous streams of black smoke were produced from the machine in front of him, and spread to the surroundings.

Along the way, the green grass began to wither, the trees began to wither, and both humans and animals began to lose strength and fell on the ground.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know anything about it. He reached out his hand and stroked the black smoke at the place where the black smoke exited.

"It's not pure poison gas, but a kind of energy. Resentment?" Zhang Xiang frowned, feeling the black smoke erupting from it.

Zhang Xiang could feel what kind of destruction his right hand was experiencing from where he placed the black smoke outlet.

But in the next moment, he pulled out his right hand.

A powerful force rammed his right hand directly under the movement of his thoughts, and some of the invading resentment powers were immediately knocked out of the body by his controlled force.

Then, relying on Zhang Xiang's body's powerful recovery ability, his right hand returned to normal in an instant.

"Who has such a pure resentment, and it shouldn't be the resentment of one person or two. Otherwise, it will not cover the entire earth. However, let's destroy it first." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand. A little bit of light began to converge quickly, and it was about to blast out.

For the Earth Alliance, what can be destroyed only by dispatching a positron cannon is nothing more than a qigong cannon for Zhang Xiang.

However, at this moment, several black smoke suddenly condensed behind Zhang Xiang.

In the black smoke condensed, the four figures were actually solidified into entities, transformed into Frieza, Kevela, Dallas and Kurdish kings who were killed directly or indirectly by Zhang Xiang.

"go to hell!"

"Haha... go to hell!"

"I'm here for revenge!"


Four successive resentful voices rang from behind Zhang Xiang, and then the four of them attacked at the same time. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The bright light of the Qigong Cannon, as well as powerful punches and whip kicks, directly attacked Zhang Xiang who was facing them from the back.

Faced with their appearance, Zhang Xiang was also slightly taken aback, and gave up the qigong gun to continue to condense.

However, relying on the opponent's strength, even a sneak attack to kill the current Zhang Xiang is simply impossible.

Seeing Zhang Xiang flashed away, he already appeared behind them.

As for the qigong cannons and fists they fired, all of them fell into the empty space.

"You are actually resurrected?" Zhang Xiang said, standing behind them with some surprise.

However, the other party obviously does not want to talk nonsense with Zhang Xiang.

"Of course, how could we let you go!"

Before the voice full of resentment fell, the figures of the four of them were clustered up again.

Listening to their words, Zhang Xiang raised his brows slightly.

"Oh, isn't it? Then, I'll kill you again." Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes and said.



Frieza and Dales couldn't help but roar.

The four of them will launch a joint attack again.

But at the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly disappeared forward, and instantly appeared behind them.

"What's the matter with arrogance and delusion. In this case, isn't it enough?" Zhang Xiang continued to walk towards the machine, and behind him, the four figures burst out directly from his body The orange light came and exploded directly.

In less than half a second, he pressed four qigong cannons into the opponent's body.

"Although, I really want to know how you were resurrected. However, you are more at ease if you are dead. Moreover, it should be this machine that caused the blame..." Zhang Xiang will put his right hand on this weird machine. Above, directly observe its structure.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang stopped and sighed.

"It seems that in this world, resurrection has become the price of cabbage. Dead and alive, alive and then dead, can still come alive." Zhang Xiang watched it appear in front of him, and it was again from black smoke. Condensed into the four Frieza standing in front of the machine, they felt a little headache.

" don't want to kill us!"

"Because we can resurrect infinitely!"

"Moreover, even if you destroy the machine, we can be reborn from other machines."

"And these machines, how many are there on the earth, how many are on the outer planet, do you know?! Haha..."

The arrogant and arrogant voice was passed on without any consideration, and even the weakness that they could regenerate with the help of the machine exploded.

Because they are confident that Zhang Xiang cannot destroy all the machines on the earth.

Not to mention, alien machines.

But after listening to their words, Zhang Xiang did not show an expression of distress and panic as they thought.

"Oh, that's it?" Zhang Xiang sighed and said flatly.

And Zhang Xiang's performance made Friesha and others anxious and unbelievable.

"Aren't you afraid?!"

"We can be resurrected infinitely!"

"This means that we can consume you to death!"

"Not to mention, you are already poisoned now. Your strength must have dropped a lot!"

Friesha and others said with a surprised expression.

Moreover, before Zhang Xiang could speak, Frieza and others began to talk to themselves again.

"Don't pretend, you must be bluffing!"

"Yes, you must be scared to death now!"

"Is the body unable to use power?!"

"Just in fear, waiting for us to tear you apart!"

The more Frieza and others said, the more they believed in their own judgment.

However, they didn't notice, the more they were like this, they could only reveal their inner panic.

And Zhang Xiang didn't want to talk nonsense with them.

Because, he thinks behind the scenes instructing them to come out, perhaps to delay time.

Although I don't know the purpose of the opponent behind the scenes, the best way to undermine the opponent's plan is to make the opponent's plan deviate from the beginning.

"Then, I will let all your grievances disappear with your soul!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, as if grabbing something in the void and waving directly to the front.

A dark light flashed from the bodies of the other four, leaving them no time to react.

"Haha, it's useless."

"Even if we cut off our bodies, as long as there is black smoke, we, how could this be..."

Before waiting for the shocking voice of the other party to fall, the black smoke that disguised the other party's figure was absorbed by the brain.

Moreover, the machine behind them was also divided into a dozen pieces with smooth cuts.

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