"Thank you, master."

Facing Cecilia's thanks, Mo Yi stretched out his right hand and said with a smile:

"The master-slave relationship between us has disappeared. Cecilia, just call me by my name."

"We are all family, don't be so polite."


Cecilia was stunned for a moment in confusion, then looked at Kiana and Theresa who were groping and checking her body beside her, laughed, and said to herself:


At this moment--

Rita, who has always been a quiet soy sauce party, took out the communicator and finally contacted the Tianming headquarters. So without anyone having any ideas, she returned to her room and communicated with Mr. Luto on the other end of the communicator. Get up you.

After several minutes——

"That's probably what happened, Archbishop."

Rita said seriously:

"I'm sorry that we were unable to get back the holy relics of Ramses II. Do you have any new instructions for our next stay?"

While listening to Rita's report, Mr. Lutuo kept a smile on his face. Finally, he waved his hand and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter, I no longer need the holy relics of Ramses II. Your mission has been completed very well."

"Next, you will follow Theresa to Fuyuki City to understand the situation and follow up in time. During the period, you will buy some properties. I will leave for Fuyuki City soon."

Hearing this, Rita knew that Mr. Midori who appeared in the duel game before was really the real Mr. Midori.

"Remember, after arriving in Fuyuki City, try your best to build a good relationship with Mo Yi. Try to satisfy the other party's requirements and don't conflict with him. Let me handle the rest."

Rita: "No problem, Archbishop."

After ending the communication, Mr. Luto could no longer control the joy in his heart. He laughed heartily and said to himself:

"Karen, I can revive you right away!"

"I'll see you again soon—"

As for why Lu Tuo didn't set off immediately, it was naturally because he was looking for suitable holy relics. In order to successfully summon Kallen's heroic spirit with 100% success, Lu Tuo collected all the holy relics he could find.

Although Kallen's former weapon 'Judas' Oath' and Kallen's clone Theresa were theoretically qualified as holy relics, Lord Luto was still uneasy and took the things and clothes Kallen had used, He even collected everything related to the traces of battles in the places he had been to, so that Mo Yi could find the most suitable holy relics and resurrect Kallen.

————The dividing line of Gensokyo——————

After thinking for a long time, Yakumo Purple finally chose Mo Yi's words and began to call all the roads in Gensokyo to help her find and connect to the plane where Grandpa Mo Yi was.

Among them are the Moon Sage Hachi Eirin who masters the core technology of the moon, the magic touch Patchouli who lives in the Red Moe Mansion, and the Kappa clan who are the pillars of Gensokyo's technology. They serve as mascots and have the ability to trigger miracles. Moriya Shrine's wind blessing Dongfeng Valley Sanae.

Such a luxurious team formed a research team to find the fastest, safest way to connect to a specific dimension in another world.

As the founder, Yakumo Murasaki was not working hard at this time. Instead, she sneaked to Hakurei Shrine to see if the unruly and unmotivated Hakurei miko Reimu Hakurei had eaten because she had no money. fainted from hunger in Hakurei Shrine.

This is not possible. If the previous generation of miko is found and the other party discovers that he abused her daughter like this, it will be difficult to deal with him.

It is better to take advantage of this period to be nice to the other party and let Lingmeng eat more and eat better so that he can quibble in the future.

"You old woman, why are you coming to the shrine again?"

A girl wearing a red armpit-baring miko uniform was lying on the corridor boredly. She looked at Yakumo Murasaki who appeared next to her and said with disgust:

"What are you doing here again?"

Yakumo Purple: "..."

Damn it, Aqua, I actually want to be nice to her, I'm so blind.

Thinking of the iron fist of the previous shrine maidens, Yakumo Murasaki chose to ignore Reimu's address to her, placed the prepared food in front of Hakurei Reimu, and said with a kind smile:

"Lingmeng, it's time to eat again, I brought you food specially."

"You are such a disobedient child. How can you not eat on time? You are still growing."

Hakurei Reimu: "···"

A few days ago, Yakumo Murasaki delivered food to her door on time like this. Hakurei Reimu thought it was a new round of pranks by the other party at first. With the determination that the other party could not poison him to death, he ate the other party's absolutely delicious food. It was the most sumptuous meal she had eaten in years.

Then nothing happened, no stomachache, no dizziness or fever, gender transition or unwed pregnancy, any of these weird situations.

But the more this happened, the more worried Hakurei Reimu became, but she couldn't refuse Yakumo Murasaki's sumptuous meal. Even if she knew the other person's evil temper, it would be impossible for him to suddenly treat her so well, but she could only cherish it. The courage to rather die of hunger than to die of hunger, to eat the other person's food.

Now hearing Yakumo Murasaki's kind and even somewhat charming voice, Reimu is so smart. What the other person just said should be——

Dalang, I have the illusion that it’s time to drink medicine again.

Hakurei Reimu struggled internally, but picked up the food in front of him and started eating wildly. While swallowing, he spoke out the questions he couldn't help but:

"Tell me, what is your purpose, Zi?"

"Looking at the food these days, I will decide whether to help depending on the situation. If it is too troublesome, then forget it. Unless you give me another hundred thousand donations, even the flower demon who went to attack the sun flower field will not be able to help." no problem."

Yakumo Purple: "..."

Is it impossible for me, Yakumo Murasaki, to be a good person?

To help others, do you have to ask for something? Who do you think I am, a seventeen-year-old girl forever, Reimu!

After thinking about it for a while, Yakumo Purple asked tentatively, almost jokingly:

"What would you do if your mother suddenly came back?"

In Reimu's modified memory, her mother, the previous generation of Hakurei miko, suddenly disappeared one day, and she didn't know whether she was eaten by a monster or something.

Anyway, in Lingmeng's heart, there is still a trace of thought that grandma will come back one day.

"of course--"

Reimu's eating speed didn't slow down even a little, and he said:

"Of course I will give her the duties of Hakurei Miko and then be a good-for-nothing daughter raised by her mother."

"Oh, and I want her to make up for the pocket money she hasn't given me over the years."

Yakumo Purple: "..."

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