Just as Mo Yi said, in less than three minutes, he came out with a lot of fruits, not to mention oranges, a few common apples and pears, as well as two watermelons and cantaloupe.

After seeing clearly what fruits Mo Yi bought, Yuigahama Yui looked surprised.

"This...Senior Mo Yi, does your family run a mine?"

Xue Miao and Ying Lili are both eldest ladies whose families have mines. Naturally, they have no shortage of fruits to eat, so they don't think there is anything wrong with this.

After buying the fruit, nothing happened. Everyone quickly arrived at the door of Teacher Zhen Shizi's house.

Mo Yi didn't feel embarrassed and rang the doorbell directly.

"Ding dong, ding dong——"

At this time, the Kasumigaoka family, who knew that a male classmate was visiting their home, were sitting in the living room with their own thoughts, busy with their own things.

Kasumigaoka's parents were sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Teacher Shizizi was sitting on the table, typing on the keyboard, writing her manuscript.

Well, there is another junior high school sophomore who just came home and found that the atmosphere at home was very strange. He wanted to ask, but was stopped by the eyes of his parents and sister, Kasumigaoka Shiro, Kasumigaoka Shiu's younger brother.

Faced with such a weird atmosphere, Kasumigaoka Shiro stayed in the living room and watched TV. He was worried about going back to his room to do his homework. He always felt that he would miss something interesting.

Teacher Zhen Shizi's father originally planned to go out to do some errands today, but after learning about this, he was relieved and just stayed in the living room, waiting for the legendary male classmate.

Teacher Zhenshizi's mother, on the other hand, cleaned up the surrounding area, took a shower, and put on decent clothes before sitting down to watch TV series. In her heart, she was both curious and expectant, and she and Teacher Zhenshizi's father The unreasonable resentment was different. She had a rational attitude and looked at the friends her daughter had met at school.

This is the first time that my daughter has not brought friends to play at home in so many years.

Moreover, Teacher Zhen Shizi's mother also knows her daughter's true nature, and she is not as well-behaved as she is at home, otherwise she would not be able to make friends.

As expected, I am worried about how the other person is doing in school and whether he has become a good friend. It is better to verify it with his own eyes.

Teacher Zhen Shizi was worried that if she stayed in the room, she would be in trouble if Grandpa Mo Yi came and she didn't know about it and something strange happened, so she stayed in the living room to work.

After several hours of this strange atmosphere, the doorbell finally rang.

"Hey, the doorbell is ringing, I'm going to open the door!"

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who had the lowest status in the family, stood up consciously and was about to open the door, muttering to himself:

"Probably grandpa and grandma—"

"Wait, Shiro—"

Teacher Zushiko’s mother called to Kasumigaoka Shiro, with a kind smile on her face and said:

"It should be a classmate who is here to visit your sister, so let me open the door."

"Ha ha--"

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was always teased and teased by his sister, was caught off guard and laughed, muttering:

"Mom, you are overthinking. How could a classmate come to visit my sister? I have heard of my sister's name in the middle of the country for a long time."


Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at his younger brother angrily and said meaningfully:

"How did you hear it? I'm curious."

After feeling the death gaze of Mr. Shiko, Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was overwhelmed with joy, suddenly recalled the terror of being dominated in the past, instantly shriveled up, and said flatteringly;

"Of course I am praising you, sister!"

Words like "Flower of the High Mountains" are indeed words of praise.

Teacher Zhen Shizi's mother smiled, ignored the quarrel between her daughter and son, and walked quickly to open the door, so as not to lose etiquette and make people wait for a long time.

Seeing his wife walking away so quickly and impatiently, Xia's father muttered in dissatisfaction:

"What's the rush? It's not like we're going to see the leader."

The door opened quickly. Mo Yi, who was standing in front and rang the doorbell, soon saw a very dignified woman. Needless to say, just by looking at her, she looked like Teacher Zhen Shizi. Similar, this must be the other person's mother, which shows that Teacher Zhen Shizi's appearance was inherited from the other person.

"Hello, I am Mo Yi, a classmate of Classmate Shiyu. I came back from a trip. I didn't expect to hear that Classmate Shiyu was on sick leave. I was a little worried, so I took the liberty to visit with other classmates."

After all, he is a man who has seen the world. Facing his future mother-in-law, Mo Yi really didn't panic at all and stated his purpose of coming generously and gracefully.

Similarly, after opening the door, Xia's mother saw several young men and women. She was stunned for a moment. It was different from the one male classmate she had expected at the beginning, but her attention was quickly attracted by Grandpa Mo Yi. past.

After all, the other party was walking in front, and he looked like the leader. There was only one boy in the room. From this, it could be seen that the male classmate my daughter was talking about today was referring to the other party.

Moreover, when calling her daughter, she directly called her by her first name "Shiyu" plus her classmates, with a very generous look. Only relatives or good friends can call her by her name, but the other party dared to call her like this in front of her——

Well, Xia's mother can only say that she admires such decisive and straightforward people, which clearly and directly shows that he is very familiar with her daughter.

After seeing Xia's mother stunned for a moment, Mo Yi was not embarrassed. In order not to stand out, he smiled and said:

"You should be classmate Shiyu's sister. I have never heard her mention having a sister in the past."

"This is a little care when we meet for the first time."

After saying that, he handed the fruit to Xia Mu.

The people next to Mo Yi were shocked. They didn't believe that a shrewd guy like Mo Yi would guess wrong about such an obvious thing!

I thought that we were all friends who were not good at socializing, but I didn’t expect that you, a handsome guy, would actually be a traitor!

Of course, the most shocked one was Yinglili. Because of Mo Yi's routine, Yinglili had only seen her once more than a month ago, and the person she used was her mother, Sayuri Sawamura.

Sayuri Sawamura is indeed very similar to Eiri. Regardless of height, appearance, figure, or even conversation, she is sometimes more childish than Eiri. If she hadn't been black-haired, Eiri and blond hair, the two of them would have walked out. It would really make people mistake them for twins.

Mo Yi mistakenly identified the other party as Ying Lili's sister, which is understandable!

But although Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mother is very similar to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, the other party's clothes and appearance can be seen at a glance to be much older than Kasumigaoka Shiyu. How could she be Kasumigaoka Shiyu's sister?


Xia Mu was really amused by Mo Yi's opening remarks. Of course, it was a very happy smile. After all, every woman likes others to praise her youth and beauty, especially a young and fast woman like Xia Mu.

However, a compliment that was too direct seemed too hypocritical, and a roundabout, seemingly unintentional compliment like Mo Yi's just scratched his itch.

"You kid, you really know how to talk."

"I am Shiyu's mother, not her sister."

"And when you come to be a guest, you don't need to be polite. Don't be so polite next time."

After hearing this, Grandpa Mo Yi understood.

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