Chapter 586: Come on, Lord Luto!

After Grandpa Mo Yi took the suitcase and passed it, he went to his room to do some work.

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi being so decisive, Mr. Lutuo felt so happy, just like the first time he asked his girlfriend to go shopping and watch a movie. He couldn't make it back in time, so he had to stay outside for one night!


Seeing that her grandfather seemed to have no interest in catching her to explain, Theresa prepared to have a wonderful adventure at Mo Yi's house.

The first thing Theresa met was Ilia, who was still yawning as she walked out of the corridor, so she walked up to say hello.

"Didn't you go back?"

Illya: "???"

I actually found a white-haired lolita with similar attributes to me?

The dozing Illya suddenly woke up, looked at Theresa curiously, and asked:

"you know me?"

Theresa knew Illya from Magical Girl Illya's world, which was obviously not the same Illya as this world's Illya.


Theresa was also a little confused now. She had been playing with Illya for a long time on the Theresa ship. In Theresa's eyes, the other party was already a general in her magical girl five-color team, and she didn't even recognize him now. Already?

Instead, Illya, after being confused, remembered what Grandpa Mo Yi had told her not long ago about another parallel world, Illya.

"you misunderstood."

Illya realized that she didn't know the other person's name. She didn't know how to address her, so she had to call her "you", and then started to explain that she was not the Ilya the other person knew. This sounded a bit difficult to pronounce.

After all, Theresa is a commander with professional knowledge. Although she is unreliable most of the time, she still understands what Illya said. The Illya in front of her is the Illya of this world.

Well, she is a legal loli who is nineteen years old this year.

After knowing this, Theresa felt happier and felt a strong sense of identity with the organization.

That's right, she finally found her second legal loli!


After chatting for a while, Ilya found that the other party was unusually simple and the kind of person who was very compatible with her temperament, so she took Theresa around to get to know her way around, and took her to places that she found particularly interesting. .

On the other side, the atmosphere among the people sitting in the living room was also a bit strange, mainly because of Mr. Lutuo.

Although the other person was sitting there, he was radiating the same anxiety as waiting for his wife to give birth in the waiting room. Even other people sitting near him could really feel it.

————Grandpa Mo Yi’s dividing line————

Grandpa Mo Yi opened the suitcase and found that the things inside were quite miscellaneous. There were many old things that could be seen for a long time but were well maintained. The most obvious ones were a set of nun uniforms with a long style, various bowls and chopsticks, and even a few There is also a pillow from a hundred years ago.

Okay, this holy relic is very life-related, but what about the most important Judas?

I guess Lord Luto was so impatient and concerned that he even forgot about the Judah in Teresa's hand. It was Kallen Kaslana's personal weapon. It could summon heroic spirits and other weapons, and there were weapons even better than those used by heroic spirits. Is it appropriate?

However, Grandpa Mo Yi did not need these things. He directly connected to the vortex of roots and began to search for the existence mark named Kallen from the roots that contained all cause and effect. As for the media index and so on, these boxes of holy relics were enough for Mo Yi Grandpa saves a lot of time.

"found it--"

Grandpa Mo Yi quickly found the target, summoned Kallen skillfully, and before the other party could react, he gave the other party a 'Soul Materialization' shot, and finally instilled relevant knowledge into the other party.

In addition to the common sense of modern life, Grandpa Mo Yi also told each other about things related to this world, such as the five hundred years of struggle by Master Lutuo to resurrect her, and the reincarnation of Yae Sakura, as well as the events surrounding the destiny in recent years. In a series of events, the second Herrscher Sirin was born, the other party was violently beaten in various ways, and various characters appeared during the period.

"Are you awake yet?"

Looking at Kallen, who looked very similar to Kiana, Grandpa Mo Yi snapped his fingers to wake her up from a long slumber.

"Who are you--"

Kallen's eyes were a bit stagnant at first, but they soon became clear. Although Kallen and Kiana's genes were very close, their IQs were still far apart.

"Mo Yi, thank you."

"You are welcome--"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Many people are looking forward to your resurrection. Perhaps your resurrection can make this world a better place."

"Okay, everyone is impatient. Let's go out."

An ugly woman must meet her husband eventually, and of course Kallen is not ugly either. After all, Kiana, Theresa and other deceitful forces all inherited each other's genes and beauty.

Mr. Mido was waiting very impatiently when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corridor. These familiar footsteps——

That’s right!

Even if he hasn't heard it for five hundred years, he can still recognize it in an instant!

My Karen!

Lord Luto looked back and saw Kallen walking out from the end of the corridor. She was wearing the classical nun uniform of the Holy Maiden of Destiny!


Kallen, who knew that she had been dead for five hundred years and suddenly came back to life, was still a little panicked. She felt out of touch with the times and was afraid that she would not be able to adapt.

But when Mr. Lu Tuo looked at her, she also looked at Lu Tuo with great happiness. The technical nerd who was relatively introverted under her influence, but according to Grandpa Mo Yi's information, he did everything to revive her. The black-handed green boss.


When they didn't meet, Kallen was very flustered, but after looking into Lu Tuo's eyes that hadn't changed much, Kallen realized that she was thinking too much, so she laughed naturally and said :

"Long time no see."


After hearing Kallen's voice, the irritated Lord Luto finally felt calm in his heart for the first time in five hundred years, and smiled slightly nervously:

"Long time no see, Karen, you are still so beautiful."

"Otto, but you seem to have changed a lot——"

Karen said somewhat unexpectedly:

"You've never said anything like this before."

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