So, Grandpa Mo Yi asked El-Melloi II to go outside with me and found an open place. He didn't even bother to recite the spell to summon the heroic spirit, and directly summoned the conquering king Iscandel. As for the command spell, It is engraved on El-Melloi II's body, and the other party is responsible for its demon sacrifice.

Although Weber knows that the Servant is just the projection clone of the Heroic Spirit on the Heroic Spirit Seat. Theoretically, the Servant summoned is different every time. It is impossible to know the experiences of other Servant clones. On the contrary, it is the Heroic Spirit's true body, and it is possible to receive it. to the memory of any Servant's clone.

But seeing Rider, whom he had missed for many years, and Iskandar, who taught him how to be an adult, El-Melloi II still couldn't suppress the longing in his heart, and couldn't help shouting out the title he used ten years ago:



However, the expression of the conquering king was different from what Weber had imagined. The big, rough, bearded face did not show a confused smile and question——

Boy, do you know me? Or is it a mistake?

Of course, there is no so-called rank in the Conqueror King at this moment. Although Grandpa Mo Yi knows that the Conqueror King Iskandar is a guy with a good personality and is very lovable, but if he is completely resurrected, he may cause trouble again. , continue the great cause of conquest during his lifetime.

Times have changed, and under Grandpa Mo Yi's attention, it is impossible for the Conquering King to succeed in his lifetime.

But if you can avoid such trouble, just avoid it. Anyway, El-Melloi II's request is to summon the conquering king Iscandel, and then ask Grandpa Mo Yi to help him completely resurrect with a physical body.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi is a well-known caring little prince. When he summoned the other party, he also helped this conquering king to instill the relevant memories of the Fourth Holy Grail War, so this is a prince with the memory of El-Melloi II. of Iskandar.

"You have changed a bit, haha——"

Iskandar, who recognized Weber's identity, laughed heartily and went straight up to give El-Melloi II a charging hug.

"Yes, I have grown taller and stronger."


However, even though Weber has grown taller and has longer hair, he has become stronger and stronger. He cannot withstand the warm embrace of Iskandar, a strong man. His face turns red and he looks like he is about to be hugged and his waist will be broken.

"Let me go quickly, Hundan!"

"Ha ha--"

After hearing Weber's cry for help, Iskandar let go of El-Melloi II and complained:

"Master, you can't do this. Seeing as you have grown taller, you seem to be a little weak. If a man is so weak, it will be troublesome when he gets older."

Weber: "..."

Can it be true?

Every night he was woken up by the devils to work overtime. When he wanted to stay in bed, he remembered the debt that still had many zeros, and his whole body suddenly became energetic. Not to mention drowsiness, even stomach bleeding could not stop him from the urge to work overtime.

In addition, there is his nominal sister Lenis, who plays tricks on him all day long to gain happiness, and always wants to give him a child, so that he can be tied to her side for the rest of her life and help her work for the rest of her life.

Living in such an environment, can El-Melloi II be worthy?

"Rider, do you have memories of the Fourth Holy Grail War?"

El-Melloi II looked at Rider in surprise, and turned his eyes to Grandpa Mo Yi, but Grandpa Mo Yi was still there at this time, and had already slipped away, leaving time for the two of them to wrestle or something like that. Grandpa Yi is not a lady crane and is not interested at all.

"Although I don't know what happened, I still remember what happened in those days -"

Hearing Weber mention the Fourth Holy Grail War, Conqueror King Iskandar sighed with regret:

"It's such a pity that I still can't beat that shiny guy——"

"That guy's Noble Phantasm happened to restrain my 'King's Army', and the Kamui Wheel happened to be destroyed by Saber. This was a failure due to lack of intelligence."

After sighing, Iskandar looked at Weber. Judging from his vicissitudes, he knew that many years had passed since the Fourth Holy Grail War, so he smiled and asked:

"Master, did you summon me this time because of the Fifth Holy Grail War? But I didn't receive relevant information about the Fifth Holy Grail War in my mind. It's really strange."

"No, the fifth Holy Grail ended more than a month ago."

El-Melloi II shook his head and began to explain how he summoned him.

After listening to the explanation, Iskandar said regretfully:

"It's such a pity that I missed the opportunity to fight with the heroes of other eras."


El-Melloi II couldn't help but think of the stupid king he saw before, his son Mordred, the village girl Jeanne d'Arc with the same face, and Scathach and the dog Cu Chulainn who came behind. There is also Karna, the son of the sun god, sitting silently in the corner, and a giant panda who claims to be a heroic spirit and can talk.

The Conquering King Iskandar has no need to regret, because the heroic spirits Waver saw were enough to gather seven people to start another Holy Grail War.

"Actually, I don't think you need to sigh, Rider -"

In order to prevent Iskandar from having an incomprehensible brain circuit, he would do some strange things after returning to the living room, such as saying directly to the people around him: I am not targeting anyone here, but everyone here. You all are rubbish!

El-Melloi II still told the outcome of the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then explained clearly the current situation in Fuyuki City and the situation of the group of people in the living room.


After listening to El-Melloi II's words, Iskandar's eyes lit up, he burst into laughter, patted Weber on the shoulder, and said excitedly:

"That would be great. I never thought I would have the opportunity to see so many legendary heroes again. I can't wait to have a battle with them."

"It seems that God has been kind to me, Iskandar."

"Rider, did you listen to what I said?"

Seeing Iskandar's extremely high expression, El-Melloi II suddenly felt uncomfortable. The other party was obviously trying to cause trouble!

This is Fuyuki City, not the Fuyuki City where the righteous friends wanted to blow up the hotel ten years ago, but Fuyuki City, which is known as the forbidden area of ​​​​magic. Thinking that Mo Yi didn't even need a holy relic, he could just snap his fingers and summon Conquer. In the scene with the king, once Iskandar caused trouble and angered Mo Yi, El-Melloi II became wet, the kind that made him break into a cold sweat.

"You don't want to seek death."

But it was no use, Iskandar laughed and put his arm around Weber's shoulders, dragging him towards the living room, thinking in his heart who should challenge him first.

The knight king Arturia Koguryo whom I wanted to challenge last time, the big boss Karna from the Age of Mythology, or the legendary God-killer Queen Scathach of the Kingdom of Shadows?

Sometimes there are too many choices, which is also a kind of happy distress.

But the two of them didn't take a few steps before they met Arturia, Mordred and Gray who were about to go back to the living room after their conversation.


Iskandar was stunned, looking at Takeuchi's face that suddenly appeared in front of him, and said in surprise:

"Why are there three knight kings?"


Seeing his master being dragged away by a tall man full of philosophy, Little Gray Gray immediately became vigilant. He took a few steps forward, took out the iron cage, stared at Iskandar and said:

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