However, not all visitors from other worlds are intruders. The collision between the Xingyue world and other worlds is an accident. It cannot be ruled out that most people are good people and just entered accidentally.

Grandpa Mo Yi has already set up relevant procedures to judge based on the behavior of visitors from another world. To put it simply, if they are reflected in the justice and sin value system, once they are judged to be in the chaotic camp, the names of those visitors from other world will turn red. , becomes a boss that can explode a lot of experience, equipment and skills, and then the server will arrange various tasks to guide players with matching strength to maximize them.

Visitors from other worlds who are judged to be in the order camp will be regarded as important players by the server, guiding them to avoid danger and enjoy a pleasant life in another world. After all, they carry information from other worlds with them, and these can be The Vortex of Roots absorbs and utilizes good things.

As for those ordinary people who enter the different world by mistake or unintentionally, they will be scanned by the server and sent back to the original world.

Therefore, this world collision is not necessarily a bad thing. With Grandpa Mo Yi's arrangement, it may become a good opportunity for the Xingyue World to upgrade.

Because of this, the two lolita who had hugged Grandpa Mo Yi's thighs and called them daddy put aside their prejudices and worked together to create a Yakumo world that was undoubtedly the same as the real world in three months.

After the moon-shaped world is upgraded, Gaia, as the will of the earth, will, needless to say, follow the upgrade properly. She no longer has to worry about running out of the earth's resources, and thus begins a wandering journey called the "Wandering Earth".

Alaya, on the other hand, can peek into other worlds. Even if the moon world cannot survive in the future, he can send a large number of humans to colonize other worlds. He can even discover some weaker worlds and connect the human subconscious in that world. Upgrade and grow by leaps and bounds.

With this kind of motivation, the two of them, not to mention breaking out, even if they are nailed in the coffin, they will start by kicking the coffin and go back to work overtime.

After the novice instruction video of Jeanne d'Arc and Scathach ended, there was a simple cutscene. The Yakumo world in the animation incorporates various elements of other worlds. It is absolutely suitable for viewing landscape paintings or traveling. Worth the price.

After the opening animation ends, start creating the characters.

The characters created by 300 Heroes are based on their own identity and appearance. Therefore, even though he is a 1.8 meter tall man, he can no longer create a lolita account and then communicate with other players through the virtual world. Acting cute.

Of course, character creation has a beauty function, which helps some players who are jealous of their appearance in the real world to become more confident, remove acne marks, dark spots and the like on their faces, plus appropriate stretching and fine-tuning. It's not a big problem, but if you want to have plastic surgery and completely turn yourself into another person, it's impossible. If you have the ability, you can use the beauty function to make yourself handsome or beautiful. It is other people's ability to create a prosperous and beautiful appearance, so Grandpa Mo Yi naturally does not prohibit it.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi was born with great beauty. As a traveler of multiple worlds, no matter how ugly he was at the beginning, after so many life sublimations, he has long since become a perfect concept and integrated into his appearance.

It's just that Grandpa Mo Yi usually covers up this concept and makes his appearance ordinary and handsome. The biggest feeling given to people is harmony, harmony that conforms to anyone's aesthetics, and harmony with the world and all things. That's it. The kind of person who becomes more pleasing to the eye the more you look at it.

I, Mo Yi, just want to open a harem with my ordinary looks and amazing talent!

Those scumbags who start a harem by relying on their handsomeness, charm, and female-like appearance are all evil!

After copying his appearance and height as a game character, Grandpa Mo Yi prepared the last choice, which was the name issue.

It's not impossible to just call him Mo Yi. After all, others can cheat and defeat all villain bosses just by saying "because my name is Li Qiye", and I, Mo Yi, am also a well-known person in the multiverse, "Mo Yi" Two words are enough to express everything.

Hmm, but as for games, the most important thing is to have fun.

So, when Mo Yi changed his name, it was - Sword Master Mo Yi.

The word "Juggernaut" is a title, so it is golden, and the word "Mo Yi" is an ordinary black name.

And the title is unique. Just like Grandpa Mo Yi's current title of 'Sword Master', others will no longer get the title of 'Sword Master'. Of course, add some adjectives in front, such as Storm Sword Master, the strongest Sword Master, One-Sword Sword Master, etc. are all acceptable.

But according to the law, the shorter the name, the higher the power. The word "Sword Master" is already the most powerful title among Sabers.

Naturally, others can get a title when they have no way to choose a name. This is what kind of epic legendary mission needs to be completed in order to get the title. This is something that makes people gasp in breath as soon as they appear.

But is Grandpa Mo Yi an ordinary person?

You made the whole game yourself, so what if you make something different for yourself?

Although permission dogs are detestable, it is really refreshing when you become a permission dog!

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi is somewhat confident in his swordsmanship. After all, before becoming a magician, Mo Yi relied on the best big sword in the village that came out of the village chief's closet. He has cut down countless monster girls, which he would not dare to say in other worlds, but in the Xingyue world, he deserves the title of Sword Master.

Now it's just a matter of winning this title in advance.

After pressing the OK button, Mo Yi's game character 'Sword Master Mo Yi' will be displayed in the floating frame.

Game Begins - Yes, or, No.

After pressing 'Yes', the dark world in front of Mo Yi suddenly lit up, and the opening voice of Sha Tiao Lvge's dubbing came to his ears——

Fight for all the good in the world!

300 heroes have officially landed, let’s ask who is the number one hero!

When Mo Yi opened his eyes, he had already arrived at the initial place where all novice players log in at one time. It was the place where the dream began - Yakumo Plaza, which is theoretically infinite and can accommodate all players.

At the same time, Yakumo Plaza is also the initial default resurrection location for all players.

Because the surroundings were too crowded and there were countless players talking, Grandpa Mo Yi had the illusion that he was at a vegetable market.

He stretched out his hand, shook it, closed his eyes, and could even feel the hot wind around him due to the heavy flow of people.

"very good--"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled. Although as early as half a month ago, '300 Heroes' had already undergone an internal inspection, in which many problems were adjusted and repaired. Now it feels like the real environment and body, which makes Grandpa Mo Yi feel relieved. I haven't found any big bugs yet.

"It's time for the world to know that I, Master Yakumo, not only know how to write articles, but I am also the number one player in games!"

That's right, Mo Yi plans to rely on his own strength this time to take the title of the number one player in the 300 hero list.

————The dividing line of Gensokyo——————

"Is everyone here?"

Yakumo Purple looked at the monsters and gods gathered around, and said in a cautious tone:

"I emphasize again that what we will enter later is the 'virtual world' of that world. Even though it is a virtual world, it can even be said that it is the shadow world of that other world."

According to the observer effect, everything is in a quantum state, and its state and existence can only be determined when it is observed. The world itself is fixed, but the world in the eyes of different observers is different.

The difference between the eyes of the strong and ordinary people is even greater.

In the eyes of a strong person like Yakumo Murasaki who has the ability to peer into the root level, the Yakumo World is not a game world, but another form of the Type Moon World. It is like looking at the Type Moon World in a mirror and reflecting it. world.

She wanted to enter the investigative moon world, and entering the Yakumo World was unintentionally the best way. Of course, other ways of entering had long been blocked by Grandpa Mo Yi.

"I can't guarantee anything about what happens after you choose to join."

Yakumo Murasaki, who had sneaked inside and played for a while when they were inside, said:

"As long as you don't do whatever you want in that world, the consciousness of the world will not treat you as an enemy and do things that are beneficial to the world. The other party will even protect you."

"I hope that when you go somewhere, you won't do whatever you want here in Gensokyo. As far as I know, there is a strong man in that world (Grandpa Mo Yi) who makes me despair just by seeing him."

"Once your name turns red, the consciousness of the world will set you as an enemy, reduce your luck, arrange various coincidences against you, and even issue tasks to eliminate those players who claim to be the opponent's home world. you."

"If you don't listen to my advice and do whatever you want, causing your name to turn red, don't expect me to save you. My only advice is to run away quickly."

"I understand this -"

Kaguya Horaiyama, the owner of Gensokyo Eutei, was very confident and said with a confused smile like an insider:

"Isn't it just the delineation of the good and evil camps in online games? I understand."

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