Chapter 596: Darkness has heat stroke, don’t worry about her

"Don't stop!"

The blond female knight Darkness who was dragged out was covered in saliva from the frog's mouth. Fortunately, the opponent's feet were always exposed, otherwise Mo Yi would really have nowhere to start and didn't know where to grab and pull the opponent out. .

Although Grandpa Mo Yi is not mysophobic, this is no longer a problem of mysophobia, but a dirty thing that even a normal person cannot tolerate.

That’s right, I’m talking about you, Darkness.

Seeing that the other party wanted to tell the strange fantasy in his heart, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly stopped him and said:

"Darkness, you are fine, the frog is dead."


After hearing Mo Yi's words, Darkness opened her eyes and found Mo Yi standing, looking down at her with contempt, and her whole body suddenly became happy.

Too bad, someone discovered his true identity again. The other party must despise me.

what to do?

But I just can't control myself!

Darkness, whose face was flushed, stood up within a second, regained her previous seriousness with a bit of a cold female knight expression, and thanked her very carefully:

"Thank you very much Mo Yi, you are indeed a powerful sword master."

"Even though I was in deep trouble just now, I still felt the sword intent emanating from you. It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What I just used was Alaya's spear, which was a staff. It was not a slash, but a thrust. How did you feel the intention of my sword?

If Darkness wasn't covered in strange transparent mucus at the moment, her appearance might have deceived many unsuspecting passers-by.

Glancing at the motionless big frog beside her, a sigh flashed deep in Darkness's eyes, which naturally could not be hidden from Mo Yi's eyes.

"The long-term victory made me careless. I didn't expect that I would almost fall on such a novice monster."

As much as possible, Darkness will try to maintain her image as a righteous female knight.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi already knew the other party's true face.

You are not careless at all, but intentional, pervert!

Three minutes later, Aqua and others, who had finally finished their troubles, gathered together to prepare for the first combat experience summary meeting.

As for the strange liquids on Aqua and Darkness, Moyi used the water purification and cleaning techniques to perfectly solve them.

These lowest-level magician skills with little combat effectiveness were automatically learned by Mo Yi when he bound Alaya's Spear.

And Sato Kazuma always accepted that Mo Yi was a sword master who liked to use guns in battle and was good at magic.

Never mind that the style of painting is wrong, none of Sato Kazuma's teammates have a normal style of painting anyway, they are useless goddesses who only cheat the opponent. After one blow, regardless of whether the opponent falls or not, the Loli mage who will definitely fall by himself, just click on it. A defensive masochistic paranoid female knight.

Now there seems to be nothing wrong with having another big swordsman who is not doing his job properly.

The most important thing is that this big swordsman seems to be very reliable, he can fight and deal damage, and he also knows how to assist with magic. He is a typical magician and martial artist. He has a good thigh, but he is afraid that he will not take off? !

Of course, the Horaishan Kaguya brought by Grandpa Mo Yi has not yet made a move, and Sato Kazuma does not dare to look down on each other. Can someone who can team up with a big boss be any different?

In fact, among the 300 heroes, Kaguya's abilities are indeed not bad. Although most of her strength has been reduced, she comes with resurrection on the spot, time-based abilities, and various spells. Once she gets serious, she can team up with one person. Destroy a weird team like Sato Kazuma.


Sato Kazuma was very embarrassed and started talking nonsense seriously:

"Aqua and Darkness were good baits just now. Of course, the most important thing is the output of the sword master. It is simply ruthless."

"I think if we work harder and cooperate better, we can reach level five today. Moreover, these frogs also produce a lot of useful things. If you collect them, you can go to the living area to exchange for a lot of gold coins."

"Boss Sword Master, do you have anything else to add?"

Seeing Sato Kazuma's dog-licking look on his face, Grandpa Mo Yi also felt sorry for him. He, a resourceful protagonist, had really wronged him by being mixed up in such a sandy world.

After all, in the sand sculpture world, resourcefulness is the most useless thing, because the last thing in the sand sculpture world is logic.


Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head, feeling heartbroken, but Aqua and Darkness did bring Mo Yi a lot of happiness just now.

Sure enough, happiness is based on the pain of others.

"Kaguya and I will attack later, and you guys will assist from behind and just pick up the loot."


When Sato Kazuma heard what Grandpa Mo Yi said, he immediately calmed down. He was most afraid that Grandpa Mo Yi would not play tricks like them.

Picking up loot in the back has never been so good.

"How can this be done!"

Darkness, the female knight of justice who always rushes in front to absorb damage to your opponent, cannot agree now. As a paladin, how can she watch her opponent charge in front while she sits behind and enjoys the results!

Ahem, actually I want to be madly dealt by the frog again.

"As a paladin, it is absolutely impossible for me to look at my teammates——"

However, halfway through her words, Sato Kazuma flashed behind her, covered her mouth with one hand, and whispered a threat in her ear:

"If you speak again, I will tell your new teammates your real name, Lalatina."


Darkness immediately softened when she heard Sato Kazuma's threat.

Lalatina is Darkness's real name. Because her name is too feminine, whenever others call her this name, she will be embarrassed, so she chooses Darkness when she travels. Such a pseudonym.


In Darkness's mind, she had long considered Sato Kazuma to be an extremely perverted guy, and he was the man she had ever seen who best matched her views on mate selection——

"The appearance should not be too eye-catching, and the body shape should be too thin or too fat. It is best if he only likes me but is not determined. As long as other women show favor to him, he will become lustful. The necessary condition is that the whole year They are all in heat, and they look very lustful. If you are the kind of loser who underestimates the hard work of life and just wants to live as easily as possible, it is best, especially if you have debts in your name! Moreover, you have to drink all day long and not go to work. He kept complaining like "It's society's fault that I have accomplished nothing", then hit me with an empty wine bottle and said: "Hey, Darkness, use your slutty body to make some money." Get the money back!" Such a useless man.

Yes, this is the view of Darkness, the eldest lady of the Duke's family, on mate selection.

If Mo Yi had just traveled through time, and the world he traveled through happened to be 'giving blessings to a beautiful world', then Darkness must have been the first choice for a mate. Why would he be embarrassed to eat a soft meal based on his ability?

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