"Shocked! Convince the first melee mage to fight fiercely with the first shooter: I want to prove that this game does not need the position of shooter!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, if you don't come to Yakumo's house, you're really wasting your talent.

At this time, Bayi Yonglin also took action, drew her bow and shot a few arrows at Mo Yi.

It stands to reason that bows and arrows are long-range weapons. They have the advantage of long-range attacks, but naturally have some disadvantages such as the preparation time and accuracy.

But Ba Yi Yong Lin's attack seemed to give people a calm and natural feeling. There was no stagnation at all, and he just used the bow and arrow to play the charm of a melee weapon.

"Mu Da——"

Mo Yi could show off his positioning and skills, but there was no need. He just took out the Shield of Gaia, the World Shield in the Yakumo World. It was an absolute defense that could not be broken as long as it was still in the world.

Then, those arrows hit the shield directly and disappeared.

Then there is the core skill of every senior magician - instant transfer!

Ordinary magicians use this method to instantly distance themselves, but Mo Yi is a melee mage. How can Yonglin, an archer, be intimidated?

Just transfer it directly to the opponent's back, and then poke it with the Alaya Spear in your hand. Others will have a delayed neural reaction due to the spatial transfer, which does not exist for experts.

And Bayi Yonglin is also a first-class archer. How can he be called a first-class archer?

Naturally, he is an archer who can dual-wield machetes and fight Saber without defeat!

At this time, it was the wrong choice to look back at the situation. Bayi used it to dive low and kick his right foot directly at Mo Yi behind him.

With the help of the reaction force from the kick to the Shield of Gaia, he was directly ejected out of the range of Mo Yi's attack.

Then, he pointed at the sky and quickly shot arrows at different angles.

A few seconds later, the arrows shot into the sky turned into a rain of arrows, covering Mo Yi's position with an unavoidable density.

At the same time, spell formations similar to magic arrays appeared under Mo Yi's feet, which would interrupt Mo Yi's spatial transfer.

In just a few seconds, the opponent came up with such a restrained Gaia Shield. Although it was an absolute defense, it was not large in area. It must be said that people with high IQs fight differently, unlike some strong ones who only focus on strength and speed. Or, you don’t need to think so much, just use the fastest speed to deal the maximum damage.

This operation is still really delicate.


If Mo Yi was really a spearman, he might be injured or even take first blood, but his real profession is a mage, and the Alaya Spear in his hand is the best magic wand, which can save Mo Yi from spells. Rock forward and chant a spell to release magic directly.


Directly use one of the most commonly used skills of magicians, substitute scarecrow, and replace the position instantly by setting the scarecrow.

"Doesn't this work either?"

Bayi Yonglin stood on the branch of a big tree that stretched up to the sky, looking at Mo Yi who was more than ten meters away.

The opponent was really slippery. First there was a space transfer, and then there was a similar space transfer, but even the spell to separate the space couldn't stop the reverse summoning magic.

The principle of the scarecrow is a summoning spell. The caster and the prepared scarecrow summon each other at the same time, thus achieving the effect of transposition. Because it involves contract-type abilities, simple space blockade cannot prevent this kind of prepared summons. technique.

"Ho ho ho—"

After watching this round of probing, Kaguya on the side quickly clapped her hands and cheered:

"As expected of a master swordsman, this messy move is so ruthless!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Kaguya, are you also a StarCraft player?

Where did I move to tie A?

And I didn’t use a sword either!

After being yelled at by Hui Ye, Mo Yi suddenly felt like he was being watched and didn't want to hit him.

Chapter 610: Could it be that Tianhuo committed suicide? !

Complaints are complaints, Yachi Eirin has to continue fighting. Just because Kaguya is his teammate, Mo Yi can't watch her opponent being captured by Yachi Eirin.

Is my Grandpa Mo Yi's face worthless?

Mo Yi suddenly thought, how about asking Gaia and Alaya to design a special ability for me - the face fruit.

The ability is that once activated, the probability of success will be determined based on the strength of both parties. Once the determination is successful, the other party will give Grandpa Mo Yi face.

After thinking about it, I realized that all my friends have special abilities, but Mo Yi, who is purely a game player, does not have them. This is too disgraceful for the title of Sword Master.

There is no appearance at all, how can you call him a swordsman? !

Bayi Yonglin found that pure archery skills alone seemed unable to defeat Mo Yi. The opponent had too many unknown skills, coupled with the shield with unknown defense, it was really disgusting.

Then he began to show his true strength, using his own unique memory and using archery to perform various powerful fighting methods.

Each of the arrows shot this time has a unique magical effect, such as flame explosion, frost excitement, and armor piercing.

Of course, under the shield of Gaia, it was still easily resisted.

"This defense-"

Bayi Yonglin saw that her technique could not even scratch the skin of the shield, and her heart became more and more solemn. This defense power was too unscientific!

If those arrows just hit a mountain, they would be enough to blast away.

"It seems that the other party has to use the weapon himself."

"I think you're right-"

Relying on various magics, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly found out where Ba Yi Yong Lin was hiding, and then teleported there. This time, the attack method used was not the sharp but easy-to-dodge Alaya Spear, but a strike. The huge Shield of Gaia was directly like a shield strike, sweeping towards Bayi Yonglin.

"It's really fast——"

Facing this blow, Yachi Yonglin could not completely dodge it with her superb physical skills and agility as before, so she took a parrying posture with both hands and a long bow, and forcefully took the shield attack and was knocked away.

Her rich combat experience allowed her to quickly adjust her center of gravity in the air and land easily to release her force. She only suffered impact damage from the shield strike and did not suffer any secondary damage.

However, Mo Yi would not let the opponent leave so easily. As a melee fighter, the best way to fight an archer who also has long-range output is to stick to the opponent and use powerful melee magic combos to hit the opponent.

Bayi Yonglin was well prepared. She used the long bow in her hand to take advantage of the light armor. She used various exaggerated and soft physical skills to avoid Mo Yi's spear and shield attacks. The legs were also looking for opportunities and kept kicking at Mo Yi's defensive blind spot, forcing Mo Yi to return to defense.

It was a really exciting fight in a short period of time, with the atmosphere of Euler vs. Mu Da.

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