Sato Kazuma: "..."

Boss Mo Yi, you just looked so angry that you wanted to demolish the store, how dare others take it slow!

Then just as Sato Kazuma thought, the succubus girl walked very fast and disappeared soon.

Mo Yi was not in a hurry, ordered a glass of juice, drank it leisurely and waited.

Five minutes later, the succubus girl came back sweating profusely, showed a stiff smile to Grandpa Mo Yi, and said:

"Guest, the queen has agreed."

"Can you please come with me to her office?"


How dare you ask me to go to the office? Are all people in today's mixed-race careers so arrogant?

Could it be that he wanted to call him over, and then a group of succubus girls would surround him and teach Mo Yi how to behave?

Arrogant, too arrogant!

"no problem--"

After hearing Mo Yi snort, the succubus girl almost fainted from fright. Fortunately, Mo Yi didn't do anything on the spot. Otherwise, based on the opponent's magic resistance, she would have known that this was definitely not a big boss that a scumbag succubus like her could deal with. .

Chapter 613: Brave Mo Yi

"Kazuma, you go back first, I'll go meet the so-called Succubus Queen——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said seriously:

"It might be dangerous later, but you don't have to worry about me."

Sato Kazuma: "..."

He felt that ordinary succubus girls couldn't stand it, not to mention the succubus queen, who was indeed very dangerous.

"Ahem, no problem -"

Sato Kazuma also said seriously:

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. If you can't retreat, I will wait for you in the union. If necessary, I will come back to find someone. We have many people, so we are not afraid of them!"

Mo Yi: "..."

I always felt that the danger Sato Kazuma mentioned was not the same thing as the danger he mentioned.

"I'm here, it's safe, don't worry."

The succubus girl on the side became even more frightened after hearing this.

This is obviously going to cause trouble!

What did we do wrong? We just used our ability to benefit people, let everyone have a good dream, and relieve the hard life during the day. This also offended you?

Can you please stop hitting me later? I'm afraid of pain. I'll lie down and pretend to be dizzy. .

Under Mo Yi's kind smile, the succubus girl led Mo Yi tremblingly through the bar lobby and a dark corridor. Mo Yi finally walked to a room.

After the succubus girl opened it, she made a "please" gesture and hurriedly ran away. It's better not to disturb the big boss's affairs for a miscellaneous fish like her. If you watch the show, you will be hit by unknown AoE.

After Mo Yi walked inside, he happened to see a purple-haired succubus sleeping on the table.

Why can it be confirmed that it is a succubus?

The opponent's horns and the pair of fleshy wings that looked a bit big even when folded had fully demonstrated the opponent's identity.

"It's coming——"

The purple-haired succubus raised her head and muttered:

"Let me see who it is. I need the Queen to personally take action."

"Hehe, I like strong warriors the most."

After saying that, Muzhu licked his lips.

Then, the other party became confused.

And Mo Yi also extracted information about the other party from his long-standing memory. After all, he was once beaten by the other party, and was patted on the ground with his tail rolled up, and he even almost became a real man in the other party.

"The Four Heavenly Kings, Aluelma?"

The beginning of Mo Yi's journey was the world that Mo Yi later called Mo Yi Continent. At that time, the world was in turmoil due to the confrontation between the Demon King and the Goddess. It was against this background that Mo Yi witnessed what he once took care of. After his villagers and friends were brutally killed by monsters, he embarked on the path of a brave man.

The first mentor was Ilyas (younger sister-chan) who was injured and fainted after fighting the Demon King. With her help, she became a hero.

After the other party returned to the God Realm for business, the friend behind him was the Demon King Alice Fitz, who was beaten to the side of the road in revenge by Elias. After saving the other party and being followed to his home, they had a conversation. , the other party successfully joined the team and became Mo Yi's new teammate and teacher.

Under her guidance, I learned the magic system, and then obtained the recognition and help of the four elemental spirits. After I felt that I was almost done with my practice, I embarked on a training journey with the purpose of defeating the devil.

Of course, if you want to defeat the Demon King, you must first defeat the Four Heavenly Kings under the Demon King's throne, and Alueluma masters the power of wind. At first glance, she is good at magic power, but she is indeed the succubus queen of a god-level martial artist.

The way Mo Yi got to know the other party was to challenge him. However, as a brave man, of course it was impossible to pass in one go. After failing once and escaping, he only succeeded in defeating the other party the second time.

Of course, it was just a defeat. The opponent did not show his real power at all, the power of the world's strongest martial artist.

As the journey comes to an end, the other party appears again, because the friend beside Mo Yi is the demon king that Mo Yi is determined to defeat.

Later, under a series of accidents, Mo Yi successfully killed the Demon King's sister. After learning the truth, he embarked on the road to resist the goddess Ilias.

The Four Heavenly Kings, who started out as bosses, naturally became Mo Yi's new friends.

This is the reason why Mo Yi knows the other party. After all, the other party is one of the few who has defeated his boss and later became a member of his friends (harem).

However, with the fall of the god Ilias, everyone's journey has come to an end.

When Ilyas was still there, everyone could still live in peace, but when the enemy disappeared, Mo Yi, as the brave man who killed the Demon King, finally found peace among everyone.

So, everyone returned to their respective places.

Later, Mo Yi continued the dream of Demon King Alice Fitz to create a world where monsters and humans coexist peacefully. In the process, he naturally came into contact with Alua, the succubus queen.

After the new world was completed and some time passed, Mo Yi chose to leave Mo Yi Continent and enter reincarnation.

"I knew how a guy like you could die——"

Alueluma was surprised for a few seconds, then laughed at herself:

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