Except for the ability of 'time pause', Sakuya Izayoi is a battle maid who is stronger than ordinary people. In Mo Yi's eyes, she is really not good enough. A battle maid or something, after all, she is still a maid. How about bullying Gensokyo? It's okay for ordinary people, but it's really not okay for people who are exposed to the mysterious world.

Facing the opponent's flying knife, Mo Yi didn't want to do too many fancy tricks, so he teleported to the opponent's back, then hit the opponent on the back of the neck with a hand knife, and the opponent immediately fainted. past.

And the temporary effect of time is also lifted.


Remilia is very confident in her head maid. For a truly strong person, she may not be able to play a big role.

But to deal with those whose strength is lower than hers, the ability to pause time is really a magic tool for cutting grass. It has a great ability that can be used in seconds!

However, Mo Yi is not the humans she has met before. In Gensokyo, there may not be any powerful humans, but in other worlds, humans are the masters of the world.

So Mo Yi faced a boss like this, a boss that Remilia had never encountered before.

Seeing Mo Yi appear behind her maid, and then Sakuya also fainted and fell down, Remilia naturally knew it, and she whispered to Mo Yi, her maid should be gone.

However, she has never been a rational person. When she saw Sakuya, who was said to be her maid, but was actually a family member, being knocked down, she didn't care that this was a banquet place, which was not suitable for fighting in a rage, and her body instantly boiled with a strong red color. magic.


Reimu was not surprised that Mo Yi killed Sakuya Izayoi instantly. After all, her mother had told her that Mo Yi's father was a real boss, and the game world they were in at the moment was just created by the other party at will. , in other words, the opponent's strength was at the level of Shenqi, the Lord of the Demon Realm she had encountered before.

Of course, in Reimu's eyes, the demon world created by Kamiki is completely different from the Yakumo World, both in size and complexity.

Even so, Shenqi was the most powerful being she had ever encountered. When she entered the demon world by mistake, she was able to leave because of the opponent. Even Yakumo Murasaki was definitely no match for the opponent.

Yeah, that's what the bastard Yakumo Murasaki said. Although the other person is very unreliable, he is never ambiguous about these things.

In other words, Mo Yi's father's fighting power is absolutely crushing compared to anyone here. A mere Remilia who can't even defeat her, if she provokes the Creator God of this world, isn't that asking for death?

The reason why Reimu stood in front of the other party was not only to gain favorability with Mo Yi's father, but also to protect Remilia, a fool.

If she takes action, she will be beaten to tears at most. If Mo Yi's father takes action, the outcome is hard to say. Because he has never gotten along with Mo Yi, Lingmeng doesn't know Mo Yi's character very well. If you dare to mess with me, I will kill the other person's character, then Remilia will be in trouble.

No matter what, the other party often helped her, and Lingmeng was still very grateful to the other party. He regarded the other party as a friend, so how could he watch her seek death?

It's a pity that Remilia, a spoiled guy, couldn't see the deeper meaning of Reimu at all. In other words, because of Reimu's behavior in front of her at this moment, she became even more angry.


"How dare you do this to Sakuya!"

Facing Remilia who was about to get angry, Mo Yi smiled calmly and asked:

"Yeah, you're right, I treat her like this, what can you do?"

The world where Gensokyo is located does not have human beings who can punish aliens, but it does not mean that we do not have them here. No matter whether the other party has committed any crimes before, Mo Yi cannot recognize the other party's attitude of complaining first.

Mo Yi's patience is not for a guy like this. Although he is very cute, it has nothing to do with me, Mo Yi!

Chapter 632: Meeting the Mianyue sisters again

"Remilia, shut up—"

"Bite your teeth!"

Seeing Remilia who didn't listen to her advice, Reimu yelled, and then a 'sub-hole (teleportation)' flashed to Remilia's side, which was a friendly fist that broke the face——

"Calm down!"

Remilia: "..."

She never expected that Lingmeng would be so decisive and even more irritable than she was. She thought it would take two rounds of verbal quarreling before a fight could begin, but Lingmeng didn't give her a chance. If he didn't defeat her as soon as possible, wouldn't he? Give her a chance to anger Mo Yi's father?

At that time, it was not just a matter of knocking her out, but a matter of being directly wiped out by Mo Yi.

Mo Yi's strength is far superior to that of the other party. They are still in the world created by Mo Yi. Isn't it an extremely simple thing to kill a little bat like Remilia? Demon?

You can refer to Groudon who is being beaten by a crowd. Thousands of people are beating the little monster, but Mo Yi's father made it up.

"You actually hit me?"

Remilia looked at Reimu in disbelief.

Mo Yi: "..."

Reimu, did you shout the wrong line? It's not about shutting up, it's about shutting up!

And Reimu's movements like Remilia naturally alarmed other Gensokyo residents.

Under the crowd, Remilia felt even more embarrassed and angry.

Looking at Remilia, who was unyielding and ready to explode, Reimu sighed and thought, 'This is all for the good of the other party', so he rushed forward again, this time using his ultimate move——

"Dream Seal!"

Under the light of countless talismans and spells, Remilia was directly hit by Reimu's ultimate move.

Then he lost the ability to resist in an instant and could only fall to the ground, leaving tears of regret.

Remilia: "..."

If you don't agree with each other, you'll escalate your tactics——

"I lost."

Lingmeng turned back to Mo Yi and said:

"Abba, I'll take this bat with me and give it a good education."

Mo Yi: "..."

At first glance, Lingmeng's behavior seemed to be trying to please him. Well, in fact, it was indeed trying to please him. Of course, Mo Yi also saw the deeper thoughts in the other person's heart, which was to protect Remilia.


"I'm not that stingy."

"I also know what you are thinking. Lingmeng, you are indeed as gentle as Feng Chime."

"Go ahead."


Reimu Hakurei asked Marisa to drag Sakuya Izayoi, while she dragged Remilia to the side and reasoned with them.

This miko is here to save you, otherwise you would have died long ago!

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