"Shi-chan, this is your home too. Remember, there is someone waiting for you here."

"This time, don't make me wait another thousand years."

After saying that, he turned around with a blush and walked back to the coffee shop, otherwise Mo Yi would have a chance to reply.


Mo Yi looked at the cafe that was getting bright again, and his heart suddenly warmed up. This is what we call home!

Just when he was about to say something to Emi-chan who walked into the cafe, Yusa Emi appeared from the cafe door again, threatening Mo Yi with an extremely vicious expression:

"Shi-chan, you must not let the goddess know about our affairs, otherwise——"

"Otherwise, I will kill you using your favorite method first, and then confess to the goddess that you used force to coerce me."

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, this is the real reason why you don't want to go to my house, because you are afraid of meeting my sister-chan.

Moreover, what you say is not a confession, it is clearly a reversal of the facts!

What about being honest and trustworthy?

I didn’t expect you to be such a brave woman, Emi-chan!

"Also, remember to come to me, otherwise I will miss you so much, Mo Yi!"

After that, we actually walked into the coffee shop.

The second chapter of Meet at the Nine-Eight Cafe - The Fight between the Female Hero and the Demon God has officially come to an end.

Continue your unscrupulous rants in the next chapter!

That's right, the next chapter will be the scene where the Bilibili Empire Legion appears. This time the heroine is a very famous yandere!

"Do you want to watch it? If it's you, yes!" - Mysterious heroine

Chapter 92: Let me go that girl!

Looking at the moon in the sky that looked like a mooncake that Youyouzi took a bite out of, Mo Yi, who was in a good mood, suddenly wanted to sing "Above the Moon"——

"I'm looking in the distance, how many dreams are flying freely on the moon -"

But the abnormally quiet environment around him ruined the singing mood of the love singer king Mo Yi.

"This kind of technique is similar to driving away idlers, but it is not a technique commonly used by government soldiers and civilian police——"

Mo Yi's extended hand seemed to be stroking something in the air, and he muttered:

"I'm afraid it's another hunting plot involving a perverted magician, a dead apostle, and a ghoul."

"No wonder, it's only around seven o'clock in the evening, and Akihabara is completely silent. It's not scientific at all."

"Now that I have been met by this master out of interest, you are dead!"

By touching the energy fluctuations of the spell in the air, Mo Yi instantly discovered the opening center of the spell, and then quickly walked there, intending to do something heroic.

You dare to cause trouble in Emi-chan's territory, you don't want to live anymore!

————The dividing line between life and death speed————

"Give up. As long as you obediently hand over your powers of Chuuni, radio waves, poisonous tongue, and literature, you can go home happily!"

Sin Devil Rabbit said to Wu Geng Liuli who was still holding the cat fist at him:

"Although my favorite attribute is the rabbit ears attribute, the power of your attribute is so dazzling that I can't help but want to try it!"

Beside the Sin Demon Rabbit, there were countless people who looked like bad guys, wearing strange biochemical suits, surrounding Wu Geng Liuli and several other girls.

Well, there were also quite a few cute boys and girls who fainted on the ground.

"Damn it!"

After Wu Geng Ruri was dragged away by Erina, she went to work somewhere nearby in the afternoon.

On the way home from get off work, a large number of guys who looked like aliens suddenly appeared, and then they surrounded everyone nearby.

He said strange words, what kind of attribute power, Loli Segao, who likes the words of gentlemen like rabbit ears the most, and then put his hands on the person who was caught there.

After a burst of light, those caught will faint and fall to the ground.

I thought that such a scene would only appear in my fantasy, but I didn't expect that such a thing actually happened in the real world.

Faced with the terrible situation of more and more people being brutally murdered, what should I do?

"Hey hey hey-"

Sin Devil Rabbit said with a look of bewildered jealousy on his face:

"Little sister, I found that the black Lolita skirt you are wearing, paired with my rabbit, will produce unexpected effects!"

"Come here quickly and let uncle help you put on the rabbit ears!"

The bunny-eared girl is very cute, but the weirdo in front of the black cat is not a cute bunny-eared girl. You can imagine that she is a western fantasy version of a genetically mutated bunny spirit. What is even more terrifying is that the other person is like a liar holding a lollipop. The little girl looked at the goldfish, but the difference was that it was holding a pair of rabbit ear headdresses.

"No, you pervert!"

"Who would like something as perverted as rabbit ears?"

Facing the Sin Demon Rabbit, who was approaching step by step, Wu Geng Liuli pretended not to be afraid, and used the Cat Fist. Wu Geng Liuli's legs began to tremble, and she kept backing away. She still said forcefully:

"Let me tell you, I am Fuyuki's fallen holy black cat. If you come here again, I will be rude. My mortality curse is no joke, you pervert!"


After hearing the warning and curse of the black cat, the sin demon rabbit seemed to be screamed out by some strange stimulation. After a while, he woke up from the state of ascending to heaven, looked at the black cat in fascination again, and said with a smile:

"Little sister, thank you for your hospitality. What a wonderful curse!"

"However, I will not ignore you just because of your hospitality and insult the best attributes of rabbit ears in my heart."

"Even if you call me a pervert ten more times, I won't let you go."

"Just wear my rabbit ears obediently, fall in love with them, and then let me take away your attribute power!"


Damn Aqua, Black Cat was extremely sure at this moment that she had really encountered an alien monster, and it was also a pervert.

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