"Hey——, it doesn't hurt."

Yinglili was so frightened that she screamed. After a few seconds, she realized that there was no severe pain as she imagined. Instead, an indescribable feeling came out from deep inside her body, as if she was being touched by someone. Feelings like the most sensitive place.

It's a little comfortable, but also a little uncomfortable. I really want the other person to stroke the deepest itchy spot in my body again and release the greatest desire hidden in my heart. If I had to describe this indescribable feeling in one sentence, it would be -

I want to cum!

However, it was not only Eiri who was confused, but also Kurumi Tokisaki who was constantly chasing them from behind. Although she was so happy chasing Mo Yi, she actually started to regret it after she started attacking Mo Yi. .

Although Mo Yi doesn't know how to use his own power, who knows that the other party is in a bad mood today, just wants to bully a weakling, or has some mysterious means to do it without being discovered by the cute emperor. Kill yourself.

But the shot has been fired, there is no turning back, I can only fight with all my strength, but I didn't expect that the opponent is so difficult to deal with, and all my abilities are useless. I can protect the blond girl on my body with my physical ability alone, and at the same time, perfectly defend myself. attack.

However, the other party's behavior suddenly made Shi Lezhi want to kill him. Why didn't she get scared?

Could it be that the other party finally got impatient and didn't want to protect the girl, so he killed the girl.

You know, many powerful people have all kinds of strange hobbies, just like His Majesty the Cute Emperor, who likes to be in a daze and act cute at home, watching anime and playing games.

And Master Yakumo, who is at the same level as His Majesty the Moe Emperor, might be a pervert. Since he can kill his teammates, he definitely doesn't mind killing himself.

Ying Lili, who recovered from the panic, looked at Mo Yi's right hand that went directly through her clothes and inserted it into nowhere, and complained:

"Senior Mo Yi, couldn't you have explained what you were going to do before? You are so scary!"

"Besides, this is my first time. If you come in suddenly, it will be broken. It feels very strange now. Can you hurry up and push harder? It's a little itchy."

"Also, if possible, can you explain what is going on? Is the world I live in not a world of daily technology, but a world of science fiction?"

Mo Yi: "..."

You are indeed my favorite teacher Huang Man, Ying Lili, you are very talented, come home with me and learn from the drawing book!

"Because I made an agreement with her boss not to use my own power to interfere in their war with our world, although I have to borrow your power to defeat the other party."

After Mo Yi saw that Tokisaki Kurumi no longer pursued him, he explained in a hurry:

"My right hand is inserted into the depths of your soul. Through the power of the king in my hand, I extract the power of your soul and attribute power and weave them into weapons that can be used to defeat the opponent."

"Do you understand now?"


Ying Lili looked at Mo Yi's right hand that was still inside her body and the blue light that kept coming out of her heart with a look of realization, and said:

"I understand, Senior Mo Yi!"

"Then can you finish it quickly? Although it's not uncomfortable, it's even a little comfortable, but I still feel itchy deep in my body."

"Besides, the crazy woman behind her seems to be trying to escape. We can't let her just run away after showing off, Senior Mo Yi!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Forget it, I still won’t complain about your painterly words of description, but I don’t see that you are quite vindictive, Eiri. It seems that Kurumi Tokisaki really scared you.

"Then I'll pull it out, Yinglili!"

Mo Yi glanced at Tokisaki Kurumi, who turned around and ran away, and said loudly:

"Ah♂, my king's power!"

Chapter 97: This is the beauty that belongs to you, Yinglili!

Mo Yi pulled out his right hand forcefully from Yinglili's body, and a faint blue crystal pillar was pulled out from Yinglili's heart.

In an instant, a blue beam of light shot out from the crystal and penetrated the sky——


Yinglili's whole body tensed up, then relaxed again. She opened her eyes in exhaustion and said:

"It's too rough, it feels like it's going to be broken——"

At the moment Mo Yi dialed the call, Ying Lili made a strange cry and at the same time, the BGM sword-drawing song "βiοc" sounded at the same time——

"The abandoned ruins are still beautiful. I have always been here, waiting for you to come back, holding tightly to that forget-me-not——"

Under the passionate music, Ying Lili, who seemed to have been hollowed out of her body, was so weak that she was hugged by Mo Yi. She looked at it with half-open eyes. The crystal pillar in Mo Yi's hand continued to transform while emitting a blazing blue light. , and finally turned into a large hatchet that was two meters long.

She looked at the hatchet held high in Mo Yi's right hand with anticipation and excitement in her eyes, and said in disbelief:

"Senior Mo Yi, is this a weapon woven from my heart? A big hatchet?"

Mo Yi: "..."

In fact, Mo Yi was confused at this moment. He never expected that the weapon that Ying Lili trusted the most in her heart was actually a hatchet. He thought it was a gun or a knight's sword, which are the weapons that girls like more.

You must know that Mo Yi did not use his own power to modify the opponent's psychic weapon at this moment. This was completely formed by Ying Lili's mind and the power of her attributes.

It goes without saying what the hatchet means to two-dimensional enthusiasts like Mo Yi and Ying Lili.

I didn't realize that you are such a Yinglili. I thought you were a hidden complainer, but I didn't expect that the attribute that is most hidden is the yandere.

It can be seen that Eiri is a hidden yandere, which is why Kurumi Tokisaki, who has the dual attributes of twin tails and yandere, fell in love with Eiri and had the patience to play with her for so long.

This is the legendary law that yanderes attract each other.


Mo Yi, who didn't know how to complain, saw Ying Lili looking at the kitchen knife in her hand with the happiness of looking at a newborn child, and didn't know what expression to use to tell the other person, yes, this is the body of your soul - Chai knife.

I had no choice but to muddle through with a serious expression and said:

"Even though it is just a hatchet, it is actually very powerful. In addition to chopping firewood like clay, it is also capable of chopping people."

"That's right, Yinglili, this hatchet perfectly reflects your soul that shines with the light of humanity."

"It's so beautiful. I've wanted to buy a custom-made hatchet like this for a long time. I'm just afraid of being discovered by my mother's pestering guy. I didn't expect that what I have always longed for is hidden in my body."

Ying Lili didn't seem to hear, or didn't care about Mo Yi's words at all, and said excitedly:

"Senior Mo Yi, hurry up and teach that crazy woman a lesson with a hatchet. She seems to have run away."

"Let her see the true power of Sawamura Spencer Eri!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, the attributes of Yinglili are really rich, and I have discovered the hidden attribute of the second grade. It seems that the attribute power of an Yinglili is six times that of ordinary girls. If you eat one, you can stop eating beef for a month.

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