"Eat my polygamy emasculating punch!"


Ying Lili, who was still in Mo Yi's car, didn't expect Mo Yi to come back next to her and suddenly accelerate and jump up, kicking the opponent at high speed and shouting loudly:

"The skirt will fly up and reveal the red Victoria's Secret!"

That's right, our hero Mo Yi made his debut amidst Ying Lili's screams!

"Red Victoria's Secret?"

The Sin Demon Rabbit, who was about to succeed, was first frightened by Mo Yi's awe-inspiring declaration of attack, and then was instantly attracted by the content of Ying Lili's screams. He only fantasized about the red Victoria's Secret, and simply kicked Mo Yi's God of War. Respond.

"Ah, why can't you see it? I want-"

Before the Sin Devil Rabbit could rush to check the welfare, Mo Yi's flying kick focused on its weak point and flew out. He fell to the ground more than twenty meters away and rolled and wailed.

I don’t know if he was kicked because of his weakness, or because he regretted not accepting Yinglili’s benefits in time!

After rescuing an innocent magical girl in time, Mo Yi released the jealous Ying Lili and said:

"Eiri, you and Black Cat and the others hide in a safe place first."

After that, I wanted to check on the red ponytail who was still half-kneeling on the ground because she was tortured by the Sin Demon Rabbit.

"Senior Mo Yi——"

Mo Yi was about to leave but was grabbed by Ying Lili's hand, so he had to look back at Ying Lili, who was still standing there with her face flushed, and asked:

"What's the matter, Yinglili?"

Ying Lili glanced at Mo Yi's confused expression, then lowered her head after a few seconds and said:

"Senior Mo Yi, you heard wrong just now. In fact, I didn't wear red Victoria's Secret. That was from yesterday. I'm wearing white today. Don't misunderstand the kind of girl I am!"

After saying that, she let go of her paw and quickly ran towards the confused Wu Geng Liuli.

Mo Yi: "..."

I don't care what color you are wearing today, Eiri!

If I want to know, I just need to activate EX Clairvoyance, and I will know the color from the first time in my life to today, so I don’t need you to tell me.

If you tell me what color it is, how can it be more interesting than secretly finding out the truth yourself?

This is the real reason why teenagers like to watch detective dramas——

Spoiler dogs and stuff are the most annoying.

Moreover, your explanation just now has a lot of flaws. Due to time constraints, I won’t complain about it.

So, Mo Yi glanced at Ying Lili, who secretly looked back at him, then walked up to the lovely girl with twin tails who fell to the ground, helped her up and asked:

"Sister, are you okay?"

The red ponytail who escaped was finally able to stand up from the paralysis caused by being tied up with the help of Mo Yi. Mo Yi said:

"It's okay, thank you for saving me."

Mo Yi: "..."

Red ponytail: "···"

This time, with just one glance, both parties recognized each other.

No wonder the back looks so familiar. It turns out to be a red ponytail. After all, Mo Yicai and Echizen Ryoma watched "I Want to Become a Red Ponytail" a few days ago, and they naturally recognized it.

"It turns out it's you, Echizen—"

Mo Yi deduced the truth of the matter in an instant, and the smile on his face suddenly stiffened. He was just a daily hero saving beauties, why did he meet the boy who was guided by him to the path of twin pony tails?

Seeing the frail look that made boys' hearts flutter just like the red ponytail, Mo Yi realized that he seemed to have done something extraordinary. As the other person's reputation spread, no one knew how many innocent boys, such as Da Teachers will regard red ponytails as heroes and idols, thus embarking on a philosophical path of no return.

But bang, it’s really terrible!

I didn't expect that I would actually weave such a beautiful dream for the majority of young people. I hope that after they know the truth, they can retreat from men instead of following men.


After hearing Mo Yi call out half of his name, the red ponytail quickly interrupted:

"Senior Mo Yi, you've got the wrong person. My name is Hong Ponytail, and I'm just a new hero motivated by interest."

Mo Yi: "..."

Boy, no, girl, you like it!

As your life mentor, I will respect all your choices. This is the correct attitude of a mentor.

After being rescued, Hong Ponytail saw his life mentor Mo Yi, and a suppressed feeling of grievance and incomprehension burst out from his heart.

In the past few days, my father has been belittling his twin pony tails in an attempt to make me change my belief. On the other hand, my twin pony tails' power did not allow me to defeat the evil devil rabbit.

As a fledgling, she naturally couldn't help but be shaken, especially after looking at Mo Yi, she couldn't help but ask:

"Senior Mo Yi, is there really a twin ponytail in this world that will never fade away? Is the twintail that I believe in really not just something that little girls believe in? I can really become the most righteous in the world. Is he an idol tennis player with twin tails?"


Facing Echizen Ryoma who was guided by him to the right path, Mo Yi categorically affirmed:

"The great secret treasure One Piece exists!"

I helped with the cleaning today. It’s only the first update today, but the author didn’t go to bed until after the third update, so he’s full of integrity!

Chapter 100: I am the man who wants to become the King of Twin Tails

Oops, I messed up my lines!

It was all the moon's fault. The other party's question just hit Mo Yi's itch. In addition, Mo Yi also spent the night painting "One Piece" last night, so he couldn't help but say classic lines.

But when I saw the confused girl with a red ponytail, I had no choice but to kneel down and round out the sentence above, otherwise my image of a perfect life mentor would be shattered.

"Human dreams will never end——"

"As long as you have a dream in your heart, there will be no heart in this world that will run towards the sea. With this belief, you will always find your one piece!"

"Red Ponytail, do you understand now?"

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