"You have to think carefully, when you decide to go on, you will no longer be an ordinary person."


The boy with a red pony tail, no, it should be said that the boy named Echizen Ryoma turned his back to Mo Yi and nodded, and walked into the distance with the firmest faith in his heart.

Seeing the red ponytail gradually leaving, Mo Yi knew that in the future, a legend named the red ponytail was rising in the world of District 11.

Her epic has just begun!

"A person's dreams will never end, Red Ponytail."

Mo Yi sighed, then turned back and pulled the still confused Ying Lili and Black Cat away from the scene, so as not to be blocked by the relevant departments, otherwise they would have to act cute to get away.

If you meet the urban management team leader Hakurei Fuzu or the police team leader Isayama Yoshizumi, you will be in trouble.

Chapter 101: Fate is so wonderful

For Wu Geng Liuli, the black cat, today's experience was too fantastic.

First, he was appreciated by Master Yakumo and invited to join their game production project. At night, he was attacked by aliens and was rescued by a passing red ponytail. Of course, it was also thanks to the contribution of senior Mo Yi.

Although I couldn't understand what Mo Yi's senior Hong Hong Ponytail said, from Mo Yi's full words, it could be seen that Mo Yi was a more powerful being.

Until now, it was so exciting to be suddenly hugged by Senior Mo Yi and quickly move away from the crime scene.

My life in the past fifteen years seems not as exciting as it is today!

It turns out that the fantasy I have always had exists, and there really is a so-called mysterious power in this world.

"Senior Mo Yi, if we leave like this, what will happen to the others?"

Unlike Black Cat, who was still digesting the reality, Ying Lili, who was already somewhat accustomed to Mo Yi's black car, couldn't help but express her doubts.

"This world is not as simple as you think. The government naturally has corresponding mysterious powers. I have broken the enchantment somewhere, and someone will be there to clean up the aftermath in less than three minutes."

After running for a while, Mo Yi put down the black cat and Ying Lili in his arms and said:

"If we continue to stay there, we will be blocked by the relevant departments. If they confirm that you are just ordinary people, they will take out a flash pen. If you are hit by that pen, you will lose your memory of today."

"I think you don't want to lose your memory for no reason!"

After hearing Mo Yi's words, both Ying Lili and Black Cat shook their heads. After all, no one likes to have amnesia, and although today's experience was thrilling, there were still many memories worth remembering.

"It's getting late, let me take you home!"

Mo Yi, who has a gentlemanly demeanor, will naturally not leave the two frightened girls and go home alone.

Then, the three of them seemed to return to their ordinary lives, riding the tram together and chatting quietly. Of course, most of them were curious black cats asking questions and Mo Yi answering.

However, the most amazing thing is that besides Yinglili and Mo Yi, it turns out that Black Cat is also from Fuyuki High School, but in the junior high school.

Moreover, their address is not far away, so there is no need to take a detour, and we can take a ride together back to Fuyuki City, where nuclear power will still be leveled tonight.

"Senior Mo Yi, Ying Lili, I'm almost home."

At a certain intersection, Black Cat waved goodbye to Mo Yi and Ying Lili:

"Don't continue sending me off, goodbye!"

After seeing Wu Geng Liuli away, Mo Yi and Ying Lili continued on their way home, naturally chatting during the process.

"So your home also passes through this Detective Slope?"

Eirili walked in front of the slope full of cherry blossoms that she climbed every day and asked:

"Then why didn't I see Senior Mo Yi on the way to and from school?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Why is this slope called Detective Slope? It’s such a crude name, but the name I secretly helped change it to, Lover’s Slope, sounds better.

I have seen him before, I must have seen him before. In my memory, I have only seen him a few times. However, Yinglili, who was out of breath even when walking uphill, certainly had no intention of observing a handsome guy she didn't know.

However, Mo Yi, whose emotional intelligence is mostly online, will naturally not tell the truth. This is a way of chatting to death!

"If we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, if we are not destined to meet each other, we will not meet each other -"

Mo Yi decided to use literature and art to let his descendants understand that I, Master Yakumo, am not a superficial and slow teacher who can only speak dirty words, but a romantic poet who is hiding in the pornographic industry to find someone. He said:

"Fate, now that we are here, we naturally get to know each other."

Yinglili: "···"

She originally just wanted to find something to talk about, but the other person suddenly became artistic, which really made her uncomfortable. We are all Huang Man teachers, why are you so showy and outstanding!

You are such an excellent person, how can I answer it? If you want to talk to me about some things in the industry, I can still say a few words.

I really can’t handle such literary and artistic words, Master Yakumo!

Moreover, these words are a bit ambiguous. Could it be that Senior Mo Yi wants to tease me?

At this time, she first thought of the figure of a certain guy in her memory who always made her angry, and then she thought of Erina who stretched out the hand of God to tickle herself and smiled kindly at her.

It’s not that no one has flirted with me, but this time the person flirting with me is not an ordinary person, but the master of the Eighteen Forbidden Realms, Master Yakumo. If I really become the other person’s girlfriend, won’t I have to be caught in the other person’s book? Thousands of tricks can be turned into hot weapons?

But bang, it’s so photogenic!

Although this is very sexual, Yinglili feels that her petite body cannot bear such an exciting life.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shudder a few times before she stopped her meaningless fantasy.

So, she blushed and secretly took a look at Mo Yi, but found that the strange expression in the book did not appear on his face. He looked extremely serious, like a poet lamenting the impermanence of the world.

Yes, Yinglili even saw the poet's melancholy in the other person's eyes!

It seems that I am overthinking it.

Yinglili was a little disappointed and laughed at herself.

However, the lively chat atmosphere between the two ended due to Mo Yi's artistic style.

After all, you can't ask Teacher Kashiwagi Eri to use the same literary and artistic words to talk to Mo Yi.

In short, Master Yakumo accidentally chatted to death again.

"finally reached--"

Mo Yi, who accidentally chatted to death, looked at the villa right in front of him with some embarrassment and said:

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