Mo Yi accidentally discovered a big secret, that is, Yinglili's mother has such a powerful childlike ability, so wouldn't Yinglili, who looks the same as her, have the same fighting power?

This is a hidden attribute that is much more powerful and precious than the so-called superficial attributes such as black stockings, blond hair, and twin tails!

After all, no matter how good or beautiful a girlfriend is, the best period of use is only about ten years, but Yinglili has a best period of more than thirty years. How can she be compared with ordinary beauties.

Yinglili, I didn’t expect you to be a Yinglili with such profound inner beauty.

I, Mo Yi, have to admit that I underestimated you before.

"Oh, this unlucky child——"

After Sayuri Sawamura was exposed by Eiri, she was obviously a little unhappy. She puffed up her face and said to Eiri:

"Can't you make your mother happy? Every time you expose this cruel fact, when we go out to fool around, others think I am your sister. You are obviously jealous of my natural beauty."

After that, he turned to Mo Yi and said:

"Mo Yijun, I must have added a lot of mushrooms to my Yinglili. No, it's trouble."

"Thank you for taking her home personally at such a late hour."

Speaking of this, Sayuri Sawamura turned her face sideways in confusion, looked at Mo Yi and muttered:

"Huh? Besides, I seem to have seen your appearance somewhere, Mo Yijun——"

"But for a moment, I couldn't remember it. Did I remember it wrong?"

"You must have remembered it wrong. As you get older, your memory will naturally be poorer, mother."

Yinglili was so disgusted that she stood between Mo Yi and Sayuri, and said contemptuously:

"Please, be a little motherly and don't scare my friends."

Sayuri: "···"

I am more popular than you when I go out to cheat on people. You are so old. You are obviously afraid that your male friends will be attracted by my charm. You are really a pathetic daughter-chan.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at the heart of the angry Eiri with a playful smile.

Chapter 103: Read your BL book!

While Mo Yi watched with great interest the battle of wits between Eiri and her mother and sister, he was dragged into the other party's home by Yuriko Sawamura somehow.

I have to say, Yinglili, you are indeed a pornographic teacher just like me!

As soon as I walked into the other person's home, I realized that the other person's home was not only big. A villa occupied a hilltop, and the decoration inside was also very luxurious. It gave Mo Yi the feeling of being luxurious and low-key.

As the eldest lady, Yinglili became a book painter. Naturally, the only reason is to use love to generate electricity.

Ying Lili watched Mo Yi look at the decorations in the living room with interest, and couldn't help but be afraid that Mo Yi would become flattering or dismissive like her previous friends.

However, when I thought about Erina's appearance as a young lady with a special car to pick her up and drop off, I knew that I was overthinking it. Moreover, the other party was not a male high school student wearing ordinary clothes as he appeared to be. Not to mention the identity of Master Yakumo. Just because the other party is mysterious and can use his ability to use a four-thousand-meter-long sword at will, how can he be poor?

He has abilities beyond ordinary people. As long as he thinks about it, his life will not be bad. How could Yinglili, who had received an elite education since childhood, not understand this truth.

When Mo Yi was about to complain about the corrupt life of rich people, he found Ying Lili looking at him strangely, and he instantly understood. The other person was afraid that he would shout loudly - rich people, let's be friends!

Or, rich man, are you still short of accessories?

Yinglili, you underestimate me, Mo. I have long passed the age where I have to check how many zeros I have in my bank account every day before I can sleep.

With my little knowledge of magic, is it just a matter of chanting the incantation "Grass Mud Horse" to turn a mountain into gold?

When you have no money, turn stones into gold. When you miss a girl, you can summon a maid from another world. You can choose from a variety of beast-eared girls such as Kotamamo and Kiyohime. When you want to beat someone up, just go out and do chivalry and face bad guys. People shouted, I am not targeting anyone below, but everyone here, they are all rubbish——

Master Fa's life is so free and easy, he can do whatever he wants.

If you want to ask how to become a magician, you must first be single for thirty years and accumulate enough magic power as a great magician, and then talk about the next step.

"Yinglili, can you balance your original work and the club's tasks?"

Mo Yi took the initiative to talk about the topic to avoid the other party being embarrassed and said:

"Speak up if you have any difficulties."

"Actually it's not bad——"

Ying Lili seemed to be touched by Mo Yi. At first she was very tough and said in a relaxed manner:

"It's just that the works for the exhibition can only be conceived this winter, and the game planning of my predecessors is so urgent, but now I haven't even finished the planning document, so I can't even start the work."

"Besides, the latest deadline is here again."

"Oh, by the way, I have a work that is also serialized in Yakumo House, and it's the "Vicious Tongue Black Changzhi's Household Daily Life". I wonder if you have seen it, senior?

Mo Yi: "..."

This name always feels full of malice. According to my own observation, the only prototype of Eiri Riri's works is my backseat Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Although I knew you and her would quarrel every time you met, you never thought it would get to this point.

I didn’t expect you to be this kind of Yinglili. How do you want me to look at this work directly?

I'll have to review it carefully when I get back.

Of course, what Mo Yi is more concerned about is who is the prototype of the male protagonist?

Do you want to give Yinglili a taste of the kidney attack of the river crab beast?

When Mo Yi was thinking about whether to give Ying Lili a righteous backstab, Ying Lili seemed to turn on the switch of sadness. The more she spoke of sadness, she kept pouring out the recent work matters and said:

"That bastard Lun Ye only cares about his own ideas and doesn't understand how difficult it is to make a game. He said he believes we can do it."

"Do you think reality is a two-dimensional thing? As long as you have love and hard work, you can realize your dreams?"

"Hundan, who only speaks beautiful words!"


Mo Yi: "..."

At first, he said it was okay, but as he was talking, he even shed tears.

Yinglili, when your mother and sister come back later and see this scene, what should I do?

I'm innocent, I'm really not the murderer!


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