"A real man, Moe Dano——"

Sayuri Sawamura gave Mo Yi a thumbs up and said:

"As long as Mo Yijun and Eirili bring a grandson back to see the teacher, even Erina can only kneel down and sing Conquer."

"Could it be that Mo Yijun, who has already entered Ying Lili's room, is an irresponsible scumbag?"

"What if the unlucky child Yinglili gets pregnant because of this?"

"No way!"

Mo Yi couldn't help but complain:

"I just carried her into the room. I didn't even kiss her. How could she be pregnant?"

————The dividing line after five minutes of mutual complaints————

"Mo Yijun, thank you for sending Ying Lili back in person."

Sayuri Sawamura finally returned to normal, showing the expression a mother should have and said:

"It seems that Yinglili trusts you very much. You are the first boy she has brought home in the past five years."

"I hope you can continue to take care of this child more in the future."

"She is sometimes too demanding and suppresses everything in her heart. With such a personality, it is difficult to recognize a good friend."

"As her mother, I often worry about her because of this."

"Fortunately, now that I have Mo Yijun under your care, I can rest assured."


Mo Yi felt the love and care for Ying Lili in the other person's eyes, and said solemnly:

"No problem, I won't let anyone bully Ying Lili."

"I can rest assured that."

Sayuri Sawamura heard this and said relieved:

"Mo Yijun is the most reassuring boy I have ever seen. Since you say so, then I can feel at ease."

"Well, there's one last question -"

"Master Yakumo, can you draw some BL-oriented books? I've been looking forward to it for many years, but I haven't seen it yet!"

Mo Yi quickly refused: "Sorry, I refuse!"

Over the years, Mo Yi has drawn various types of books, but BL has never been drawn because he really can't accept the exciting scenes of various wrestling battles created in his paintings.

Philosophy is something that you can't accept just by looking at it, let alone having Mo Yi conceive it scene by scene and then depict it stroke by stroke.

This is simply the most cruel public execution!

That's all, I'm sorry I can't accompany you.

Chapter 107: Yangonoko blocking the road

"This beautiful lady, can you please give in, I'm going home in a hurry."

Mo Yi looked speechlessly at the woman in front of him who was using various postures to block his progress, and then looked at the blond girl behind him who was blocking him in the same way to prevent him from taking a detour, and said helplessly:

"It seems we don't know each other, right?"

"Besides, I don't have any money, so I don't need that kind of service. Well, no, I should say, I'm an upright man, so I don't need it."

Even though Yukinoshita Yono was used to living with a mask of disguise and had never seen any big scenes, she was still so angry that Mo Yi's words didn't look like they were pretending and she exploded on the spot.

Damn it, Aqua, I have a lot of money, who do you think I am?

Even if this kind of relationship happens, I will take out a check from my purse afterwards and throw it to you who is still unable to get out of bed because of the excessive magic.

"Mo Yijun, you misunderstood, I am not the kind of person you imagined."

Faced with Mo Yi, whose true identity could not be found out even though she used her family's power, if she hadn't known that her beloved sister had been staying at his house for a few nights, she would have had no interest in visiting him.

Yukinoshita Yangno was calm and tried her best to maintain a friendly smile. Looking at Mo Yi who was tired and impatient, she smiled and said:

"Actually, I just want to ask you a question——"

"I loved you, but I didn't date you. I saved my mother. I've never heard of Amway!"

Mo Yi answered the other party's question wittily and perfectly.

Yukinoshita Harano: "..."

What the hell are you talking about?

Why do you look at me with pity and contempt in your eyes?

Can we have a good conversation, Hundan!

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yono had to admit that you had met a difficult guy. Not to mention that you couldn't tell what the other person was thinking, and the other person had successfully irritated you with just two words and eyes. .

Calm down, Yukinoshita Yono, you are a noble and civilized person!

Mo Yi looked at the short-haired beauty blocking him with interest. Although she looked familiar, Mo Yi could confirm that he didn't recognize her.

However, Mo Yi knew that the person behind him was blocking his way out. Although the other person kept his head down and played with his mobile phone, it seemed that he was still playing a small game that Mo Yi had created - Angry Birds. But Mo Yi was still attracted by it from the first sight. Recognize the identity of the other party - Erquit Brunstad.

The princess of the True Ancestor and the heroine in "Tsukihime".

Although Mo Yi is not planning to make the game "Moon Princess", the other party is also a part of the Xingyue World, so it was slightly mentioned in the recent Xingyue World project.

It is worth noting that the opponent's combat power is extremely strong, one of the strongest in Xingyue. If Mo Yi does not release his seal and fights with the opponent, he will probably be pushed to the ground and rubbed by the opponent.

However, Mo Yi also saw that the opponent was not the real person at this moment, but the heroic spirit of this Holy Grail War, and his strength was naturally incomparable.

With her like this, even Mo Yi in the sealed state is not empty, so Mo Yi is in the mood to tease the other master. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if someone presses you to the ground and rubs you.

Mo Yi doesn't have to go out in the future, because he doesn't have the face to hang out.


Yukinoshita Yangno also became serious, looked at Mo Yi kindly, and asked:

"Mo Yijun, can you explain why my sister Yukinoshita Yukino stayed at your home for a few nights? This is abduction of an underage girl. If you are caught by the police, you will go to jail."

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