Yukinoshita Yukinya never expected that there would be such a terrifying ability in this world. She had already taken a shower several times and changed clothes, and the other party could find out through the smell that she and Mo Yi were having sex in his room. Something unspeakable happened.

However, at this moment, Yukinoko did not lament why the other party could do this. The shame after the secret was revealed made Xuemiao's face uncontrollably blush, and she quickly said:

"I just accidentally bumped into each other at the corner. It should have been at that time that we got stuck together. It's not what you said."

Xuemiao, who never lies, doesn't know why she told her first lie so fluently.

No, I didn’t do anything that I couldn’t tell others, so why would I lie subconsciously?

Seeing the other party's obvious disbelief and contempt for the sneaky cat, Yukinoshita Yukino was very angry and felt that there was something wrong with the other party's words and attitude, but for a moment she didn't know how to refute the other party.

"So it's Erina. Have you had breakfast?"

At this time, Illya, who was bringing out breakfast, saw Erina looking at Yukinoshita Yukino, and said enthusiastically and proactively:

"If not, come and eat with us."

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

After hearing the loli voice that she hated, Erina withdrew her attention from the incompetent Yukinoko and turned to look at the guy she hates most in her life, the legal lolita who likes to pretend to be young and cute. On Illya.

Although his physical age is eighteen years old, he is older than that guy Mo Yi, but he likes to call that guy Mo Yi Ooni-chan in a cute voice to satisfy Mo Yi's evil taste.

It's so abominable (〃>霜), trying to win Mo Yi's favor in such a despicable way.

I thought that after arriving in the new world, Mo Yi would not be able to escape from his grasp and become the exclusive possession of this goddess, but I never expected that a new old enemy would appear - Ilia.

What made Erina the most angry was that the other party invited her to have breakfast together in a host's tone. It seemed that the other party was Mo Yi's wife and she was an outside guest.

Erina, you have to hold back. Your purpose today is not to find bad luck with an old woman who likes to pretend to be a lolita, but to investigate the truth, so hold back.

"No more——"

Erina took a deep breath to prevent herself from showing an expression that was beyond recognition, and asked in a calm tone:

"Where's my Oni-chan? Isn't she awake yet?"


Illya has long been used to Erina's stinky face, and she also knows why the other person dislikes her so much. Especially after she recently learned about his story from Mo Yi, she understands the other person's mood even more.

If I were the other party, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better. After all, I was the one who came first, why would it be like this!

Although Illya understands and even sympathizes with the other party, she has always stood firmly by Mo Yi's side. When she needs to confront Erina, she will not be soft-hearted.

The more important reason is that love is selfish. The other party wants to monopolize Onii-chan. As Illya, who likes Onii-chan the most, of course she will not let the other party succeed.

"After he finished telling me a story last night, he was still working but he went to bed very late. He should not be awake yet."

"This guy--"

Erina stared fiercely at Illya who showed an innocent smile, and thought to herself:

"As expected, Ilia and I dislike each other the most!"

No matter how unhappy she was, she still had to do what needed to be done - the ability of God's Nose was activated, and she smelled the full scent of Mo Yi from the other party as usual.

But as usual, it was probably just the smell left after being picked up and touched by Mo Yi. It didn't have the smell of heather, so the murderer wasn't her.

Regarding the issue of driving with Illya, the tentative plan is after the plot of the broken cup ends and the wife is resurrected.

Chapter 117: No matter who you are, you are dead

Hum o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——

After the biggest suspect was eliminated again, the fierce look Erina looked at Illya dissipated a lot, and turned into a pitiful and sad look.

Ilya, Ilya!

I thought you were the biggest obstacle in my life, but I never thought that you, who lived with Mo Yi, would be nothing more than a loser.

I wanted to keep you here to help me ward off other pests, but I didn't expect that you, Illya, can't even do this. This goddess is really disappointed.

Therefore, Erina couldn't help but look pitiful and pitiful when looking at Illya, which made the confused Illya shudder.

It is understandable that the other party looked at her with a vicious look, and Illya has long been used to the other party's hatred.

But what is this pitiful and weird look about?

"Illya, just continue to act like you know nothing!"

After Erina said something meaningful and specious to Illya, she walked to the room where Mo Yi was with a proud smile, intending to find the truth directly from the perpetrator.

"Then I'm going to wake up my sleepy and stupid Onii-chan first."

Although Erina left, everyone present fell into an unusual silence because of her words.

Illya was thinking about Erina's pitiful look and those clueless words.

Yukinoshita Yukinya, on the other hand, fell into self-denial and thinking because she lied and violated her usual rules.

The last one was Tohsaka Rin. She heard Erina's revelation that her ally, Yukinoshita Yukino, actually had physical intimacy with her biggest enemy Mo Yi the night before.

Based on her understanding of Mo Yi and her rich plot reasoning thinking, she could easily figure out how Yukinoshita Yukino, a girl known as the Snow Girl in school, was used by Mo Yi in the book. They were tortured by evil means, and in the end they could only lie at the feet of the other party and sing about conquest.

But bang, it’s so snappy!

Faced with Xue Miao who endured such a terrible experience but remained strong and maintained her usual attitude towards life, Tohsaka Rin hesitated whether to carry forward the spirit of humanitarian optimism and care about poor her.

By the way, ask the other party what they have experienced, and let the other party's experience become her valuable experience in defeating Mo Yi, so that she will not make the same mistakes as the other party. At the same time, she can also use the other party's embarrassing encounters to alert herself and continue to work hard. And be more careful, conquer Mo Yi as soon as possible, liberate his sister, and other poor women like Yukinoko.

Yes, her whole story is so reasonable and convincing, but it is not to understand the difference between the plot in reality and the plot in the book so that she can use it to pass the time when she can't sleep at night. This is useless. reason.

As a result, the three people in the living room were immersed in their own thoughts. They didn't wake up until Emiya Shirou came out of the kitchen carrying other breakfasts.

Erina, whose anger level had long been accumulated to the point where she could unleash the "Primordial Creation of the World", "Chaos - The End of the Avenue" or "Original Darkness - The End of the Universe", held back the anger in her heart and gently opened the door. .

Because she couldn't wake up Mo Yi, which would give him a chance to wake up and think, or escape.

Although she didn't want to admit it, during the years of fighting with Mo Yi, even though she had been taking the initiative to attack, she had never gained a real upper hand and completely conquered the opponent physically and mentally.

Erina, with a wicked smile on her face, used the silent cat walk skill and approached Mo Yi's bed step by step.

But as the distance shortened, her mood became colder and more broken, because based on how tight the quilt was, Erina discovered that there was definitely more than one person in the other person's quilt.

Damn it!

Even if he stole my cheese, he is still lying on Mo Yi's bed openly.

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