"I admire it, I admire it——"

At this moment, even Mo Yi was unconvinced and said:

"I didn't expect that Teacher Xia Shizi stayed up all night and studied until dawn. This kind of studious spirit even made me, Mo, have to capitalize on it!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the guy in front of him who was talking nonsense again and saying some weird words. He couldn't help laughing and complained:

"Poor Mo Yijun, shouldn't he be thinking about--

In the dark room, I put one hand on the mouse and looked at some indescribable images on the computer screen, while the other hand kept generating electricity on my chair. "

Speaking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu shifted his gaze from Mo Yi's face to the direction of Mo Yi's chair in a funny way, and asked:

"Mo Yijun, who has always been able to sleep only by generating electricity by himself, is he already excited because of the fantasy above?"

Mo Yi: "..."

How do you know the scene that flashed through your mind just now? Is it possible that Shiyu-san is the deepest hidden boss? Even the strength of this demon can't stop your mind-reading skills?

But bang, it’s so snappy!

However, I cannot agree with what you said!

I've been through the self-generated phase of my life since then, and I don't get excited by fleeting fantasies of inspiration.

If I were such an easily excited man, wouldn't I have died of exhaustion while drawing the notebook?

Chapter 133: Mo Yi accuses someone of innocence out of thin air

"Teacher Kasumi Shiko, why do I think your gaze is so obscene now?"

Facing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's attack with dirty words, Mo Yi naturally couldn't defend passively. He glared at the opponent fiercely and complained:

"Besides, I'm very cold now, so Teacher Kasumi Shiko doesn't need to watch anymore."

"It's hard to say this -"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Mo Yi's feet together meaningfully and said:

"I heard that experienced boys are very good at using the movements of their legs to force themselves to calm down."

Mo Yi: "..."

I lost!

Unexpectedly, I, with Master Yakumo in my body, would actually lose to a dirty Shiko teacher who wrote a school youth love story in a competition of dirty power.

I have long heard that people who write romance novels have never been in love, so they can imagine the most perfect and sweet love; those who write detective stories have never committed murder in a secret room, so they can try to write a case like a puzzle. Ups and downs.

According to this theory, the people who draw the books should be the purest, because they have the original beauty in their hearts, so they can describe the sports of running, running and gymnastics in such a sacred, wonderful and exciting way.

It can be seen from this that in terms of the power of dirt, the pure Master Yakumo is not as good as the dirty teacher Shiko who writes youth love stories. It is easy to understand. After all, the real dirt is hidden deep in the heart, the so-called love. , aren’t the initial impulse and the final goal dirty?

It's just that the book painter is upright and expresses it directly, while the youth love novelist uses various graceful ways to tell a story in which a man and a woman constantly compete to achieve the goal of adultery, and finally succeed in being together.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was still very sleepy at first, but when she saw Mo Yi's dazed expression, she knew that the other party was thinking about some weird things again.

Why does Kasumigaoka Shiyu know so clearly?

Of course, it's because Mo Yi occasionally murmurs unreasonable ideas in front of people he trusts.

It's just that the other party has always refused to admit that he has this strange cuteness.

Teacher Zhen Shizi smiled in her heart, "It is indeed a necessary stimulant and toy for me every day. No matter how tired I am of cultivating immortals, I can always find fun and regain my energy as long as I talk to Mo Yi for a few words."

"This new teacher is so beautiful!"

"Is she the new foreign language teacher in our class?"

"What a beautiful red hair. How about I ask her later how she takes care of her hair?"

At this time, the students' exclamations came, waking Mo Yi up from thinking about why classmate Shiyu was so dirty.

"New foreign language teacher?"

Mo Yi muttered, but he didn't have much interest in it. It doesn't matter who teaches it, because I have already filled up the knowledge required for high school courses, and I have also taught some useful scientific theories to the level of a scientific researcher.

Magic and technology have developed to a very high level, but they are not much different. The number of students studying mathematics and physics is very helpful in becoming an excellent magician. For example, many spells require the use of knowledge of solid geometry.

Therefore, academic masters can really do whatever they want.

Then, Mo Yi suddenly felt a cold and piercing gaze behind him, and said to Kasumigaoka Shiyu:

"Shiha-san, although I don't object to you learning the rich and necessary knowledge on Yakumo House, staying up all night is not good, both mentally and physically."

Having said that, he was ready to turn around and see who dared to attack this master who was loved by everyone and the most loved by teachers and students in the school with cold eyes.

"Mo Yijun, haven't we finished talking yet?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally wouldn't let Mo Yi turn back so quickly. After all, he was not happy and excited enough yet, so he quickly stretched out his two hands to grab Mo Yi's shoulders, stopping his intention to turn back and said:

"Am I, the young and beautiful girl you have played with, no match for the new foreign language teacher?"

"I didn't expect that even you, classmate Mo Yi, are the kind of greedy and tired scumbag."

Mo Yi: "..."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is just an ordinary person. If Mo Yi wants to turn around, the other party will naturally not be able to stop him.

But when getting along with ordinary people, you naturally need to face it with an ordinary person's attitude. What's more, the other person is still your best female friend in the class. How hurtful is it to just turn around?

So, Mo Yi had no choice but to continue to endure the increasingly cold stares from behind, and continued to brag and spank with Teacher Zhen Shizi, saying:

"Shiyu-san, why don't I remember when I played with you?"

"You can't accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"

"Mo Yijun, don't think I didn't notice that you accidentally played with my long black legs with your eyes or your heart. Even if you see it naturally, you can't escape the girl's sensitive gaze-"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw Mo Yi turning around and looking at the red-haired female teacher. He let go of his hands with satisfaction, and then stretched his body under Mo Yi's gaze, and stretched out his beautiful body without hesitation. Showing his figure in front of the other party, he smiled and said:

"So, I didn't blame anyone out of thin air. Instead, it was classmate Mo Yi who used his eyes to accuse others out of thin air."

Mo Yi: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I am speechless.

I suddenly had the urge to develop the ultimate pupil magic called "Glare so and so pregnant". From now on, if I look at someone I don't like, I will glare at her and smear her innocence out of thin air, leaving her shameless to face Jiang Dong's father and mother, and she will die of shame.

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