"Kasumigaoka Shiyu clearly wants to eat you, Shi-chan, so stop making excuses!"

"Don't get excited——"

Mo Yi couldn't help but complain, how long have you been secretly observing me? How come I didn't know about such a good thing?

"Please listen to my last words——"

"Don't listen, don't listen-"

Yusa Emi smiled evilly:

"I set up the techniques to silence people and disperse idlers in the office this morning, so no one will notice."

"Furthermore, I asked Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka to tell me that I need help from classmate Mo Yi, and I may not need more than a few classes. Anyway, Shi-chan doesn't usually attend classes—"

"So, Shi-chan, you don't have to worry or struggle, just enjoy the punishment this brave man gives you!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Should I praise you Huimei at this time? You are so thoughtful. You are worthy of being my disciple!

Yusa Emi: "Hey hehe——"

————The dividing line two hours later————

Mo Yi once again recalled being dominated by Kepa, and gently touched the hair of Yusa Emi, who was like a cat, and asked:

"Emi-chan, why did you become a teacher?"

"Is it okay if you don't look at those problem angels?"


"Don't call me Huimei-chan, call me Huimei-sensei. You were so happy just now, Mo Yi-san."

Yusa Emi glanced at Mo Yi resentfully and said:

"Shi-chan, if you don't come to me, I, an old woman who no one cares about, will have to come to you."

"They are all grown up, so there is no need for me to watch them all day long, and with Raphael watching over them, it's no problem."

Chapter 141: Snow Cat comes to the door

After once again successfully convincing his disciple and resolving his grievances, Mo Yi finally successfully left the other party's office.

However, it was not two hours later, but the school bell rang, and the other party remembered that Shizuka Hiratsuka had made an appointment with the other party for dinner, and Mo Yi was let go.

Why does this happen?

The reason is naturally my sister-chan’s fault!

After Yusa Emi heard Mo Yi say that her mother had discovered what happened between her and Mo Yi, she was naturally trembling with fear. She couldn't help but think of Erina's kind smile in her mind, and she was so scared.

The best way to vent the fear in her heart naturally requires some intense and pleasant methods, so Mo Yi, who was next to her, was shot again.

————The dividing line on the way back to the classroom————

On the way back to the classroom, Mo Yi couldn't help but worry about his future life. This time, four hours had the effect of ten hours. He didn't get weaker, which meant that Huimei had become stronger, whether it was posture or speed. and skills have become significantly stronger.

The other party must have gone to Yakumo's House to make up lessons seriously in the past two days.

The point is not this, but Emi-chan alone is so difficult to deal with. So what should we do in the future after adding sister-chan and others?

Do I really need to use the membrane method to strengthen myself so that I can live happily?

But I once aspired to be a man who could overcome all difficulties without relying on external things, only relying on myself.

After a while, Mo Yi figured it out. I am the one who understands the membrane method, so how can using the membrane method be regarded as using foreign objects?

Moreover, he is only a human body now. Isn't the reason why humans can become the masters of the world with the help of props?

It can be seen that using the membrane method yourself is the decision that is most consistent with human identity.

So, Mo Yi happily decided to take some time every day to research the ultimate membrane method that could solve the above problems.

"Hey, isn't that Xue Miaozi?"

Mo Yi, who was deep in thought, saw Yukinoshita Yukino standing outside his classroom door when he turned the corner, and he was still looking inside, as if he was looking for something.

According to the usual situation, the other party should be waiting for Yuigahama Yui to go to dinner together, but that's not right. The other party usually waits in the classroom of the service department, or rarely waits at the door of his own classroom, and even if Even if she is waiting, she will maintain her usual aloof image, but she won't look like an anxious little girl waiting for her boyfriend to finish class and have dinner like she does now.


Because he was thinking about how to construct the basic spell of the Ultimate Membrane Technique in his mind, it was like writing code, which made Mo Yi, who was already tired, a little sluggish.

But Uncle Mo, that is, Uncle Mo, immediately realized that something was wrong.

At this time, Mo Yi finally remembered how he was chased by Xue Miao all the way to the school gate this morning.

When he and Xue Miao entered the school and walked back to their respective classes, they seemed to mock Xue Miao——

"Yukino-chan, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategist. Please try again, hero."

Then, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was worried about attracting other people's attention, could only watch Mo Yi swaggering back to his classroom with gritted teeth.

But at the moment of leaving, Mo Yi, who was in a blissful mood, looked back and saw that Xue Miao did not go back to his class first, but stood far away, clenching his fists and looking at him beyond recognition.

How could Mo Yi not understand that charming look?

The other party clearly roared at him with his eyes——

"I won't let you go so easily, Mo Yi!"

Well, thinking of this, Mo Yi reacted instantly and took a step back around the corner when Xue Miao looked over, avoiding Xue Miao's gaze.

"It's really dangerous——"

Mo Yi muttered:

"It seems that I underestimated the vengeance of cats."

"Xue Miao, you must be here to catch me, otherwise you wouldn't be so sneaky."

Otherwise, I just turn around and go to the rooftop. Anyway, there is nothing to take in the classroom, so what does it matter if I don’t bring a meal card?

Teacher Zhen Shizi is waiting for me on the rooftop, what else do I need for lunch?

"What are you talking about, Xiaoyi?"

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