
Xue Miao couldn't help being surprised, but saw that Mo Yi and the other party were still looking at each other indifferently, with no intention of asking further. Although she was confused, she still resisted the urge to ask and continued to let Mo Yi figure out his ideas.

Xue Miao thought to herself: Mo Yi is terrible in some aspects, but on these matters, it is better to listen to him.

Of course Mo Yi knew about Xuemiao's reaction, but what was more important now was Scathach's matter. Let's reward Xuemiao properly when he gets back. ,

A proud warrior like Scathach would naturally not recognize others easily.

Mo Yi naturally heard the other party's hidden meaning - if he wanted to know the information, he had to prove his ability to the other party first. This was the other party's test.

For warriors like Scathach who are addicted to fighting, the easiest way is to fight, but the current environment is not suitable. There is no reason to just invite the opponent to sit down and go out to fight immediately.

As a Buddhist player, the problems that can be solved by Beep should be solved by Beep, so as not to worry Xue Miao.

"Just drinking coffee is a bit monotonous."

Mo Yi smiled meaningfully and said:

"How about we play a tense and exciting little game, Miss Scathach."


Before Scathach could express his position, the familiar pain came from his waist again. Mo Yi turned around speechlessly and looked at Xue Miao as if nothing had happened. His left hand was still twisting the thin flesh of his waist, and he used magic similar to telepathy to Xue Miao. complained:

"Ms. Yukino, I'm doing serious business. Why did you sneak attack me again?"

Xue Miao was surprised at first when Mo Yi's voice sounded in her mind, and then calmed down. This guy boasted that he was so good, and it was normal for him to have some strange abilities.

Then her left hand forcefully twisted Mo Yi's waist 360 degrees again, and then she took it back while hiding her merit and fame, as if what she just did was not what she did.

"Classmate Mo Yi, I have seen the conversation you just had in your works. And you smile so obscenely, are you so ruthless about food, even your enemies?"

Xue Miao glanced at Mo Yi coldly, and used Mo Yi's magic to reply:

"The other person is old enough to be your ancestor. He is worthy of being Master Yakumo."

Mo Yi: "..."

Snow Meow, that's enough for you.

I was clearly showing off my aggressive smile, but why did it turn into what you call an obscene smile?

Please hurry up and return Yukinoshita Yukino to me a week ago!

If you continue like this, tonight I will tell you how to tame your wild snow cat and turn it into a domesticated snow cat.

"You guys have such a good relationship——"

As a great mentor, Scathach naturally has insights beyond ordinary people. The interaction between Mo Yi and Xue Miao could not escape her seemingly lazy eyes. For the first time, she showed a smile on her face in front of Mo Yi and others, saying:

"It seems that the boring Holy Grail War is not without merit."

Being harassed by Xue Miao broke my daily routine, but life had to go on.

Mo Yi took out a deck of playing cards from his pocket and asked:

"I wonder, has Miss Scathach ever played poker?"

Since you don't want to use force to submit to the other party, you can only choose the other party's other strengths.

Scathach possesses an ability called 'wisdom from the magic mirror', which allows her to instantly learn any knowledge or skills, and can even predict the future like the highest level clairvoyance.

It is undoubtedly a daydream for ordinary people to find someone who can beat Scathach in a gambling game like poker.

"I haven't played it before, but I still know how to play it."

Scathach's lazy expression finally became energetic, and he looked at Mo Yi with interest. He didn't expect that someone would challenge himself with this little game that relies on luck and skill, and said:

"I wonder how Mo Yijun wants to play?"

Scathach, who never shied away from a challenge, had once again raised his expectations a lot.

Mo Yi put the playing cards on the table, then took out a ghost card, reshuffled the cards, divided the cards in half, made an invitation gesture, and said:

"Draw ghost cards. The same cards can be drawn. Whoever has the ghost card in the end loses."

Snow Meow: "..."

You were pretending to be incomprehensible before, and then you told me, do you want to play the ghost card?

Mo Yi, are you a primary school student?

And even if you are using playing cards to duel with the opponent, you should still show some special skills when shuffling the cards. For example, when shuffling the cards, you can make the playing cards fly around and make the flowers dazzled. Do you really look like a primary school student? The whole process They are all so simple!

With Scathach's eyesight, how could he not see where the ghost card was?

Xue Miao originally wanted to use her left hand to rub Mo Yi's waist again to remind him, but she thought that things had already happened, and there was no point in saying anything. What she had to do was to trust the other person.

Of course, Xuemiao was not the only one who was shocked by Mo Yi's genius idea of ​​taking out playing cards and playing the ghost draw card.

After Scathach walked into the coffee shop, many men and women on the scene were secretly observing this aloof beauty. After hearing Mo Yi, a boy wearing a high school uniform, say "nervous and exciting little game" 'Later, the people of District 11, who were deeply influenced by Master Yakumo, instantly thought of a small game like Xue Miao.

They all secretly cursed the deterioration of the world, and many male compatriots still wanted to wait for Mo Yi to say vulgar words, then jump out and shout, "Let go of that beautiful woman and let me do it"!

What he never expected was that Mo Yi's so-called mini-game was actually drawing ghost cards.

Naturally, Mo Yi and Scathach didn't care about the looks from around them. Now was the time of battle, so they had time to take care of the crowd.

Xue Miao, who was sitting next to Mo Yi, although she did not sit next to Mo Yi, her eyes had already been on Mo Yi's hand, watching Mo Yi open the playing cards in his hand.

"The ghost card is indeed in Mo Yi's hands."

After seeing the ghost card, Xue Miao felt a sudden change in her heart and thought to herself:

"This is definitely not a matter of luck. The opponent saw the ghost card on the pile of playing cards and chose the pile without the ghost card."

Because there are fifty-two chapters of playing cards, plus the ghost cards, Mo Yi has exactly one more playing card than his opponent.

Theoretically, as long as Scathach can see through the location of the ghost card, the right to draw the last card will definitely fall into her hands.

In other words, Mo Yi was at a disadvantage from the very beginning of this game.

Chapter 160: Sorry, I want to win this game!

After Mo Yi and Scathach put the cards in their hands on the table, Mo Yi still had one more playing card than his opponent.

Of course, such a coincidence is definitely not a coincidence, but the result of Mo Yi's deliberate laundering.

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