
Mo Yi humorously hugged Ilia, who was red all over and about to emit white steam, and joked:

"Are you thinking about something bad?"

"I don't--"

Ilia, who had Mo Yi expose her thoughts, pressed her face firmly against Mo Yi's body, not letting Mo Yi see her expression.

"Onii-chan, you're acting bad again."

"There are worse things, Ilya, that you haven't seen yet."

Mo Yi stroked Illya's back like a cat, and continued teasing:

"Ilia, do you want to see it?"


Illya hugged Mo Yi so hard that Mo Yi couldn't breathe, and said:


Ilia, who buried her face on Mo Yi, felt that her heartbeat had never been faster. The thing she was looking forward to and afraid of seemed to be happening soon.

However, she was still very shy. She had forgotten all the plans A, B, C, and D that she had made in her mind. She didn’t know what to do. She just wanted to be like an ostrich. The difference is that the ostrich buries its head in the sand. And she buried herself in Mo Yi's arms, otherwise the other party would see her appearance at this moment.

However, when Illya is hugged by an experienced driver like Mo Yi, even if she is not exposed, Mo Yi can still use the touch of the body and the powerful brain supplement ability to outline in his mind the sound of Illya whining at this moment. Sound's cute appearance.

"Okay, Onii-chan, I won't tease you anymore."

After the success of Ilia's energy harvest, Mo Yi felt very satisfied and stopped teasing the shy little guy in his arms. No, he was a big guy now.

At this moment, Illya is about 165 centimeters tall. Coupled with her perfect lines, she is no longer a cute lolita, but a real young girl with a bud.


After seeing Onii-chan stop teasing herself with those bad words, Illya's tense body finally stopped shaking. After a moment, she also raised her head and looked at Mo Yi.

Seeing the familiar smile on the corner of the other person's mouth, Illya was finally sure that Mo Yi would stop teasing her, but she felt inexplicably disappointed in her heart.

"Illya, it's very late."

Mo Yi kissed the other person's forehead gently and said softly:

"rest early!"

Although I feel a little disappointed, this warm feeling is not bad.

Illya hit back hard on Mo Yi's cheek, and there were obvious traces of liquid on Mo Yi's cheek even if she did it intentionally.

"Good night, Onii-chan."

After saying that, Illya closed her eyes obediently and went to sleep in Mo Yi's arms.

This little guy——

Mo Yi couldn't help but wiped the liquid on his face with his hand, and then he held Ilia in his arms and gradually fell asleep with her.

————Morning dividing line————

Mo Yi didn't dare to sleep so late, because Erina would often come to wake him up during his vacation. If she found him sleeping in Illya's room last night, she would probably tear down the Emiya mansion.

Not to mention, she obviously changed her strategy yesterday and would definitely do something more terrifying than demolishing Emiya's house.

As soon as it was dawn, Mo Yi got up carefully, trying his best not to wake up Ilia.

However, when Mo Yi released Ilia from his arms, Ilia, who had been lying in bed for a while, suddenly woke up. However, she did not open her eyes immediately, but continued to feel the lingering effects of Mo Yi last night. temperature.

Illya, who pretended not to wake up, thought to herself:

"The current scene is similar to what I envision for my future married life - a warm and happy morning."

"Because I was too tired from being tormented by Onii-chan after marriage last night, my virtuous self would occasionally be lazy, lie on the quilt, half-open my eyes, and watch Onii-chan get up lightly, afraid of waking up. My own appearance."

"Of course, it is also possible that the other party will discover it, and then they will be tortured a lot, and they won't let you go until it is too late, and you will spit at the other party with a bright look on your face."

"Finally, help the other party get dressed, give some instructions, and watch the other party work."

Mo Yi quickly got the things done, and remembered to cover Ilia with the quilt before leaving, but he saw that Ilia's cheeks turned bright red while she was still sleeping in theory.

How could Mo Yi not react at this time? Illya had already woken up and was just pretending to sleep now.

"This little guy, I don't know what he is thinking about."

Having slept with each other countless times, Mo Yi could easily tell the reason for Illya's blushing.

So, he gently leaned over, gave her a good morning kiss on the cheek, and whispered:

"Illya, sleep a little longer."

"Onii-chan has taken some time off to work. Good morning."


At this time, Illya also knew that her pretense of sleeping had been discovered, so she opened her ruby ​​eyes, looked at Mo Yi tenderly, and said:

"Go and do your work, Onii-chan."


Mo Yi's right hand gently rubbed Ilia's head until Ilia showed a happy expression before saying:

"Don't oversleep again."


Illya remembered that she often overslept, shyly covered herself with a quilt, and said from the bed:

"No way, bad guy Onii-chan."

"Goodbye then, Illya."

After successfully recycling Illya's morning CG, Mo Yi was so happy that he hummed an inexplicable tune. He opened the door of Illya's room. After taking a look and seeing that no one was in the corridor, he turned on the aura blocker and quickly closed the door and left. , preparing to go back to his room to change his clothes and set off to Otomono Edition Academy.

While it's still early, sister-chan's daily morning attack time hasn't come yet, so she quickly slips away.

Nowadays, Sister Jiang is not easy to mess with. If she is not careful, she will catch her and make her untouchable.

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