"Mo Yi from Yuchuan, I came to block you more than an hour early today. There is no way you can escape."

Erina showed a confident smile and thought:

"Although more than an hour is a bit short, it is still enough for the other party to try. I have gathered many years of advanced experience from the Yakumo House to unlock half of the postures of the Hand of God."

"Hmph, Oni-chan, you can't escape. You will soon understand how powerful I am, and you can no longer live without me."

Thinking of this, a well-planned impulse to laugh arose spontaneously, but he noticed that his most loyal subordinate Fei Shasha was still by his side, so he could only endure it and maintain his image of a strong and wise goddess.


Erina asked as she passed a big tree and smelled a familiar smell.

"Miss Erina, is something wrong?"

Hisako, who had been sitting upright, heard Erina's voice and couldn't help but ask.


Erina's thoughts were interrupted by Hisako's question. She looked outside the wall and found nothing unusual, and said:

"Maybe I made a mistake."

"The car didn't stop, which means Erina didn't notice her."

Mo Yi, who was hiding behind a big tree, walked out with a sigh of relief after the car was far away.

When he was a child, he played hide-and-seek with Erina, and the other party could always find him through his mysterious intuition. At the moment just now, Mo Yi was really afraid of being discovered by Erina.

Moreover, Mo Yi did not dare to step out after the car had just driven by. If Erina looked behind, she would definitely find him with the eyesight of the opponent's god.

——The dividing line between Emiya’s residence————

My name is Sesshōin Kiara. I was once a saint, a heroic spirit, and the evil of mankind——

Forget it, these are no longer important.

The important thing is that I am now a giant panda. It is a bear and not a cat.

Normally, he would be pushed away in disgust by his master, Mo Yi, before he was willing to get up.

I don't know why today, but I woke up automatically before dawn. I don't have the sleepiness that I used to do before I was willing to get up after being thrown to the ground.

The Sesshōin lady who had just woken up found that her human-shaped pillow was no longer beside her, so she mistakenly thought that she had been thrown into the pet's nest by Mo Yi again. She crawled back to sleep on Mo Yi's bed, but unexpectedly found that she had been in bed the whole time!

Miss Sesshōin finally found out that the reason why she couldn't sleep was that her human-shaped pillow Moyi was missing. Without the body temperature and breath belonging to its owner, Miss Sesshōin was suddenly not used to it.

As a result, Xiong suffered from insomnia for the first time.

After Ms. Sesshōin rolled around on Mo Yi's bed for a long time, she was still nowhere to be found. It seemed that her master had been out all night.


After thinking about this, Ms. Sesshōin once again realized that the real reason why she could no longer sleep was that the master was gone. She would be paralyzed when she slept, but she would be happy when she woke up!

A carp rolled on the bed, jumped up with a dexterity that was difficult for ordinary people to understand, and then quickly ran to his pet house, then got in, and took out a bunch of snacks from it in a moment - Coca-Cola, braised bamboo shoots , chicken feet, French fries, etc.

Put the snacks into categories on the ground, then open Mo Yi's laptop and board the Yakumo House.

“Cola and braised bamboo shoots really go together perfectly!”

Ms. Sesshōin held a big Coke in one hand and kept pulling out bamboo shoots from the can to eat. Then she leaned against the big bed and watched the latest drama on Yakumo House.

"This is Xiong Sheng!"

Miss Sesshōin, this is how your happy day begins!


"Bang bang——"

There was a knock on the door from outside. Miss Sesshōin wanted to ignore it, but when she thought it might be the owner Mo Yi, she had to open the door.

You know, in Wei Gong's family, Mo Yi is the only one who must not be offended.

According to Emiya Shirou, if you offend the other person, he will definitely remember it in the little notebook in his heart, and then take revenge on you when you least expect it.

And the number of revenges will definitely not be less, but more.

This is the most important experience Shirou Emiya taught him about living in Emiya's family.

In the past few days, I was not convinced by the other party, so my behavior was a bit lazy, so my snacks were cruelly snatched away and eaten by the other party. It was called "for your own good. You are fat and you haven't lost weight yet, so be careful." Vascular disease outbreak.

The things on the ground now were the fire that he had worked so hard to save. He couldn't be retaliated by Mo Yi and confiscated because he didn't open the door in time.

Put it away now?

You are too naive. The other party is unfathomable. If you can teach yourself to be a strong panda again with one punch, how can you really hide the scene in the room from the other party? Even with the current reserves, the other party is just too lazy to pay attention to you. Only to survive.

So, the Sesshōin lady resigned herself to her fate and ran over to open the door——

"It's Miss Pan!"

After Miss Sesshōin opened the door, she found that the person knocking on the door was not her master, but her own shit shoveler, Xuemiao. Although the other party always called her strange names and acted strangely, she was the one who cared about him. The biggest source of income, Miss Sesshōin generously forgives the other party.

"Has Mo Yi gotten up yet?"

"Looking for the master?"

Even if Miss Sesshōin turns into a panda, she can still tell at a glance that her excavator seems to have ulterior feelings for her master.

At this moment, she figured it out instantly, so she said in a wicked tone:

"The master didn't sleep in the room last night and hasn't come back yet."

Snow Meow: "..."

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukinya finally understood the sense of violation last night.

It turned out that the other party really wanted to drive me away and then go out and do bad things.

The Emiya family was so big, and Xue Miao immediately thought of the place where the other party was most likely to go.

"Goodbye then, Miss Pan."

After Xuemiao said goodbye to Miss Sesshōin, he walked to Illya's room with a cold face.

"Damn lolicon, don't let me catch you, I will definitely call the police and arrest you and send you to jail for three years!"

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