Xue Miao sighed in her heart. Not only did the other person's voice sound cute, but her appearance and hairstyle were also gentle, innocent and cute.

How did such a cute girl meet Mo Yi?

How could Mo Yi not like a girl who even feels cute to herself?

You must take a look and see, you can't let the other party be deceived by Mo Yi's cunning.

If I don’t go to hell, who will? In this world, it’s enough to sacrifice me to be deceived by Mo Yi. No more victims can be added. This is all to offer blessings to an unhappy world.

After Nan Xiaoniao sighed and played with the other person's equally cute and beautiful face, he found that the other person was looking at his chest with strange eyes, and then the trace of hostility in his eyes doubled instantly.

Nan Xiaoniao subconsciously looked at his chest, there was nothing wrong with it!

I was wearing Otomono's version of the school uniform, and I didn't forget to button it, and it was dyed with strange patterns and colors, so the problem was not with me.

So, Nan Xiaoniao shifted his gaze back to the other person, well, from his face to his chest.

At that moment, Nan Xiaoniao finally understood why the other party was staring at him.

Human beings always want to hurt each other. Well, no, it should be human beings. They always pay special attention to what they lack.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiaoniao's once unconfident eyes regained confidence in Xue Miao, with a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Damn it!

Nan Xiaoniao's eyes naturally did not escape Xue Miao who had been observing the opponent. Xue Miao felt that he was inferior. After feeling the sympathy in the other person's eyes, Xue Miao exploded on the spot. There was a feeling that we would have a PK in the Imperial City. impulse.

Mo Yi still has time to go to other schools to help others. It seems that he needs to urge him to summarize the magic that can change body fat and leave it to him as soon as possible.

How can we delay the matter of magic research?

"It's nothing, little bird."

After Nan Xiaoniao and Xue Miao looked at each other, Mo Yi felt that it was time for him to show his presence and said:

"It's just about meeting friends and chatting a little more."


You actually call other people's names so affectionately, and you, Mo Yi, called me Yukinoshita-san yesterday, and you had to remind yourself before you knew how to call me by my name.

This is unfair, the difference in treatment is too great. I am fighting side by side with you, and we have agreed to work together to change this female partner who is neither correct nor gentle.

Sure enough, men are all greedy and old-fashioned animals.

"Hello, I am Yukinoshita Yukino, a sophomore at Fuyuki High School."

Before Mo Yi had time to help them introduce each other, Xue Miao glanced at Mo Yi and introduced himself first:

"Mo Yi is a member of my club. I wanted to find him to participate in the 100-school exchange day today, but I didn't expect that he was missing as soon as I got up."

Mo Yi: "..."

No one disappeared as soon as you got up?

Xuemiao, your description is very problematic!

It sounds like we slept together last night, and then when we opened our eyes, we found that the bad guy who slapped us last night and let us sleep near dawn was gone.

No, just thinking about this scene made Mo Yi feel sad, empty and lonely. What a good subject for this book!

This scene is perfect for depicting works about wives.


Nan Xiaoniao unconsciously covered her small mouth with her right hand, and said to herself with difficulty:

"No one disappeared as soon as you got up?"

"Are you in a live-in relationship?!"

Listening to Nan Xiaotiao's words, the previous discomfort in Xue Miao's heart seemed to dissipate a lot. She frowned and thought about it. She was staying at Emiya's house. In theory, it was a cohabitation relationship.

"Little bird, you think too much."

Mo Yi secretly thought that Xue Miao looked like this and guessed her thinking circuit. She would definitely understand it according to the literal explanation rather than the extended meaning of the word. She could also deliberately understand it this way and then answer in the affirmative.

"Xueno is temporarily staying at my house because of some family matters. It's not the kind of cohabitation you imagined."

Chapter 197: Hidden purpose

"This is the cohabitation relationship I'm talking about, Mo Yijun."

After hearing Mo Yi's explanation, Nan Xiaoniao felt relieved, but found that he seemed to have said some very embarrassing words just now, and explained with a blush:

"Since Yukinoshita-san has something to ask you, Mo Yijun, please handle your own matters with her first."

"Just leave your flyers to me."

As expected, he is a considerate and caring little cotton-padded jacket, Xiaotiaojiang.

Mo Yi handed the flyer in his hand to Nan Xiaoniao and said:

"Then it's up to you, little bird."

"You're welcome--"

Nan Xiaoniao smiled gently:

"Originally, Mo Yijun helped us for free. It would be bad if it caused you to miss your club activities."

"Go and do your work."

After that, Nan Xiaoniao took the leaflets, walked away on his own initiative, and continued to distribute leaflets.

"Let's go to the side first and then talk."

Mo Yi pointed to the public stone bench on the roadside, and then the two of them walked there and sat down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that the service department was active again today."

Mo Yi didn't say why the other party didn't tell him earlier last night about such a thing. When he found out, he would definitely ask for leave in advance.

Perhaps, Xue Miao just wanted to give herself a surprise. After all, she told her last night that she would come to Otonogisaka today.

She just didn't expect that she would go out early because of this.

Naturally, Mo Yi couldn't do things like fussing over things with girls. Taking the initiative to apologize and making the atmosphere between everyone more harmonious was the correct way to get along.

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