Nan Xiaoniao was born with a problem with his left knee and underwent surgery. Although his left knee has recovered like normal people, there are still obvious scars on it.

In order to cover this scar, she has always worn long skirts or knee-high socks.

But this time, the clothing is a short skirt, and there are still no knee socks, so the scar on the left knee will naturally be exposed.

She had been prepared for this matter for a long time. After all, the performance costumes were all made by her. How could she not be mentally prepared?

Moreover, she also thought that through this performance, she could overcome the inferiority complex and concern she had always had about this scar in her heart.

However, when he heard that he was going to perform in front of Mo Yi, he would think about whether the other party would see the scar on his left knee. What would he think after seeing it?

It was precisely because of this thought that she subconsciously raised objections before.

Seeing Minami Kotori's weak appearance, her childhood sweethearts Honoka and Sonoda Umi naturally felt uncomfortable. Honoka and Honoka gently comforted and encouraged Minami Kotori's behavior to be painless. Sonoda Umi's brainstorming ability, um, should It is said that her association ability is far superior to that of Honoka.

"Mo Yijun, performance, short skirt, scar——"

Putting all the details together, Sonoda Umi soon discovered that there was only one fault, and that was Mo Yijun's fault. In other words, Xiaoniao was afraid that Mo Yijun would see the scar on her left knee.

Xiaotiao was afraid that others would see the scar on her left knee. It only happened when the other party was a child. During the period after last night's surgery, after the comfort and enlightenment of her and Honoka, she no longer minded it. In other words, he has buried this matter deeply in his heart and usually doesn't pay much attention to the scar on his left knee.

Now he would care about his own scars being seen again, or to be more precise, being seen by Mo Yi, naturally because he cares about the other person.

It seemed that his previous guess was not wrong. His good friend Xiaoniao did have special feelings for Mo Yijun, or at least he had a good impression.

However, now was not a good time to ask the bird about it.

Although he figured out what was going on, Umi Sonoda couldn't find a solution.

Do you want her to say, Xiaoniao, it doesn't matter, Mo Yijun won't care.

After Honoka comforted Minami Kotori, Minami Kotori seemed to have figured it out and said with a smile:

"I'm fine."

"Let's go back, Mo Yijun, we've been waiting for a long time."

Hearing Minami Kotori say this, Honoka finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Sonoda Umi, who saw everything in her eyes, naturally would not be deceived by Minami Kotori. Under her eyes, she was still full of worry. and uneasiness.

Sensing Mo Yi's gaze as he came back to his senses, Nan Xiaoniao, who was walking in front, blinked his eyes first and said cutely:

"Mo Yijun, didn't you eavesdrop just now?"

Mo Yi: "..."

"Little Bird, why do you think I'm a pervert who eavesdrops on girls' whispers?"

Although Xiaoniao, you are very cute when you act cute, but I can't bear it when you slander a moral role model like me when you disagree with me.

"Because Yukinoshita-san, I just said that you are a lolicon——"

"Aren't all lolicon perverts?"

Mo Yi: "..."

It turns out, little birdie, you still remember this -

Snow meow falsely accused me, little birdie, you must not believe it!

This was all a conspiracy she used to monopolize me, to stigmatize me as an unpopular pervert, so that she could achieve her goal of monopolizing me.

Moreover, I have one more thing to say——

I'm not a lolita fan, it's just that the person I like happens to be a lolita!

Chapter 209: Real Fragrance Preview

"Mo Yijun, can you come here for a moment?"

Sonoda Umi took advantage of the break when Minami Kotori and Honoka were preparing for the performance rehearsal, and whispered to Mo Yi who was about to ask if there was anything he could do to help.


Although he didn't know what Sonoda Umi wanted to say when he called him aside, but he knew that the other party's serious character must be something important.

"What's the matter, Sonoda-san?"

Mo Yi looked at Sonoda Umi who had a troubled expression on his face and didn't know what to say.

In fact, Sonoda Umi was indeed hesitating at this moment. He had already thought about telling the other party about Minami Kotori before, but he still hesitated at this moment.

Because her current behavior is like Baidicheng Tuogu, putting the hope of solving the problem on others. This is not in line with Sonoda Umi's character, but she also knows that this is the best way to solve the problem.

Moreover, she didn't know whether the boy in front of her was suitable for Nan Xiaoniao, and whether he could make her best friend happy, or in other words, fall into deeper pain.

When he gets rid of the other party and solves the problem in Nan Xiaoniao's heart at the moment, it also means that he, a good friend, has also known and supported the possibility of the other party and Nan Xiaoniao's development.

With such an important matter, Sonoda Umi, who is still new to love, naturally has a hard time making a choice.

Umi Sonoda bit her lower lip and stared at Mo Yi closely. After a moment, she decided to follow her previous thoughts and tell him about the scar on Nan Xiaotiao's left knee.

After a while——

"Oh I see."

After deciding to rehearse the performance, Mo Yi discovered that something was wrong with Nan Xiaoniao's mood. He thought it was because of nervousness, but he didn't expect it to be this.

There is no girl who does not love beauty. The more beautiful a girl is, the more she cares about her flaws and is also afraid that others will discover her flaws.

Just like the princess of a certain kingdom, she is obviously a pervert, but for the sake of the person she pervert likes, she insists on pretending to be a kind and caring princess for many years in front of everyone. This can be seen that in order to maintain the You can achieve that by creating the perfect image in the hearts of the people you care about.

Anyway, I will kill everyone who knows my true identity. Isn’t this perfect?

Ahem, of course, our Nan Xiaoniao is not such a devil. Her only idea is to prevent Mo Yi from discovering her scars, rather than killing all those who know about it like the princess.

"Then leave it to me."

Feeling the expectation and worry in Sonoda Umi's eyes, Mo Yi couldn't help but sigh, their relationship is so good!

Why didn’t I have such a good childhood sweetheart of the same sex?

Mo Yi fell into philosophical thinking again, and soon came up with the answer, that is, the male friends around him were not as handsome as him. As long as they were close to him, they would be burned by the radiance radiating from his body, so he was not like this. childhood sweetheart.

As for the reason why he didn't have a female childhood sweetheart, it's even easier to analyze. He has his sister-chan who protects him 24 hours a day, so how can he recognize a female childhood sweetheart?

Even if there is, it will be solved by Sister-chan in various strange ways.

Take an orange——

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