Sonoda Umi: "..."

Chang Wei, no, Mo Yi, you said you wouldn’t misunderstand me. You clearly thought that I was a pervert!

Is there anything wrong with girls' schools? Who says childhood sweethearts can't just have pure and flawless friendship?

Sonoda Umi originally wanted to run back, press Mo Yi against the wall, and explain clearly, but Honoka, who had long been impatient, became so powerful that she dragged him away.

"Mo Yijun, you are so bad——"

After Honoka and Sonoda Umi left, they naturally left Minami Kotori here who had changed her clothes.

Mo Yi's vicious combo just now couldn't be hidden from Nan Xiaotiao, who has been familiar with this for many years. Nan Xiaotiao also smiled happily because of Sonoda Umi's lackluster look of losing his ideals, and condemned Mo Yi:

"You actually play with girls like this."

Mo Yi: "..."

Kotori-chan, I always feel that what you say is weird, very similar to the lines I usually compose in my notebook. Is it my imagination?

Moreover, you see your friend looking very desperate, why can you still smile so happily?

Could it be that human beings can really only hurt each other, and must happiness be based on happiness?

From the above three conjectures, Mo Yi can prove that Xiaoniaojiang, after you cut it open, will definitely be black!

Now is not a good time to complain, I have to hold back——

Mo Yi resisted the desire to complain, and instead looked at Nan Xiaoniao in a short skirt seriously——

There is indeed an obvious scar on the other party's left knee, but it does not affect the charm that the other party exudes at the moment. In short, he is very beautiful and idol.

If you just look at the appearance, you can give it full marks.

Nan Xiaoniao, who expected to hear Mo Yi's daily complaints in response, did not expect to receive a sudden gaze from the other party.

Nan Xiaoniao's sinister words before were mostly intended to divert Mo Yi's attention and prevent the other party from carefully observing him and discovering the bulge on his left knee.

It is precisely because she cares that she appears humble, and it is precisely because she cares about Mo Yi's evaluation of her at this moment that she is afraid that the other party will see her scars.

However, she didn't expect that the other party would start to observe her seriously at this moment. That serious look made Nan Xiaoniao feel that every pore on her body was being caressed mercilessly by the other person's eyes, making her extremely itchy.

Nan Xiaoniao felt happy that the other party would look at her like this. If she was unattractive, the other party would not look at her like this. But on the other hand, the worry in her heart became more and more serious. She was afraid that the other party would find out that she was on her left knee. scars, and then showed disappointment or pity.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to a girl who longs for recognition.

Nan Xiaoniao put his hands on his waist and rubbed the hem of his shirt nervously to relieve the tension and anxiety in his heart. But how could this feeling of waiting for the final judgment be relieved by just rubbing the hem of his shirt? What about?

"very beautiful--"

After looking at it for a while, Mo Yi nodded and affirmed with a solemn expression:

"Little bird, you look beautiful like this."

"Today you are (one of) the most beautiful girls I have ever seen!"

"Is it?"

Nan Xiaoniao, who had always noticed the change in Mo Yi's expression, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Nan Xiaoniao's praise, and showed a sincere and bright smile.

But feeling that the other party was still looking at me carefully, I felt that my current behavior was too unreserved, so I quickly pretended to be angry and complained:

"Mo Yijun, although I am very happy to hear your praise——"

"It's very impolite to look at girls like this. If it weren't for you, I would have called you a pervert."

Chapter 211: Bird-chan, close your eyes first

Playing a rogue with the right person is called romance, and being romantic with the wrong person is called being a rogue, and I only need to look at Kotori-chan, who refuses to accept her, is charming and continues to praise me, and I know that I am I met the right person, Kotori-chan.

Not to mention being regarded as a pervert, even if I am sentenced to three years of probation and the maximum penalty is death, I, Mo Yi, will still shout out before generously succumbing to death - How much love can I leave in the world, welcome thousands of changes in the world, and do happy things with lovers, Don't ask whether it is a calamity or fate.

Ahem, this is just Mo Yi's sentiment. He is not encouraging everyone to become a shameful lolita control, earn blood in three years, and lose nothing with the death penalty. It is all a lie.

If it were normal, Mo Yi would be happy to continue praising the other person's beauty. Since compliments are not needed anyway, why not praise others more?

However, he doesn't have much time anymore. There should be a few minutes before Honoka and Sonoda Umi come out unfinished, and he also needs to finish within these few minutes to complete the rescue of a girl who is in trouble due to her unfortunate fate. Delegate.

Kotori-chan, let me heal the scars on your body and mind with my own hands!

"Tori-chan, actually I am a magician——"

Faced with Nan Xiaoniao's reluctant words, Mo Yi did not continue teasing, but said something serious that Nan Xiaoniao could not understand.

Nan Xiaotiao: "..."

Are you a magician? Does that have anything to do with me, Nan Xiaoniao? Or is this the time to witness a miracle?

Why is the person in charge of Yakumo House who was promised so confused about the style? Shouldn't he say something at this time——

I don't look at you like this, Kotori-chan. It's just that your beauty is so dazzling that I can't control my eyes and brain. I'm not willing to give up admiring your beauty for a moment, even if you think you're a pervert. No matter what.

Such sweet words?

"Don't believe it?"

Seeing Nan Xiaoniao's confused look, Mo Yiliao said with interest:

"How about I perform a magic trick for you right now."

Stupid Mo Yijun!

I have never thought about whether you are a magician or not. Rather, is now the time to think about such trivial matters?

You stupid!

Although just knowing Mo Yi was not enough, Nan Xiaoniao, who has strong observation skills, also found that Mo Yi was not only reliable, but also occasionally acted like a child, unreliable and making people laugh or cry.

And now, it is probably the moment when the brain circuit becomes clear.

Of course, Nan Xiaoniao doesn't dislike this side of Mo Yi. Rather, she feels that this kind of Mo Yi is more approachable than the Mo Yi who has always been reliable and as incomprehensible as a mountain.

Nan Xiaoniao really liked the other person who sometimes acted like a child playing around. Although it was a pity that the moonlight was so beautiful just now, Nan Xiaoniao quickly adjusted her mentality and actively cooperated with Mo Yi when he was playing around.

Showing disgust, he closed one eye and looked at Mo Yi's expression, and said cutely

"I don't know that Mo Yijun is really a magician. Don't fool me with magic tricks like turning playing cards or pigeons out of your pocket. My requirements are very strict!"

I didn’t expect you, little bird, to have such high demands. You have to know that a magician who can conjure evil pigeons out of thin air is already an amazing magician. Most of the magic tricks that boys use to coax girls into doing magic tricks use playing cards or coins. You know? With that in mind, what should we do about those boys who want to use magic tricks to seduce girls?

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