"As a young, promising and positive high school student, I must clarify this issue here, that is, when I do that, I will never feel nothing. Regarding this, Xiaoniao, you can rest assured."


Nan Xiaoniao really didn't mean to say such sinister words this time, it was just an accident.

But after hearing Mo Yi's straightforward words, Nan Xiaoniao quickly understood the same hidden meaning of his previous words, and when the other party pointed it out like this, the evil little bird was caught off guard and shamefully She made a bird call with her own waxy sound and said:

"Mo Yijun, I don't mean that, don't think wrongly!"

"Besides, don't say such weird things to girls. Even I will get angry."

"If you do this again, I will be really angry!"

Because of Mo Yi's teasing, the romantic atmosphere between the two was instantly destroyed, and they returned to a new era of awkward chatting.

At the scene, only Mo Yi, who had been smiling and silent, and Nan Xiaoniao, who clenched his fists and proved that he was very angry, were left.

"Okay, I'll be careful next time and don't say that to you, little bird."

Minami Kotori looks very cute and cute at the moment, but if the other person keeps teasing her, she will shout and summon her bodyguards Honoka and Sonoda Umi. In order to maintain her image as a noble and flawless idol master, in order to ensure that she will wait for a while The performance went on as usual, and Mo Yi made a major decision——

"I was wrong, little bird!"

"Then I will reluctantly forgive you——"

Nan Xiaoniao looked at it dumbfounded, and looked like she was giving in for a moment. She obviously wanted to laugh, but she felt that after she laughed, the other party would not listen to her, so she had to endure the small happiness in her heart, keep a straight face, and be serious. said:

"Mo Yijun, if you say this, you can't even talk to other girls -"

"Otherwise, I will be very angry and become very fierce and scary!"

Mo Yi: "..."

It turns out that this is what you are concerned about, Kotori-chan.

The strange expression change on Mo Yi's face was naturally not concealed from Nan Xiaoniao who was so close.

She also realized that she seemed to have said some very remarkable words, and the shame in her heart boiled over again.

So, he continued to speak, not letting Mo Yi interrupt, and asked:

"Mo Yijun, where's the magic trick you promised?"

In fact, Nan Xiaoniao always remembered this incident. She told herself to close her eyes, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, due to the venue, there were no goldenrod flowers blooming. I can understand that.

But even if something like a woven grass ring appeared in front of me, it would be too much of a surprise!

I don't want to see coins, playing cards, or conjured pigeons.

"The magic is done—"

Mo Yi showed his mysterious smile again and asked:

"Little Bird, haven't you noticed anything different about yourself?"

Chapter 213: The most perfect magic

"what is the difference?"

When Nan Xiaoniao heard this, he looked at himself strangely. There was no unknown bracelet on his hand, no necklace of unknown origin on his neck, and no more clothes from the other party on his body.

I'm still as cute as ever. Apart from feeling a little more happy inside, I really can't find any other difference?

After a while, something changed, and somewhere he couldn't see, Nan Xiaoniao finally thought of a possibility, puffed up his face, and said:

"Mo Yijun, it's wrong to just graffiti on other people's faces——"

"Tell me, what did you draw on my face?"

Mo Yi: "..."

I'm not a child, how could I draw a little turtle on someone else's face?

As a man who is determined to make progress, he would not do such a stupid thing. What he would do is to draw a piece of grassland above others' heads.

Ahem, this is just someone else. As a thoroughly good person, Mo Yi has never done such a crazy thing.

I advise everyone not to read this kind of work. You must know that people have inertia. If you read it every day, it will form such a psychological suggestion. In the end, it will become such a pervert. What should you do?

Little bird, why do you think of the childlike possibility that I would draw a little turtle on your face?

According to criminal psychology, if a person thinks of that aspect first, it means that he has thought about doing something in this area.


After discovering another truth that all the birds were black when cut open, Mo Yi couldn't help but take a breath. After being surprised for a second, he decided to bury this matter deeply in his heart.

In fact, being sinister is not bad, and the development and playability of sinister people are countless times greater than those of innocent people.

Sister-chan and Emi are tsundere, Xue Miao is innocent, and Shizi-sensei is the king of meow and evil, but she and Minami Kotori's evil are somewhat different, Nan Xiaotori's evil is more like a child's mischief .

Teacher Shizi's evil intentions and those dirty words often have other hidden meanings, and it requires careful consideration before we can truly interpret her inner thoughts.

Based on this analysis, it seems that Kotori-chan can be added to Master Yakumo’s luxurious set.

"Little bird, you are overthinking, I didn't draw a little turtle on your face."

However, Mo Yi's confident explanation made Nan Xiaoniao even more convinced that the other party really drew a little turtle on his face.

I just suspected that the other person had graffiti on my face. Now, you just told me the graffiti pattern. Chang Wei, you still said that you don't know martial arts?

When Nan Xiaoniao thought of this, she puffed up her face, looking angry and coquettish, and complained:

"Honoka and Umi will be back at any time. If they see them, what should I do?"


After that, I wanted to run out, probably to find a bathroom and clean up the non-existent little turtle.

Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaotori-chan, what about the basic trust between people?

Why can't you just trust me a little bit? Besides, your complaining words are not threatening at all. Are you sure you are not trying to be cute and tempt me to really graffiti on your face next time?

Nan Xiaoniao glanced at Mo Yi angrily, turned around and walked away, but how could Mo Yi let her go?

So, he quickly reached out and grabbed the opponent's left hand, but he was very careful to prevent the opponent from turning around and walking away, causing pain, and said:

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