Looking at Nan Xiaoniao's delicate red lips and pretty face, Mo Yi couldn't help but touch his lips with his hand and muttered:

"Xiaotori-chan, literally, you don't want me to think too much, but according to the context, you are reminding me to think too much."

"Then the question is, do you think too much about me, or don't think too much about me?"

"Woo (┭┮﹏┭┮)——"

of course--

At this time, even Nan Xiaoniao himself was confused. If he said, don't think too much, if the other party took it seriously and regarded the kiss that he had just summoned up the courage to treat as a pure thank you, this would obviously go against his true intentions.

But if you think too much, how can you say it out loud?

You must listen to your mother. Nan Xiaoniao's mother has warned her since she was a child that girls should be more reserved.

As a result, Nan Xiaoniao was stumped by Mo Yi, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

According to the basic rules of general routines, at this time, Mo Yi mainly says loudly, "The moonlight is so beautiful", and he can 100% successfully recover the birds and beasts.

However, Mo Yi was very hesitant at the moment, not because he was afraid of the intensive hatchet attacks he might face after returning home and in the future, but because the other party was just a truly ordinary girl who became an idol with the intention of saving the school. This kind of girl is both extraordinary and ordinary, living in an ordinary world.

Her understanding of herself is one-sided, and her universal ideas are those of ordinary people. She does not understand the real world, and hides the darkness and mystery of the ordinary world.

If you and the other party develop further, the other party will inevitably be pulled into Mo Yi's world. Can the other party accept the magic that exists in film and television works, and the incredible existence of vampires?

Is this really happy for her?

These are all things that need to be tested. It is easy to start a relationship, but it is not easy to maintain a happy life for a lifetime.

Mo Yi is not someone who likes to help others make choices, so according to his idea, he still wants to get along with the other person more, so that the other person can know more about himself and the world that Mo Yi lives in.

Until the end, no matter what choice the other party makes, I believe it will be a choice without regrets.

So, Mo Yi wanted to say some more meaningless words, change the topic, and make a turn on the high-speed train that was about to go to the kindergarten so that it wouldn't reach the end point so quickly.

The end point is the goal and the ultimate need, but the process is also very important, which determines whether this casual journey is really exciting.

"Sonoda-kun, why don't you go in here?"

Not far away, a voice that Mo Yi didn't recognize came from the curtain of the stage.

"Umi, didn't you say that you should go back to Kotori first and wait for me and Maki-san with her?"

Honoka's voice came from behind the curtain.

Hiding behind the curtain, hesitating for a long time whether to continue to stay here or go out, Sonoda Umi, who acted as a big light bulb to hinder the chat between Mo Yi and Minami Kotori, was covered in cold sweat, panicked, and hurriedly acted as if he had done something bad. explained:

"I just had a stomachache and went to the bathroom. I just came back."

"So that's it."

The innocent Honoka believed it instantly.

However, before Mo Yi had time to break the atmosphere where he could directly regain the little birds and beasts, the voices of the three of them came out clearly from somewhere.

Mo Yi and Nan Xiaoniao, who have online IQs, immediately understood that Sonoda Umi had probably come back a long time ago, and it was only because of their affairs that they did not come out.

As for whether he didn't want to disturb the alone time between Mo Yi and Nan Xiaotiao, or whether he overheard some very exciting conversations, only Sonoda Umi knew.


Nan Xiaoniao, who realized the truth of the matter, instantly woke up from the world of two people intertwined with various beautiful emotions such as anticipation, shyness, sweetness and sourness.

And because his best friend Sonoda Umi heard his conversation with Mo Yi, he was so shy and worried that he couldn't help but let out a slight cry.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay, little bird."

At this time, it's good that this happened. At least you don't need to pull things by yourself to break the awkward atmosphere just now.

After seeing Nan Xiaoniao erupting white steam again, Mo Yi showed her a relaxed and soothing smile and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"The more nervous you are, the easier it is for others to find clues."

Chapter 215: Nishikino Maki

After hearing Mo Yi's reminder, Nan Xiaotiao was forced to enter the maid smile mode. Except for Sonoda Umi who witnessed everything, Honoka's carefree character could not see anything in a short period of time.

In addition, Honoka was accompanied by a girl with medium-long red hair. According to Mo Yi's memory, the girl was the money-collecting girl Nishikino Maki. She was not familiar with the fellow sufferers and the others, so it was naturally impossible for her to see the clues about Nan Xiaoniao.

Sonoda Umi, who knew everything, looked far more unnatural than Minami Kotori at the moment, and her face was extremely red. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that the heroine just now was her, not Minami Kotori.

Perhaps, for a girl like her who was raised in a traditional education, even the pure love story between Mo Yi Shicai and Nan Xiaoniao can be transformed into an epic masterpiece no less than "The West Chamber" with the powerful brain of the other party. do.

It can only be said that people with brain enhancement are so terrifying.

Because of the silence of the parties involved, Honoka and the newly arrived Nishikino Maki did not notice the strange atmosphere among everyone.

"I've kept you waiting for so long——"

Honoka apologized to Mo Yi and Nan Xiaotiao:

"When I was changing my clothes just now, I suddenly thought that the performance later would be even better if it was accompanied by Maki-san."

"So, I went to the piano room to look for Maki-san. Unexpectedly, I actually found her."

"Kosaka-senpai, you suddenly pulled me over and then said some unintelligible words."

Nishikino Maki's eyes were awkward, but she said with a strong expression:

"Kosaka-senpai, I don't remember that I promised to accompany your performance."

Even without the information in his memory, Mo Yi could easily see the character traits of Maki Nishikino just by relying on his own vision.

Because her personality is so similar to her younger sister-chan.

The seemingly strong appearance is just to cover up one's inability to communicate and the nervousness in one's heart. This is one of the typical signs of tiredness.

"Ha ha--"

It was only at this moment that Honoka remembered that she had directly pulled her over before she even mentioned this matter to her.

"Zhen Ji, you are the royal composer of our muse. Only you can truly perform the charm of the original song."


Hearing this, Nishikino Maki rolled her red hair with her right hand, turned her face and said:

"He's saying some unintelligible words again."

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