Because there is no one left worth loving. "

"Is it an illusion?"

Tezuka Kunimitsu looked uncertainly at Echizen Ryoma, who was in a very strange situation.

Why can't the opponent catch that kind of rubbish serve? Why did he start to be in a daze after catching the ball? Now he is crying sadly and saying some very literary but incomprehensible words!

"Wake up, Echizen-senpai!"

Mo Yi shouted to Echizen Ryoma who was still addicted to White Album 2.

"This is--"

Echizen Ryoma finally woke up. He had clearly been playing tennis before, preparing for a serve that Senior Mo Yi said would be worse than death. When the racket came into contact with the ball, he suddenly lost his memory and relived a painful life.

"Xue Cai——"

"East Malaysia--"

Echizen Ryoma muttered a name that no one could understand, and then ignored the tears on his face. He looked at Mo Yi, asking for proof, but he didn't know how to start.

"Zhuang Sheng's dreams are obsessed with butterflies, and the Emperor's spring heart is enthralled by cuckoos!"

Mo Yi said with an unpredictable smile on his face:

"My answers are not important, what is important is your own answers. If you think they are true, then it is true.

After hearing Mo Yi's answer, Echizen Ryoma slowly picked up the racket on the ground so that no one could hear what they were saying. Only Echizen Ryoma who had experienced the baptism of White Album 2 could understand.

Seeing the painful expression on the other person's face, Mo Yi felt a sense of joy in his heart that Xuenozi couldn't know. Yes, it was the so-called creator's joy.

Then he said:

"The state of selflessness is the secret of integrating mind, body, and skills to the extreme, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot allow tennis players to transcend the limits of human beings."

Echizen Ryoma seemed to have not recovered from the psychic attack from White Album 2. He was still feeling extremely uncomfortable and did not respond to Mo Yi's explanation.

But Qingxue and others concentrated on Mo Yi's words, trying to figure out what happened just now.

Mo Yi smiled happily and said:

"The path above the realm of selflessness is what I call the Tao realm. Only by understanding your own Tao can you break through the limits of being a human being and move towards a higher realm."

"Different people, because of their different perceptions of life, naturally have different ways, and different ways also have different abilities. And the serve I just made was added to the 'Crimson Dream' way that I understood."

"Crimson Dream?"

Echizen Ryoma, who was slowly recovering from his whitewash, looked at Mo Yi in confusion, waiting for the other party's further explanation.

"The Crimson Way allows me to attach the story I conceived to the tennis ball. When you touch it, you will be instantly pulled into the story I conceived. If you can't decipher the story, there is nothing you can do. Hit my ball back.”

Mo Yi smiled like a child and shared with Echizen Ryoma, saying:

"How's it going? Isn't my story exciting?"

"To tell you the truth, tennis is just my entertainment project. My real profession is a creator."


Echizen Ryoma looked at the triumphant Mo Yi in front of him as if he were looking at a devil, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Senior Mo Yi, you are a devil to come up with such a cruel story."

"Ha ha--"

Mo Yi couldn't help but laugh happily when he saw Echizen Ryoma gnashing his teeth and having a stomachache.

"Tao Realm, Crimson Dream Realm?"

Qingxue and others finally figured out what happened. It turned out that Echizen Ryoma was pulled into a story he conceived by Mo Yi, and that story seemed to be a very sad story.

Not sad?

Look at that Echizen Ryoma, who only has tennis in his mind, bursting into tears. Isn’t that sad enough?

"It turns out it's just like a 3D movie!"

Ryuzaki Sakura breathed a sigh of relief. She was no longer afraid that Ryoma would be beaten to a bloody head because of playing tennis. She was just watching a movie. How uncomfortable could it be?

However, I hope she will still think so when she later finds Echizen Ryoma calling out the names of Yukina and Touma while they are sleeping.

Echizen Ryoma clenched his racket, looked at Mo Yi and hesitated for a while, then asked:

"What's the name of that story just now? Where can I buy it?"

Hee hee, another lost lamb has fallen into my bowl. Junior Echizen, you can no longer escape, hahaha!

Mo Yi endured the joy in his heart and said:

"The name of that story is "White Album 2". I haven't written it yet, but I will write it out soon. I will give you a copy then!"


Echizen Ryoma was clearly feeling uncomfortable in his heart, but he still couldn't help but wonder how the story would turn out. Only after countless years did he regret it. This was the worst choice in his life.

From a young boy, he turned into a technical geek who was cured by Mo Yi every day.

"Now that you have seen the path beyond the realm of selflessness, do you want to continue fighting, Echizen?"

Mo Yi looked at Echizen Ryoma with amusement and asked.

"What a hopeless guy!"

Yukinoko once again discovered the deep-seated evil intentions in Mo Yi's serious eyes, and once again made up her mind that in order to save the world, she must correct this twisted guy Mo Yi.

This was not only to gain experience from Mo Yi against her sister Yang Milk, but also from her heart. He was too talented and too dangerous.

"Mo Yi, just let us wait and see!"

Yukinoshita Yukino clenched her fists and muttered to herself.

"Still a long way to go!"

Echizen Ryoma said stubbornly:

"I, Echizen Ryoma, never give up the game. You can beat me, but you can't defeat me!"

"Is it?"

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