On the other hand, it was also because of Xue Miao.

In fact, the relationship between Mo Yi and Xue Miao developed a bit quickly. In just one week, Mo Yi felt that he liked each other.

Mo Yi doesn't want this at all. After all, he is no longer a young man and will no longer easily fall in love with others and regard good feelings as liking.

After some thinking, it was probably because Mo Yi saw in Xue Miao the light that he once had when he was stubborn and had tried to save his friends.

Therefore, in the daily provocations and teasing of each other, her figure is engraved in my heart.

As a standard Chinese traveler, the rules of conduct are naturally to learn from the ancestors of Chinese travellers, such as Long Aotian and Zhao Ritian——

If you like it, you have to face it, instead of being like the male pig's feet in Japanese light novels, being illogical and slow in all kinds of ways, and finally building a big crystal palace with arrogance.

Logically, there is nothing scientific or magical about this matter.

If you don't strive for everything, how can you possibly get what you want? This is simply an insult to Master Mo Yi, who has received a great education in red doctrine.

Since he likes her, he naturally takes the initiative, so he forcefully kisses Xue Miao.

Xue Miao is someone he has met recently and has already taken action. So, as the teacher Zhen Shizi whom he has known for a long time, he naturally needs to face it.

That's why Mo Yi suddenly talked to the other party about the relationship between the two for the first time on the rooftop.

The content of the period is about three points——

First of all, I quite like you, Mr. Shizizi. It's a pleasure to be with you.

However, for some reason, I already have a few people I like and will be with in the future.

Also, the Mo Yi you know is not all Mo Yi. Maybe the real Mo Yi is not as good as you imagined.

After saying these words in tactful words, Mo Yi and Teacher Zhen Shizi ended their trip to the rooftop yesterday.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally understood what Mo Yi meant. He really gave himself a choice.

The distraught teacher Zhen Shizi agreed to the school's invitation and participated in today's already postponed Hundred Schools Exchange Day. The purpose was probably to find something else to do, just as a way to relax.

I just didn't expect that when I came to a strange campus, I still met my nemesis.

It was like Teacher Zhen Shizi's heart was disturbed.

Damn guy (〃> dishes<)!

You are still worrying about what happened yesterday, but now you are busy picking up girls, and the one you pick up is the most beautiful maid in Akihabara. Now Teacher Shizi can't bear it anymore.

Apart from that, I probably understand what I really feel in my heart.

Because at that moment, she was really unhappy and felt heartbroken as if someone had taken something precious away from her.

In this way, she also figured out that she didn't want to lose this most beloved toy. If she didn't want to lose it, she naturally had to protect her ownership.

Therefore, Teacher Zhen Shizi said behind Mo Yi's back, "I am willing to wait for eighteen years, or even the next life."

Perhaps, in Nan Xiaoniao's eyes, it was just because the other person came to joke at the right time, but Mo Yi understood the other person's real thoughts behind such a joke.

However, it is impossible to think it through completely. Teacher Zuo Shizi is still confused as to what the specific situation is.

But the most important bottom line, she remembered, is to fight to the end. I don't want to let go of my own initiative. If you have the ability, just grab it.

As mentioned before, the polygamy system that is popular in District 11 of this world has already been planned in Kasumigaoka Shiu's mind. Even if he cannot let Mr. Front Desk give up other people, I will become his favorite one.

Well, a passing thought.

As for whether this idea will change in the future, even Teacher Zhen Shizi himself is not sure.

Now that you have decided, you have to take action——

Teacher Zhen Shizi is full of action. People who hesitate all day long will only worry about gains and losses. In the end, they finally make a difficult decision, only to find that they have become a loser.

Naturally, if you like something, you have to take it first, and let’s deal with it later. If you don’t like it, I can just throw it away or recycle it.

Because of these thoughts and feelings, there was the incident above where Teacher Zhen Shizi held Mo Yi's hand and walked together on campus, and the conversation where she asked Mo Yi about the so-called Zhengzhen.

Chapter 233: Scientology is pseudo-science and not magic!

Teacher Zhen Shizi, even if you are leaning on my shoulder now, with a typical gentle look like a bird, you can't hide the fact that you have a sharp tongue. How can anyone ask the other party in such a situation——

Are you a pervert with a strange way of speaking? Kuya!

And, how many times have I explained to you that I am not a pervert!

Why is Master Huang Man a bad guy?

We haven’t eaten your rice. Have we made money in any of the above ways that violate the law? We make money through our own efforts. Why are we always misunderstood?

This is a noble, interesting, and three-good profession that serves the people. Teacher Zhu Shizi, if you continue to belittle yourself like this, I will be angry!

Believe it or not, I will teach you on the spot what the anger of a common man means, with blood splattering all over the place (please use the Xueba Dictionary to understand)!

"Shiyu, I am a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, how can I be a pervert?"

Mo Yi sniffed the soap bits emanating from the opponent's hair and complained:

"Besides, as the famous dirty Shizi teacher, are you also a pervert?"

I don’t know why, but when I’m with Teacher Zhen Shizi, I can’t get rid of the habit of complaining.

That's not to say that Mo Yi won't complain when he's with others.

It's just that the way to get along with others is to smile on the face and complain wildly in the heart, but with Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she can say whatever she wants and complain whenever she wants. It's the most relaxed, and she doesn't have to pretend.

This is probably the personal charm of Teacher Zhen Shizi. Of course, Mo Yi's explanation in his mind is that it is all the fault of the other party's poisonous tongue and dirty words, which always make him unable to control himself.

Since you can't use your hands or feet to retaliate against the other party, let's use your mouth to vent.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Hearing that Mo Yi got the title 'Dirty Poet' because he was implicated by the other party, what else can Teacher Xia Shizi say?

Maybe she was a little helpless at first, but to this day, she can only be forcibly given the title of Teacher Dirty Shizi, and her heart has long been shattered.

However, when he heard the other party teasing him like this, Teacher Zhen Shizi naturally couldn't let the other party bully him, so he gently bumped the other party a few times with his own body, and then when the other party looked at him with innocent eyes, he gave He rolled his eyes several times and told the other party that I am not that easy to bully, and now I know whether I am afraid or not.

Of course, these behaviors of Teacher Dirty Shizi, without even realizing it, turned into cute and coquettish behaviors in Mo Yi's eyes, which added a lot of fun to the relationship between the two.

"Don't think that I don't know. When you look at me, you will always secretly take a few glances at my black stockings or my high peaks."

Teacher Zhen Shizi leaned on Mo Yi's shoulder and said in a seductive voice:

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