I think so, but Teacher Shizi is a top student after all, a beautiful girl with equal emphasis on emotional intelligence and IQ. She will not be like the stupid women in those TV dramas, who will only cry, make trouble, and hang themselves when faced with such a situation.

The other party suddenly mentioned such a topic, which still made Teacher Zhen Shizi suspicious.

Hum hum——

Let me see how you want to bullshit me. I am not one of those stupid women who can be fooled by you in just a few words.

"I am a staunch materialist, and I have long passed the age of believing that Santa Claus exists in the world."

After saying that, Teacher Zhen Shizi also began to calm down, put away his innocent expression, showed a kind smile again, and leaned on Mo Yi's shoulder to see what the other person would say next.

Mo Yi: "..."

Another ignorant girl poisoned by Scientology.

People want to always dream. If there is no dream, what is the difference between it and salted fish? What if it comes true?

Since even something as unscientific as a dream can exist, then why can't something as magical as the membrane method exist?

Science, you are doing a lot of harm to people!

"Shiyu, let me tell you a true story——"

Mo Yi didn't tell the other party directly - child, you are still too naive!

Onepices and magic are real!

Scientology is pseudoscience, not magic.


Teacher Zhen Shizi still had the patience to listen to Mo Yi's stories. Rather, after more than ten seconds of calming down, her IQ came back online and improved slightly, and she was successfully upgraded to the Gongdou version of Teacher Zhen Shizi.

I can’t get the you you were before, but as long as I laugh to the end, your people, your heart, and your future will all belong to me, Kasumigaoka Shiu!

He cheated on someone else and didn't seem to suffer any loss. Thinking about it, he was quite excited. He was the real hero when he won in the end.

After seeing that the other party calmed down again and was willing to listen to his story, Mo Yi felt a little more relaxed and continued:

"In another world, there is a person named Mo Yi, who was accidentally transported through time -"

With Mo Yi's slightly sighing voice, a story of "The Brave Fighting the Monster Girl" with a little artistic processing gradually played out in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart.

In the narration style of Chunqiu brushwork, Mo Yi quickly finished telling his story.

"Very interesting story-"

Teacher Zhen Shizi was confused about what story the other party would tell at first, but as the other party told her, she listened more and more carefully, because the details of the story and the psychological journey of the male protagonist named Mo Yi were so real that in the other party's mind With his narration, it seems as if he has experienced it himself.

Moreover, after Mo Yi finished telling the story of the different world, he continued to add the story of rebirth in the new world.

Is this true?

As Mo Yi narrated, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but have such ridiculous thoughts in his mind.

But after hearing about the new world of rebirth and Mo Yi's story in the new world, how could she not understand that the other party was really telling his own story.

But, magic, another world, and reincarnation, do these things really exist?

Teacher Zhen Shizi felt that her worldview was being shattered violently, and she could only comfort herself in her heart. Mo Yijun might just be telling stories to make herself happy. How could there really be magic or other mysterious powers in this world?

If it really exists, why doesn't anyone around know about it, and why hasn't that force ruled the world yet?

This is scientific at all!

After Mo Yi finished speaking, he leaned against the other party quietly, maintaining the close and leaning posture like a couple, letting the other party digest his words.

After all, someone suddenly tells you that the world you have seen for so many years is fake and you have been living a lie!

It would be difficult for anyone to accept and confused.

The original human reaction to something that is difficult to accept is to stay away and resist.

Teacher Zhen Shizi doesn’t even know what expression to use——

I was just going to have a vigorous urban campus love story, and the worst thing is to have another one, "It's the Season of the White Album Again", where I'm fighting a vixen with wits, but why did the painting style suddenly change and become a "working devil", a surreal urban painting style? Woolen cloth?

So it turns out that I have always been a Muggle? !

Teacher Zhen Shizi quietly observed Mo Yi's expression. He was smiling all the time. He didn't look like he was teasing her as usual. He seemed to be serious?

However, Teacher Zhen Shizi is a new era woman who values ​​both wisdom and beauty. She calmed down again and whispered in Mo Yi's ear:

"Mo Yijun, are you serious? Magic really exists?"

"I'm talking about magic, not magic that deceives other people's vision."

Although he already believed Mo Yi's words, Teacher Zhen Shizi felt that he still had to make sure again. If the other party's acting skills exploded and he deliberately joked to divert his attention, and he believed it again, wouldn't he be ridiculed for many days?

Chapter 234: Sorry, you are a good person

"Shiyu, what membrane technique do you want to see?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi has already believed it to a certain extent, and she will naturally believe it as long as she shows her a few hands.

However, they are still in Otonogizaka. If they perform some highly ornamental film techniques such as meteorites blowing up aircraft carriers, freezing the Pacific, undead disasters, and making black holes with their bare hands, they will probably be asked out of the Police Special Strategy Bureau in the afternoon. Eat pork chop rice inside.

However, in the past, there was a time when King You of Zhou Dynasty played with the princes by beacon fire. Even if the beauty's request is not difficult, it must be difficult, otherwise how to show one's sincerity and uniqueness.

Teacher Zhen Shizi is leaning on Mo Yi's shoulder. You can't see his appearance, but by hearing his voice, you can imagine the look on Mo Yi's face that he would take off even the moon for you.

The panic in his heart calmed down and he said:

"How about a fireball?"

Mo Yi: "..."

I never imagined that you, Teacher Zhen Shizi, are actually the Five Fireball Sect, and the teachings of this sect are——

There is no enemy in the world that cannot be defeated by one fireball. If so, then five more!

Heresy, fireball and all that are heresy!

Only my great wind blade technique is the origin of all membrane techniques.

Who doesn't know that as long as you travel to another world, your first enemy will definitely be the wind wolf, and the ultimate secret of the wind wolf is the wind blade technique.

Even the travelers from my great celestial dynasty only managed to defeat Wind Wolf with great perseverance and great luck.

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