It seems that my twin ponytail attributes will no longer be preserved!

"Cousin, is this person your friend?"

Shiina Mana tilted her head, looked at Eiri, and asked expressionlessly.

At this time, Yinglili didn't know what to say.

Cousin, when you see how nervous I am, how could the other person be my friend?


I don’t know if I can discuss it with the other party and just use my ‘lost dog attribute’ and twin pony tail attributes.

"Don't come over here!"

Eiri was trembling in fear, but she also took a step forward. She looked at Tokisaki Kurumi's Shiina Shinbai Fox fake tiger in a daze with interesting eyes and said:

"I went out to play with Senior Mo Yi today. If he doesn't see me for too long, he will definitely come to find me."

"If you know what's going on, just leave quickly."

"Hao(* ̄︶ ̄*)o——"

Kurumi Tokisaki covered his mouth with his hand, smiled gracefully and said:

"I have sealed off the surrounding space. Even if someone walks in front of us, they will not notice what is going on here."

"Still saying that, even if you scream until your throat is broken, no one will come to save you."

"That's not right. Last time, Mo Yijun happened to show up."

Tokisaki Kurumi approached the other party step by step, laughing in his heart and saying, I don't believe that the other party is so free and appears in places within Hifuyuki City every day.


Every time Tokisaki Kurumi took a step, Eiri felt her heart being knocked.

Facing Kurumi Tokisaki who was pressing closer, Eiri, whose face turned pale, could only stand in front of Mashiro Shiina. Although she knew it was impossible, she still shouted crazily in her heart:

"Senior Mo Yi, where are you!"

"I need you again!"

Shiina Mashiro, who was blocked by Eiriri, gradually realized that the other party seemed to be doing something bad to herself and her cousin.

I was very panicked, but I didn't know what expression to show and what reaction to make.

Eiriri's cousin, Shiina Mashiro, was born in the art world. She has been learning to paint since she was a child and is a world-class talented painter.

But because apart from painting, I don’t have to think about anything, which leads to jealousy and slow reaction to the outside world, and a lack of common sense in life.

To put it simply, he is a three-nothing and a natural idiot.

It would be too difficult for her, who couldn't even take care of herself, to make any useful response at this moment.

Faced with such a situation, Shiina Mashiro could only be at a loss and was blocked by Erili. Although she knew what she should do, she didn't know how to do it.

Facing the oncoming Kurumi Tokisaki, Eiri became more and more nervous and panicked, until finally, she could only use her last trick and shouted:


And this cry for help was exactly what Mo Yi overheard while searching for Xue Miao's location.

"Miss Tokisaki Kurumi——"

A long and slender right hand suddenly pressed down on Tokisaki Kurumi's shoulder, holding Tokisaki Kurumi in place as he still wanted to get closer to Eiri.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Didn't the curry stick hurt you last time?"

"Why do you always bully my lovely junior every time we meet-"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "..."

Tokisaki Kurumi, whose smile gradually disappeared, was also startled by the sudden appearance of a male voice. He was about to use his shadow to attack the person who suddenly held his shoulders, but found that he could not move at all, and he could not even speak.

"Senior Mo Yi——"

Yinglili shouted in disbelief:

"Why are you here?"

"Ah——, no, that's not what I meant..."

Yingli, who had narrowly escaped death again, felt that her words were confused.

What does 'why are you here' mean? Isn’t this a way of blaming others for appearing here?

In fact, Yinglili just wanted to express her inner ecstasy.

How could the fear and psychological shadow caused by being attacked be forgotten so quickly.

After Eri was sent home by Mo Yi that day, except for the first night when her mother, Sayuri Sawamura, accidentally poured udon noodles on her and she had a good sleep, she couldn't sleep well in the two nights. , he would have an image in his mind of being chased by Tokisaki Kurumi for nine streets, and of the other person's joyful smile as he chased him calmly.

Haunted by such a nightmare, how could Yinglili sleep?

Until the end, Ying Lili could barely fall asleep only by thinking of Senior Mo Yi who had descended from the sky, his warm embrace, and the domineering and powerful hatchet he had pulled out of her body.

In fact, in the past few days, Yinglili had been thinking about talking to Mo Yi. She didn't know what she wanted to talk about, but she just wanted to talk. She felt that in this way, she could sleep peacefully at night and forget the terror that Tokisaki Kurumi brought to her.

But what he never expected was that before he could think of a reason to talk to Mo Yi and convince himself of his embarrassment, he would meet again the person he least wanted to meet in his life - Tokisaki Kurumi.


Yinglili's tense emotions finally relaxed after seeing Mo Yi. Without knowing what she said or how to explain what she didn't know, Yinglili cried happily as she talked. out.

"Thank you, Senior Mo Yi."


Mashiro Shiina couldn't understand what happened at the scene. First of all, in front of her eyes, a strange boy suddenly appeared. It was a real sudden appearance.

If Mashiro Shiina was asked to describe the way the other person appeared, he probably wanted to draw the figure above, and gradually outlined it in front of his eyes as he drew his brush.

Even though she has a simple temperament, she also reveals her eyes in disbelief. Although she is a natural idiot who cannot take care of herself, she still knows that this world belongs to the Scientology.

But what's going on with the way the other party appears as if it's been drawn?

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