Yusa Emi is now the leader of the team, so Xuemiao and others will naturally not stop each other, and the seriousness on Emi's face has a kind smile, which is indeed very deceptive.

After all, they have lived for more than a thousand years. Except for people like Aqua whose IQ has been preset, they will all become seasoned. As long as they want to show off their acting skills, Xuemiao and others who are only in their teens will naturally not be able to see it. wear.

In fact, Mo Yi didn't want to go with Huimei. Of course, he wasn't afraid of the other person. The most terrifying thing was that the strange emotions hidden in the other person's eyes made Mo Yi feel inexplicably uneasy.

For a strong person like Mo Yi to feel uneasy, there must be something exciting waiting for him.

Naturally, Mo Yi would not suspect his wife of harming him, but the so-called sexy things do not necessarily refer to things that endanger his own safety. They may also be things that Mo Yi hates, such as the number of hours of overtime he works every day. The battle raged until dawn.

But, how can you refuse in this situation?

If she refuses, Huimei will definitely settle the score later. When she is alone, she doesn't know what she will do to herself, such as clearing the shopping cart.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, but it’s a curse that cannot be avoided.

Mo Yi finally followed Huimei, who had a kind smile on her face, and disappeared in front of the service department and teacher Zhen Shizi whose eyes were uncertain.

"Emi, where are you taking me?"

After leaving the Dongmu High School team, Mo Yi didn't need to estimate the gazes of the people around him. He asked the questions in his heart and said casually:

"I didn't expect that, Huimei, you are actually the leading teacher, and it's great to meet you today."

"Why didn't you tell me when you called last night?"

Mo Yi could tell that something was wrong with Yusa Emi's expression at the moment. If the other party was angry because of his previous incident with Teacher Zhenshizi or Xue Miao, his expression would definitely not be like this.

What should I say?

The other party may be angry because of Teacher Zhen Shizi and Xue Miao, but the heavier emotion in her heart at the moment is not because of one thing.

Anyway, it's weird.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Yusa Emi was naturally unhappy. In order to get along with the other party, she deliberately gave up her retirement job like a cafe and came to Fuyuki High School to work as a tedious teacher.

But in just two days, she discovered that the reality was different from what she had imagined. It was not at all the story of pure love between teachers and students on campus that she had imagined!

On the first day, he met Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who had a fight with him because of his teacher. On the second day, he met another student named Yukinoshita Yukino who had a close relationship with Mo Yi.

Although they had little interaction, how could a mere teenage girl be able to deceive Yusa Emi's firm gaze that she had gained over thousands of years.

This is clearly a tired guy who only cares a lot about his words. He is similar to his younger self.

The other party's concern for Mo Yi is not the main point. The important point is that his own Shijiang also cares about the other party very much.

Yusa Emi, who knows the strengths and weaknesses of each other very well, is still unclear about Mo Yi's temperament. If you are not someone he cares about, no matter how cute and cute you are, you will still ignore you if you dare to rub in front of him.

Through such simple observation and speculation, it is clear that the other man is in love, and the woman has intentional thoughts!

Coupled with the fact that Mo Yi had told her about Ilia before, Yusa Emi felt that her position was being challenged more and more. If this trend continued, wouldn't it be her turn to chat with Shijiang for a week in the future? Talk about ideals, talk about life for once?

Considering such a cute fact, it's strange that Yusa Emi has a good temperament!

However, she has more important and tangled things to worry about now. Just now, she went up to slander Teacher Shizi and Xue Miao without being present, so that they could understand what it means to be controlled by a teacher, and what it means to be your teacher. teacher.

Even if you try to please me, Shijiang, I won't be able to forgive you so quickly.

After Yusa Emi heard Mo Yi's question, she just snorted and did not respond to Mo Yi's chat.

I was still feeling guilty and hesitant to tell Mo Yi what happened so that he could be mentally prepared.

Don't tell him now, even if you are my teacher and my dear, that's not the reason for you to ignore me and flirt with girls in school.

Moreover, it has only been two days now, and I have already discovered three of them. Who knows how many more people will jump out to share their cake?

This is simply intolerable!

However, I can't bring myself to teach him a lesson, or in other words, I have no way to teach my unsatisfactory Shijiang. No matter how bad he is, I have liked him for more than a thousand years, resented him for more than a thousand years, and thought about him for more than a thousand years. Lover of years.

Yusa Emi knew that as long as she was flattered by the other person's sweet words, and then hugged and made out cutely for a while, her favorability level would immediately return to the full value. Apart from consuming the other person's energy, she would not be able to do anything to the other person at all.

However, since I can't control Shijiang, someone can naturally treat him.

I still felt a little guilty, but now I should give my dear Shi-chan a surprise so that the news would not be tipped off!


Seeing Yusa Emi's silent expression, Mo Yi felt even more uneasy. It seemed that something dangerous was waiting for him to come to his door, and then swallowed his premonition in one gulp.

"Where are you taking me?"


Yusa Emi used the Hum magic skill again, walked to a corner, and then said to Mo Yi:

"We're here, Shi-chan."

Under the influence of inertia, Mo Yi turned around and saw a girl wearing a typical sailor uniform of a high school girl in District 11, with waist-length hair and violet eyes, standing under the cherry blossom tree, facing the breeze, Looking at Mo Yi proudly, he smiled.

Mo Yi: "..."

How could Mo Yi not recognize his sister, Erina-chan Nakiri.

It's not surprising for the other party to appear in front of him. Over the past ten years, Mo Yi has long been accustomed to Erina suddenly appearing in front of him from a certain corner.

But what surprised Mo Yi was that the leader this time was Yusa Emi, the nominal daughter of Sister Jiang in her previous life.

Emi-chan, you just said a few days ago and yesterday morning that you must not let Erina know about you and yourself. Why do you become the leader today?

She has a history of destroying the world and wiping out all mankind when she goes crazy!

Are you afraid that the other party will become angry and turn evil, and kill you in a righteous act of righteousness? He will kill you with a blast of holy light, and then cut open your stomach to check if there is no so-called child inside?

Well, in fact, no matter how much Mo Yi complains now, it has changed one fact——

That is, the fact that his disciple, niece, and wife has secretly turned to his former greatest enemy, sister-chan, and eldest wife.

What if we promised to stay together hand in hand and walk to the end of the world together?

Emi-chan, did you betray your favorite teacher-chan and husband like this?

"Emi-chan, my stomach suddenly feels uncomfortable——"

Mo Yi, who was not yet ready to deal with his sister Jiang who changed his strategy, retracted his right foot that was halfway out and was about to go back to the corner, pretending not to see his dear sister Jiang.

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

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