And he even took photos arrogantly?

Are you worthy of me? !

Mo Yi looked up at Erina, who was crossing her arms and showing the perfect curves of her body in front of Mo Yi. He didn't know what to do? He asked in despair:

"Erina, didn't we agree that things between us can't involve others?"

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Seeing Mo Yi's tangled look, Erina said in a good mood:

"Onii-chan, I didn't do anything excessive to her."

"I'm just recycling the smell and saliva you left on her."

"Who dared this hateful sneaky cat to do such enviable things while I'm not with you? No, it's extremely excessive."

"I have said that you are mine before, now and in the future -"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, Mo Yi can now fully imagine what kind of outrageous things Erina did to Illya this morning!

Erina, do you know that your current behavior is very dangerous?

Now there are still things like smell and saliva, so in the future, wouldn’t the heather-flavored liquid also have to be recycled by you? You are hindering your dear Onii-chan from spreading his branches and spreading his great achievements all over the world!

If you have the ability, come after me and attack Lolita, what kind of ability do you have, Kou Ya!


Complaints are complaints, Mo Yi didn't dare to really complain and accuse Erina at the moment. He did sleep with Illya last night. Thinking about it, it seemed that he was still wrong.

Now that my sister-chan has discovered it, my courage is instantly cut in half.

"Erina, you will scare Illya."

Facing his confident sister Jiang, Mo Yi could only respond with emotion and reason. Anyway, he just used a kind and flattering smile and said:

"Didn't you agree to live in peace?"


Erina ignored Mo Yi's words and said matter-of-factly:

"Oni-chan with fish lips, do you think I'm getting along peacefully with that fake loli who is obviously older than us but pretends to be young all day long?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Sister-chan, it’s easy for you to have no friends if you tell the truth like this!

Do you know how hard Ilia works? !

In order to maintain her unique competitiveness as a cute lolita, she decisively gave up the choice of growth and silently endured the pitiful looks of people around her.

In ancient times, the skin god gave up the legend of evolving into a thunder super in order to maintain his weight so that he could always sit on the shoulders of the god of wisdom. Today, in order to satisfy Mo Yi's lolita hobby, there is Ilia who maintains the body shape of a ten thousand year old lolita. A touching story!

Moreover, sister-chan, how do you know that Illya knows the legendary multi-stage transformation ability and can freely switch into girl mode, loli mode, otome mode, royal sister mode and married woman mode (Mo Yi doesn't like cute mature women, So there is no mature woman mode), and it can satisfy your many wishes of Onii-chan at the same time.

How could Illya, who is so hard-working and multi-functional, be just a fake lolita who pretends to be cute all day long as you say?


Of course, Mo Yi wouldn't say this even to death, because after saying it, his angry sister Jiang might say, 'Why do you know so much?' or 'Why are you so skilled? Have you played with her before? "How many kinds of tricks?" After these words full of Bai Xue's flavor, he was directly pressed to the ground and slapped to death.

"Erina, you are a good girl."

Mo Yi said sincerely.

Although Erina knew that Mo Yi was coaxing her again, she still couldn't help but feel happy. She could obviously ignore the praises of everyone around her, but she was not immune to Mo Yi's pale and simple words of praise. This was probably the so-called Zhou Yu Slap the yellow cover, one is willing to snap, the other is willing to endure.

When Erina couldn't help showing a hint of the goddess' joyful smile, Mo Yi continued:

"Ilia is also——"

Erina: "MMP!"

"Then how come it's not possible for you to live in peace?"

Mo Yi said.

Chapter 245: Serving the goddess is the duty of the brave


Erina, who was tricked by Mo Yi every day, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and finally she pressed her ears with both hands in panic, shook her head and said:

"Don't listen, don't listen, you bastard is chanting sutras!"

"Anyway, it's impossible. No matter what you say, it's impossible. Unless these shameless guys pop out of your sight, I will be willing to forgive them!!"

Mo Yi "···"

Erina, you have to know that objective facts are not subject to human will. Blindly escaping from reality cannot solve the facts.

Only by bravely accepting the cruel objective existence can we move towards a new tomorrow!

Forget it, it’s better to swallow these words. I always feel that if I say it, Erina will go berserk like Unit 1.

After shouting for a few seconds and venting her depression, Erina calmed down again and returned to her usual goddess appearance.

"Forget it, there's not much time left—"

Erina glanced at Mo Yi sadly. This guy couldn't even comfort a girl. He was really bad.

Such a bad guy, why do so many sneaky cats like him?

Of course, Erina misunderstood Mo Yi again this time. Mo Yi would only show this kind of steely straight man appearance when he was with her.

You know, if Mo Yi flirts with Erina the same way he treats Illya, the game called life will soon enter the true end of Erina's single heroine.

However, this kind of future is not the future that Mo Yi wants.

This is why the characters of most male protagonists in light novels are gentle and slow. With the setting of a steely straight man, they constantly and unintentionally increase the favorability of each branch target, until they can't live without him, and then they can meet them. Come to the true end of the Crystal Palace that belongs to the male protagonist.

After Mo Yi reads this type of light novel, he often reads it twice more carefully to study the hidden details and analyze whether the hero of the novel is a real straight man or a pretended straight man.

In the end, Mo Yi finally understood why everyone was focusing on harem romances. Some people's works are masterpieces, while some people's works are scumbag——

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