"I only have one bed here, so it's not convenient for you to condescend here."

"What a useless hero. He can't even meet the basic needs of the goddess."

After hearing this, Sister Jiang didn't feel the slightest shame about eating up all the food in Mo Yi's family. Instead, she frowned and criticized seriously:

"Moreover, your residence is too simple and does not match the majesty of this goddess at all."

"Seeing the sacrifices you have made before, this goddess will forgive you with great mercy. You must work hard with gratitude to become a qualified warrior."

"This bed is a bit crude, so I'll just have to sleep for a while."

Mo Yi: "..."

Thus, the cohabitation life of Mo Yi and the goddess Ilias began happily!

Half a month later——

Under the iron fist of Lady Ilyas, just the cost of maintaining the other party's three daily meals was enough for Mo Yi, who usually moved bricks and went out to do daily tasks, to make ends meet.

Whenever he held the hungry Pipiha in his arms in the middle of the night and looked at her pitiful appearance, Mo Yi couldn't bear to touch her dog's head to comfort her——

I can only eat until I am eighty percent full, Pipiha, just bear with it, life is not only the dog food in front of you, but also the distance and poetry (language)."

The other person looks like an ignorant young lady at first glance. It is impossible to rely on them for the rest of your life. When the other person gets tired of each other, they will naturally leave, and then we can live a happy and adventurous life again.

Mo Yi originally thought that no matter how miserable it was, it would be worse than The Voice of China, but later he found out that he was still as bad as Tucson.

One day, Mrs. Elias, who was very interested, took Mo Yi out to go shopping, and then Mo Yi was eaten up and bankrupted.


After failing to escape, Mo Yi, who was blocked by Lady Elias at the entrance of the village, lay on top of Pipiha, leaving tears of humiliation and pleading:

"Goddess, I have no money and can no longer support you."

"It's better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to let each other be like a pair of moths——"

"The green mountains will never change, and the green waters will always flow. I'll see you again when I'm destined!"

Mo Yi used the self-destruction trick of crying poor, I am not worthy of you, I am a scumbag, but was still ignored by the great Lady Elias. Then he was knocked unconscious with a knife and dragged back to that warm little home.

If it was because of the delicious food that Elyas chose to follow him home at first, then after nearly a month of getting along with her, she was attracted to Mo Yi, a human being who was different from what she had seen in all these years. Attracted by his character.

Her words are interesting and nice, and she has many ideas that even as a goddess she has never had before, but they are unexpectedly interesting and reasonable.

And because Mo Yi wanted to distract the other party from his inexplicable enthusiasm and obsession with food, Mo Yi always told the other party some colorless stories.

What? Tell a colorful story?

Let’s not talk about whether the second eldest daughter’s opponent can understand the hidden meaning of his story. The more important thing is that if the other party understands, I’m afraid he will be beaten to the ground or have to provide twice as much food tomorrow. .

I can't afford to offend such a cute goddess. How can I afford to offend her?

Therefore, during these days of private tour incognito, Lady Ilyas not only awakened her new attribute of being a foodie, but also awakened her new hobby of listening to Mo Yi tell stories and bragging.

For Lady Ilyas, Mo Yi is special, just like a girl's new pet dog, how can she let him run away from home?

Mo Yi, who was dragged home, thought that if he continued to be tortured by the other party, he would really end up dying of poverty!

With this awareness in mind, Mo Yi resolutely had a showdown with Lord Ilyas. After all kinds of emotions and understanding, the magnanimous Lord Ilyas finally realized his mistake and reluctantly expressed that starting from tomorrow Eat less when you get up, and never go out to eat again.

Moreover, in order to save the family that was about to die of poverty, Lady Elias stepped in and went out to work with Mo Yi to make money!

As for the experience of Sister Jiang and Mo Yi going out to make money together, it is another long story of laughter and tears.

Unknowingly, half a year has passed since the brave man Mo Yi and the troubled goddess Ilias started their lives in another world from scratch.

This day is also the most important festival every day in Moi Continent - the first day of the new year in Moi Continent. Because it is the birth day of Ilias, the goddess of creation, it is also called the Festival of Light.

Naturally, the brave man and the goddess in distress will not let go of such an important day!

Although I don’t know whether the New Year in another world is the same as the New Year in my original world, this is a kind of spiritual sustenance. More importantly, it is a celebration of the successful debut of the goddess in distress and becoming the first idol of Novice Village.

Ahem -, the important thing is that because you have become the idol king's man, you have lived a new era of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. Such a happy thing, naturally you have to celebrate it!

The goddess was just happy because Mo Yi said she should celebrate well, and the way to celebrate was to make a delicious meal.

"Ms. Lily, are you making dumplings or steamed buns?"

Mo Yi condescendingly judged Lady Elias who was learning how to make dumplings by herself, and complained mercilessly:

"I have only lived a good life for a few days, and it has been wasted like this! If it is not cooked by the time, why don't you come and eat it?"

After living together for such a long time, Mo Yi was naturally curious about the other party's name, but the other party insisted that he was the goddess Ilias. Mo Yi did not dare to really call the other party Ilias like this. This was his own If the working hero's final boss is discovered by the other party, wouldn't he be beaten to a pulp by a thunderbolt?

Under Mo Yi's guess, the other party should be some kind of eldest lady who ran away from home. In order not to reveal her true identity, and because of the eldest lady's desperate style, she insisted on saying that she was Ilias.

In desperation, Mo Yi gave the other party a nickname - Lily, which was simple and catchy.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Lady Ilyas was dissatisfied and allowed Mo Yi to take the fist-sized dumplings in her hand, open them and wrap them into qualified dumplings.

However, as a great goddess who cannot make mistakes, she will naturally not admit her mistake. This is all the fault of the brave man with fish lips. He could not understand the profound connotation of the dumplings he made, and said:

"I specially packed it for you and Pipiha. The portion is large enough to fill your stomach. You can eat just one and eat it. You don't have to be like Pipiha who squeaked this night."

Mo Yi: "..."

Can you please stop comparing me to a husky, you tough-tongued guy!

Forget it, let’s stop complaining about the other person. Yes, if you try to reason with the other person, the other person will take out his clenched fist and tell himself that this is the greatest truth.

"Mo Yi, I'm a little bored. Please tell me some interesting stories to comfort me."

"I have been performing on stage for several hours today, and I am exhausted."

While Ilyas continued to make all kinds of weird dumplings without remorse, she looked at Mo Yi with her blue eyes and demanded:

"I want to hear stories from another world, not stories like Snow White and the Sleeping Princess——"

"It's childish and simply insults the intelligence of this goddess."

Mo Yi: "..."

I don’t know who was there a few months ago who had to tell himself fairy tales all day long before he would eat less. If he didn’t tell them, he would have a big meal on the street and threaten himself.

Now that I'm tired of hearing it, I'm very arrogant, as if it's not me who is jealous.

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