It’s so hard to be a human being!

In fact, I don't seem to know what Shi-chan is doing when he goes out, whether he goes out to flirt with other girls, really!

"You can do it, Yukinoshita Yukino!"

In the women's restroom, Yukinoshita Yukino stood in front of the sink. First, she washed the sweat off her face with tap water, and at the same time, she calmed herself down. Then, when there was no one around, she looked at herself in the mirror, who was still as beautiful as today, and whispered. Encouragement:

"We're just a little bit closer to winning."

After Xue Miao drank chicken soup for her soul for a while while looking at herself in the mirror, she felt much more relaxed. She wiped the water droplets on her face with a tissue and became the confident snow girl Yukinoshita Yukino again.

When Xue Miao was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something and muttered to herself in the mirror:

"The soul is dull and Moyi, and he said that he must come to watch his game. It's almost the end of the game, and he hasn't shown up yet!"

"I have worked so hard to keep myself from losing and wait until you come over."

"Big liar! Don't let me catch you, or I will definitely teach you a lesson."

Xue Miao's tone was so deep that she looked at Xue Miao in the mirror and complained:

"Yukishita Yukino, you are still too naive to believe this guy Mo Yi."

"That's right, you shouldn't believe him."

"Baga, pig head, untrustworthy soul..."

Xue Miao couldn't control herself and used all the derogatory words she could think of. Then she finally cleared away her depressed mood, turned around and left, and went back to continue the chess game.

Mo Yi, who was standing at the door of the women's restroom, didn't know how to be grateful that his hearing was so good that he listened to everything Xue Miao said to the mirror.

Suddenly I felt an inexplicable feeling, well, my balls ached.

Fortunately, the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family is a decent person and has received an elite education since she was a child. If the other party learns my national curse gestures from the Great Heavenly Dynasty, I am afraid that I will have to listen to her curse here for half an hour, and the words will never be repeated. and dirty words.

It's so cute!


After adjusting her mood, Yukinoshita Yukinya just came out of the bathroom and bumped into someone else when she turned the corner. Because of her years of magic training, of course she didn't hit her backwards in an unscientific way as she imagined. Because of the entanglement, Wearing her skirt, she sent a wave of welfare to Mo Yi who was hit but still stood there. Seeing the color today, or because she fell backward, she hurriedly pulled Mo Yi who wanted to help her, and then The story of happily giving out a first kiss,

Of course, Xue Miao’s first kiss was still given to someone by Mo yesterday, so this plot naturally does not exist!

Because she was thinking about the unfinished chess game, Xue Miao didn't notice who she bumped into. She only vaguely guessed that the other person was a boy. After all, she didn't feel the slightest weakness during the collision.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now and didn't pay attention for a moment."

Generally speaking, boys are the first to apologize. However, Xuemiao, especially girls, are the first to apologize when they find out they bumped into someone else. It was true that she was thinking about something just now, and that's why there was a possibility of bumping into someone else.

"Are you OK?"

Xue Miao couldn't finish her sentence mid-sentence, because when she took a step back and looked up to see clearly the situation of the person she bumped into, she finally saw who the person in front of her was.

"Something's happening, something's happening!"

Mo Yi, Xue Miao's expression gradually turned from red to white, and said jokingly:

"I feel pain all over my body. Maybe all the bones in my body were broken by you, Yukino-chan."

"What should I do? Will I die? If I become paralyzed, you have to take care of me for the rest of my life."

"Although I was almost killed by you, I still choose to forgive you. After all, Yukino, you are so cute—"

"Mo, Yi——"

When Mo Yi wanted to continue making fun of him, he stopped mid-sentence just like Xuemiao. However, unlike the other party, the other party stopped because he was surprised and bumped into an acquaintance who did not need to take responsibility, while Mo Yi stopped. Yi Ze stopped talking only when the angry Xuemiao stepped on his right foot with his small leather shoe and forcibly interrupted his speech.

"Thank you so much for choosing to forgive me even after all the bones in your body were broken by me. I'm so touched."

Of course, Xue Miao had thought about the situation where the other party would show up and encourage her to cheer for her, but it was just like this. Her imagination still limited Xue Miao's bold guesses. How could she have imagined that Mo Yi would appear in her in such a way? before.

What about the scene where you promised to be warm and embarrassed, and showed up at the venue at the last moment to cheer you up?

Sorry, none of them exist!

"Then I will crush all the bones in your feet, and you will probably forgive me!"

"After all, I'm so cute!"

After that, Xue Miao lifted up Mo Yi's small leather shoes, and then stepped on them hard again. If the force of this foot is firm, it is hard to say whether the bones in Mo Yi's feet will be broken, and the floor will definitely be broken. Lose.

Chapter 260: The bathroom outside is dirty

Successful command is reserved for those who are prepared, and a violent guy like Xue Miao is naturally reserved for young people who can resist violent law enforcement.

Facing Xue Miao's angry attack, Mo Yi could of course choose to dodge, but what happens after dodging?

People like Xuemiao are so tired, even if they are very happy in their hearts, they will often force themselves to be unhappy because they can't live with their face. The way to calm the other person down is simple, isn't it just to kick him?

Just let her step on it——

So, the kick that could crack the floor was just like this, on Mo Yi's foot that quietly blessed the magic defense.


The pain made Mo Yi look beyond recognition and he shouted: "The bones in his feet are all broken."

Mo Yi worked very hard to show off his Yan Yi, vividly portraying the demeanor and pain of a man who silently endured the violence of his brutal girlfriend.

If she didn't know the other party's details, the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family might have been blackmailed by the other party, and then she would have agreed to some weird requests from the other party out of desperation and concern.

For example, you need to kiss a wounded place to get up, you need a hug to temporarily forget the pain, or the pain is so painful that you don't want to be a human being. Only when the other person agrees to be your wife can you rekindle the courage to live.

If he was such an innocent guy as Xuemiao, he might actually be tricked.

However, in Xue Miao's view, even if the earth explodes and all human beings are killed, then the last remaining human being must be Mo Yi. How could he really hurt the other person with such a kick?

The other party's appearance is just pretending to make himself happy.

But, why am I really happy?

In other words, you were very happy from the beginning? No, how is this possible?

"Stop pretending--"

Xue Miao returned to her usual cold demeanor, but the other party's eyelashes swaying in the air had already betrayed the truth about her good mood, and she said:

"I won't ask you why you came here so late."

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