"Are you back to compete?"


Mitsutsu Toyohime, who was eating a peach, suddenly screamed. She was careful, and the remaining half of the peach and the peach core were swallowed into her throat. After some rescue, she finally swallowed it.

Immediately, he patted his heart gently and said to himself happily:

"I almost got swallowed to death."

Then, he turned his head to see who was calling him.

"Do we know each other?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, after the other party turned his face, Mo Yi finally recognized the other party's identity. The sister of Yiji Wushuang who was fighting with the monster on the stage - Mianyue Toyohime.

But, why did the other party appear here?

"She is Yae Sakura-senpai's sister——"

Schoolgirl Yayi noticed the situation and took the initiative to explain it to Mo Yi.

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi looked at his friends speechlessly, with a matter-of-fact look on his face.

"Who told you that she is Yae Sakura's sister?"

Mo Yi couldn't help but complain:

"The hair colors are different, how can they be sisters?"


Senior sister Mei said in confusion:

"Isn't it natural that sisters have different hair colors?"

"Isn't it?"

"That's right, what Senior Sister Mei said makes sense."

Musashi and Kojiro agreed repeatedly.

Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, what you said makes sense. It seems that in this world, it is normal for sisters to have different hair colors.

Different from the world in the previous life, if the sisters' hair colors were different, then the next-door neighbor of that family was either named Wang, or the uncle guarding the door was named Qin.

But is that the point?

The girl standing next to you, eating this peach arrogantly, and watching the game is not what you first imagined, Ying Ying's weird sister Ying Xiongwang - Jiuchong Ying.


After all, Toyohime Wagetsuki is a woman who can learn quantum mechanics and then comprehend her own unique abilities. She soon came to the realization and explained with sudden enlightenment:

"I said before that I came to see my sister fight——"

"But my sister is that Yi Ji. It turns out you all misunderstood."

Mei-senpai and others: "..."

We have a traitor in our midst!

I never thought that I, who is naturally black, would be blackmailed one day.

Seeing everyone's confused look, Toyuki Mitsuki showed an elegant smile, bowed and introduced herself:

"Hello everyone, I am Toyuki Mitsuki from the High School Affiliated to Dongda University. Please give me your advice."

The friends from Fuyuki High School couldn't help but roar wildly in their hearts——

Damn it, you she-wolf who got into the husky group, don’t think that if you act so gracefully and appropriately, we will forgive you and accept your presence here as a matter of course.

"Toyohime Toyuki-san——"

Feeling that she was being teased, senior Mei Yi put on a fierce and cute expression and asked:

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the rest area of ​​your school or in the auditorium?"

"I think--"

Wagetsuki Toyohime said matter-of-factly:

"I should be lost."

Mo Yi: "..."

Girl, if you are looking for an excuse, why don't you find someone reliable? Not to mention that your ability is to transfer space at will. It is impossible for a normal female high school student to get lost in the enemy's hometown. Is there anything really better than kicking a football into one's own goal and it's bullshit.

Anyway, I just don’t believe it. I definitely secretly bought my own team to lose, so I kicked the ball into my own goal.


School girl Mei suddenly realized and said:

"I see--"

"Classmate Mianyue, do you need us to take you back?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Judging from the look and tone of Meiyi's senior classmate, she really believed it.

"Thank you, you are all good people——"

Mitsutsu Toyohime said with great emotion:

"But I'll just stand there for a while. My sister will come back to me later."

Then, the others also showed expressions of belief and said nothing more. In less than a minute, Mei-senpai and Toyuki Mitsuki were already looking like good friends.

"Toyohime-kun, your fan is so beautiful. Can you show it to me?"

Raiden Mei asked curiously as she looked at the exquisite classical fan in Wagetsuki Toyohime's hand.

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