But, is it really that simple?

Chapter 298: You have no way to escape

Why haven't you heard the referee's voice announcing that the opponent has lost the ability to fight and you have won?

I was prepared to make a victory declaration like "I am determined to be the Pokémon Trainer Master".

Suddenly, an unpleasant feeling arose spontaneously. Grandpa Mo Yi, who was experienced in fighting, quickly made a handsome side jump to avoid the thorns rising from the ground.

"The power of Gion-sama who sealed the goddess——"

Mo Yi looked back and found that Mianyue Yiji, who was theoretically deeply paralyzed, was inserting the katana in her hand into the ground, and then the ground thorns spread all the way to the place where she stood just now.

Damn it!

Seeing Yi Ji Wushuang read out the name of the move after using the skill, such a despicable behavior, Mo Yi couldn't help but become angry.

With Master Mo Yi's rich knowledge of the mysterious side, he could see that the power contained in this move should seal the binding power. Looking at the sharp tip on the ground thorn closest to him that was sharp enough to emit sunlight, If he hadn't avoided it, the shining spearhead would have hit exactly where the chrysanthemum was.

But bang, it’s so snappy!

I didn’t expect you to be such a Mianyue Yiji. This master’s Great Chrysanthemum Temple, especially one that mortals can touch, is simply a wishful thinking!

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After seeing her attack being dodged, Mitsuyuki screamed in displeasure, and then pulled out the katana on the ground. Since she was discovered by the opponent, it would be impossible to hit the opponent with this move.

The physical injuries have been treated, but the mental trauma caused Mianyue Yiji always feels that her heart is still aching.

This was all the fault of the man standing in front of him.

However, she had to admit that the opponent's super-speed draw and slash just now was the fastest draw and slash she had ever seen. As far as this move is concerned, I, Yi Ji Wushuang, am willing to make you Mo Yi the strongest. .

Fortunately, before she was completely paralyzed, she relied on the power of the 'Ienagi Life' to turn the fact of her trauma into an illusion, and she was revived on the spot.

However, a move like this that reverses cause and effect and rewrites reality requires too much spiritual power, and it is impossible to use it more than three times in a short period of time.

If it were a usual swordsman duel, according to Mitsuyuki Yoshie's character, she should give in at this time. After all, she has a strong sense of self-esteem and would not play rogue, cheating on the enemy if she couldn't beat him.

However, she really couldn't bear this tone, and she just wanted to teach the despicable guy in front of her a lesson.

Seeing Mianyue Yiji's pity look, Mo Yi knew that the other party was really running to attack him just now. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and almost overturned the old driver's car. There were countless friends watching him at the scene. In the competition, if the opponent succeeds, how can I go out and mess around in the future?

"Causal interference?"

Sensing the divine power of 'Izana's Life' still remaining in the air, Mo Yi asked curiously:

"It's really a good ability."

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Mianyue Yiji said unhappily while relying on the abilities of other gods again:

"Did I think I would tell you?"


Mo Yi: "..."

Girl, you are not playing by the rules!

A hot-blooded and arrogant miko like you, when faced with a problem like your own decent, shouldn't always reveal your abilities intentionally or unintentionally, so that the decent person can have a flash of inspiration and think of a way to defeat the enemy.

With your prompting, the master will naturally defeat you, and the defeated you will naturally become one of the male protagonist's harem. This is the royal way of hot-blooded harem comics.

"Fire God——"

Yi Ji Wushuang, a man of few words, raised his left hand and waved it at Mo Yi.

Frankly speaking, Grandpa Mo Yi knows the other party better than the other party knows her.

As a true master of porn comics, before painting, you naturally need to understand and conceive the various personalities of the characters in the work, so that you can reproduce the emotions and sorrows of the other person in your mind. This is just a basic operation.

Of course, Mo Yi has also drawn Mianyue Yiji's book. After all, sisters and other things are an eternal plot point no matter what era they are in, and they all run together when they are happy.

Mo Yi can tell the other party in a very complicated way, Miss Yi Ji Wushuang, I know everything about you. How could I not notice your most proud ability, 'Spiritual Reliance'?


The moment the other party waved his hand, a thick thunderbolt, about the size of a bucket, struck Mo Yi.

After the huge thunder and lightning hit, it did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it turned into an eight-headed flame dragon, and then exploded again.

"Is it solved?"

Looking at the smoke and haze raised by her attack, Mianyue Yiji thought to herself that the opponent had never shown the ability to manipulate energy before. Even if he had the ability to accelerate time, the speed of thunder and lightning was not something that human nerves could reflect. Therefore, without preparedness, the time ability will not be effective against thunder and lightning attacks.

But, will the other party be electrocuted or burned to death?

After all, the opponent has always used technical abilities, rather than resisting and outputting energy flows. Maybe he will be taken away directly.

After venting her anger, Mianyue Yiji felt a little regretful about such trouble.

As an ignorant Yuedu native, she had naturally never heard of the universal truth that "there is no smoke but nothing happens".

"Mianyue-san, this is too much—"

Mo Yi, whose clothes were not even dirty, walked out of the haze and complained:

"This is not a kendo competition at all."

Mianyue Yiji: "..."

Is this the time to worry about this kind of thing?

I was still too naive. The opponent was surprisingly thick-skinned and thick-skinned. It seemed that I could do whatever I wanted without fear of beating the opponent to death and causing a lot of trouble.

"It's time to end this game."

Mo Yi looked at the arena that had finally been repaired but then broken.

Otonogizaka is the property of the Minami Kotori family, so Iki Musou cannot let you continue to destroy public measures. The maintenance costs are very expensive.

"It's too troublesome to rewrite causal abilities. If we continue to fight, it will only become a war of attrition."

"So, my methods may be a little rough, please forgive me."

Looking at Mo Yi's meaningful smile, Mianyue Yiji shuddered inexplicably, as if something bad was about to happen.

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