
Hero Emiya smiled like a child and thought to himself——

"I used to complain that Mo Yi actually asked me to do odd jobs at Yakumo House. I didn't expect that the knowledge I accidentally learned there would be so useful!"

"Brother Mo Yi, I'm not as good as you!"

Except for the two of them, everyone in the kitchen was gathering around making dumplings, but there were still people paying attention to this scene——

Red A: I have a saying about MMP that I don’t know whether I should say! How come I didn’t know that my emotional intelligence in the past was so high, so I could say such disgusting words?

Also, me in the past, do you know that according to the development of the original world line, Medea and the People’s Teacher were both stabbed to death by you in the future!

What's so good about Medea, a married woman?

If you want to, fuck Medea Lily!


Sister Jiang looked at everyone's dumplings and smiled disdainfully:

"Why don't you go back to the living room and have a good cup of tea, and wait until Onii-chan and I are ready to take it out."

"Wasting food is a very shameful thing——"

Everyone present was immediately attacked by Sister-chan's map cannon, but seeing the other party calmly making dumplings one after another that looked like works of art, and then looking at the dumplings made by myself that were far different from hers, no matter how angry I was, I couldn't help but I can hold it in!

Damn it!

Although Xue Miao and Tohsaka Rin were very angry, they endured it alive——

Humph, I won’t let you, this guy, succeed. I just won’t go out. If you want to make me angry, that’s just a dream!

Chapter 305: Can Loli do whatever she wants? !

"Archer, you are stunned!"

Miss Tosaka Rin is very unhappy. Her cooking skills are not bad. After all, the Tosaka family no longer has so-called servants. She can only take care of the huge Tosaka family by herself.

Coupled with the need to cut costs and increase revenue, the eldest daughter of the Tohsaka family has not tried such a luxurious thing as takeout for an unknown amount of time. She usually makes three meals by herself.

In such an environment, Tohsaka Rin, who pursues an elegant quality of life, naturally developed good housework skills, and her cooking skills are definitely not bad. Her Chinese cuisine is enough to open a small restaurant.

However, what she met today was Erina, which was like a civilian luxury car meeting a military fighting chicken. Putting them together, they naturally had a clear view of the high and low, and played the role of the ugly duckling to the fullest.

This principle also applies to the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family.

However, like Tohsaka Rin, Xue Miao must have been more silent and would not express her unhappy emotions too obviously on her face. Perhaps in her eyes, which is so strong, this is also a sign of weakness.

Now that the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family is unhappy, her housekeeper Red A has no chance of being happy either.

"Hurry up and help me make dumplings!"

Red A, who was obsessed with whether he should change his sexual interests in the past, shuddered all over when he heard Tohsaka Rin's familiar yet nostalgic kind voice, and an inexplicable sense of joy rose deep in his body.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Tch~~, I am a servant, and I am responsible for fighting, not the household chores of helping you make dumplings."

After Red A was very unhappy and cut him off, Pina turned around, his eyes glowing with fire like never before, and said:

"However, since the master has given the order, I have no choice but to give it a try."

While saying this, he raised his head and looked at Erina. His whole body exuded the domineering aura of a top chef, which swept over the entire kitchen.


Erina, who was wrapping dumplings proudly and elegantly, was interrupted by such a red-A momentum. She looked up at the man wearing red clothes and a white afro next to Tosaka Rin. She thought he was that kind of man. The barbarian who could only shake his hands and feet and tear apart Gundam with his bare hands didn't expect to be a master at this.

In terms of cooking, apart from Mo Yi, she hasn't met anyone who interests her for a long time since she was ten years old.

After carefully looking at the other party, Sister-chan discovered that the nature of the other party was exactly the same as that of the talented Emiya family housekeeper. She did not expect this to be the case.

It seems that my past comments about the other party have not made the other party understand the distance between them.

Of course, Sister-chan has not yet discovered that this red A is not the transformation of Shirou Emiya in this world, so she thinks that the other party is dissatisfied with her usual evaluation of him and now wants to challenge herself.

However, judging from the momentum, the opponent's strength is already very good and he is qualified to challenge himself.

Sister-chan and Red A looked at each other, smiled slightly, and said something that puzzled Tohsaka Rin and others:


Can you actually feel the aura of a top chef hidden in yourself?

Red A now calmed down from his idle state and looked seriously at the blonde woman in front of him. Red A got all the information about Erina from Miss Tohsaka Rin's daily complaints.

In his impression, the other party was also a person who should not exist, but because he had no chance to contact him before, and because his main task was to observe Grandpa Mo Yi, he ignored Erina. Miss Tohsaka Rin said she was arrogant. A arrogant, rich man, Mo Yi's adoptive sister.

It seems that things are far from simple as I imagined.

Under the aura of his master chef, the other party was not only unprepared to be oppressed at first, but then his own aura was overwhelmed by the aura emanating from the other party, like a vast ocean.

Because this is a contest of cooking skills, one cannot feel the confrontation between the two without a certain level of cooking skills.

Damn (〃> dishes<)——

So powerful? !

Pushing his cooking skills to the limit, Red A could only maintain his undefeated status due to Sister-chan's momentum, and his crown chef field could only maintain his status without being broken by the opponent's momentum.

Red A: What? Is there such a powerful cooking power in the world? !

No, only as a cook, I, Shirou Emiya, will not admit defeat!


Tohsaka Rin naturally noticed the change in her servant's expression, this serious look as if facing a powerful enemy. This was the first time in so many days that she saw from Red A, a servant who was always so angry that he exploded on the spot. See this look.

It turns out that he can have such serious moments!

Did he find something wrong? Have enemies infiltrated?

"Archer, what's wrong?"


Red A said in a low voice:

"It's time to show off your real skills. Look, this is the correct way to make dumplings!"

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