Not to mention that the other party is as capable of fighting as himself. If something happens and the other party is cheating on him, he seems to have no choice, especially since the other party has a hot potato status as the leader of the Bilibili Empire. The two of them There is simply no way to avoid conflicts between people.

If the other party has a child, there will be even more help.

Ophis said, that is your child's future industry. Wouldn't you like to help the other person do evil and go to the endless world to harvest cute attributes?

No, this master is a cute and charming decent character, so I can’t get him to do such a shameless thing!

More importantly, although the opponent's body is a dragon that has lived for who knows how many thousands of years, the current incarnation looks like a real lolita, or more accurately, a young girl.

How could it be repaired? Grandpa Mo Yi is not a lolicon, so how could I be seduced by him so easily?

What's the point of sex without love?

It's better to go to Yakumo's house and read the wonderful books, and use love to generate electricity. It's simple and clear, and you don't have to worry about killing people.

"I'm sorry, I have no sexual interest in young girls."

Although Ophis is very cute and cute, and his whole body seems to poke at the cuteness of Grandpa Mo Yi, but Grandpa Mo Yi, as a true Lolita control, only loves and protects Lolita, so he will not do that. It's a shameless thing.

So, he grabbed the opponent very neatly, threw him on the sofa next to him, and complained:

"I don't remember such a strange agreement."

"Meow meow——"

Ophis, who looked like he wanted to resist, but seemed to have no ability to resist, after being thrown on the sofa by Mo Yi, he reluctantly let out a meow, and said such cute and cute lines in a three-no tone. , making the other person look even cuter.

Grandpa Mo Yi almost burst into tears, but Grandpa Mo Yi, who knew the other party's details well, would not be deceived by the other party's cute appearance.

This is not a loli that is light and easy to push down. This is clearly a giant dragon.

And remember, the opponent still looks like Jörmungandr, the tail-biting snake that symbolizes infinity, almost like a snake. Not everyone is so awesome as Xu Xian, and he won't even let the snake go! (The Demon King Alice Fitz is the snake monster girl.)

"It hurts so much——"

After Ophis rolled around on the sofa and acted cute for a while, showing that he was in pain and sad, he found that Mo Yi did not rush to cheer him up like in the book he drew, so he stopped his shameless cute behavior and returned to his original state. He looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and asked without any tone:

"You are obviously a lolicon, why didn't you fall for it?"

Mo Yi: "······"

I always feel that Miss Ophis, you have misunderstood something, and you have made it clear, you little drama queen!

Seeing the other person's appearance, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he needed to talk to the other person to let him understand what human beings are and what small greatness means, and said:

"Orpheus, you don't understand what love is."

When Mo Yi wanted to continue talking to each other, Ophis interrupted:

"Is Leifeng Tower going to fall?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, I lost!

Mo Yi complained: "In short, I will not do strange things to a young girl!"

"I see"

After hearing this, Ophis was stunned for two seconds, then nodded and said:

"Is this the so-called real lolita control?"

After saying that, she grew up quickly under Mo Yi's eyes, from the body shape of a young girl to the appearance of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old black long straight otome. Then she stood up and turned around in front of Mo Yi. The original dress was now... Even though the other party was wearing a short skirt, her expression and tone were still the same as before, and there was no change as her body grew.

"In this way, there will be no problem."

Mo Yi: "..."

Ophis, how persistent are you?

Faced with the temptation to press forward step by step, and thinking of the Shura fields he has suffered over the years, Grandpa Mo Yi once again complained righteously:

"Sex without emotion is just hooligan behavior!"

"Don't you often say in your notebook——"

Ophis looked very puzzled and said:

"Are all feelings created by sex?!"

"And I love playing with you, so we have a good relationship."

Girl, your idea is very dangerous!

It's already said in the book, how can it be taken seriously?

"The feelings you are talking about and the feelings I am talking about are not the same thing at all——"

Mo Yi dodged Ophis's attack and complained:

"Ophis, why do you have such strange thoughts?"

"You should tell me what you like about me, can't I change it?"

"Orpheus has grown up, isn't it normal to want to find a spouse?"

Ophis did not show any disappointment because Mo Yi dodged his attack, and continued to speak calmly:

"Of all the people I know, I have the most fun playing with you, so I like you the most."

After that, Ophis continued to play hide-and-seek with Grandpa Mo Yi in the living room. Neither of them used any extraordinary strength. They were catching and dodging, and they had a great time playing.

Mo Yi: "..."

Is this the so-called estrus period of the Dragon Clan?

This routine has already been exhausted at some point, Ophis!

And according to this routine, a dragon girl in estrus feels no worse than a monster girl. If she is caught, she will definitely become a human!

"How can we fall in love if we are of different races?!"

While Mo Yi was playing hide and seek with Ophis in the living room, he was complaining, hoping that the other party could turn around and make peace with this master's kind words.

"No, how can we fall in love if we are of the same race?!"

Orpheus, who is rich in ACG knowledge, retorted:

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