Hurt each other! See who can stand at the end!

As a result, the flames of the sun burst out from Karna's body, and the sun armor on his body began to disintegrate, and then turned into a huge spear.

"Understand the mercy of the King of Gods."

"Indra, watch carefully."

"Destruction is a stab here."

"Burn completely - 'Vasa vi shakti, O Sun Disk'!!"

I, Karna, will use the magical weapon your father gave me today to stab your son Arjuna to death!

After quickly liberating the true name of the Noble Phantasm, Karna threw the God-killing Spear at Arjuna.

"The final situation turned out to be like this -"

Facing the god-killing spear that came towards him and used all the strength of Karna, Arjuna did not have the slightest fear on his face. Originally, in his expectation, it would probably evolve into such a situation where both sides would lose.

I, Arjuna, cannot survive, and you, Karna, cannot continue to waste time in this Holy Grail War.

"This ending is not bad."

After saying these words, Arjuna was calmly melted into nothingness by the nuclear fusion brought by the God-killing Spear.

"This time..., I finally defeated you through my own efforts, Karna."

Although Arjuna died, the shadow of his Noble Phantasm God of Destruction did not stop. In other words, when he faced Karna's killing blow, he never thought of evading. The only thing he did was Continue to guide the Noble Phantasm and detonate Shiva's power.

So, at the moment when Arjuna disappeared, a jet-black spherical lightning struck Karna, who had lost his sun armor and was as naked as the naked body, from high in the sky at an unavoidable speed like the speed of light.

This is the manifestation of the failure of the will test and the divine punishment imposed by Shiva.


A big explosion no less powerful than the nuclear fusion brought about by Karna's God-killing Spear exploded in the replica Fuyuki City. Added to the power of the nuclear explosion just now, most of Fuyuki City was blown up beyond recognition in an instant. Looking from the air, there is no appearance of a city, only a huge crater.

I have to say that Gemstone Man actually did a good thing by bringing the battlefield into such a mirror space. Otherwise, the real Fuyuki City would have had another grand night of nuclear peace, which might have triggered tensions the next day. The international situation may lead to the Third World War or something like that.


A coughing sound came from the huge crater, and a pile of rocks was overturned. Karna, who was in a state of disarray and covered in dust, stood up from the pile of rocks.

Looking at the scene that was completely destroyed by the two of them, Karna gave a rare laugh and said to himself:

"Arjuna, I win this time."

After that, Karna took out a half-broken scarecrow from his arms. This was a shredded rake. Before leaving, he handed it to him. The substitute scarecrow made by Mo Yi can be used to be immune to a fatal injury. .

Therefore, the instant death effect brought by the hand shadow of the God of Destruction was blocked by this scarecrow, and he only suffered some damage from the aftermath of the explosion.

Therefore, he survived Shiva's divine punishment.

There is a poem that says, non-chieftains are no match for European emperors, and European emperors are no match for bastards——

Unexpectedly, Arjuna, I cheated!

"However, the battle is not over yet—"

Feeling that his body was full and plump, and his empty body gradually regained some strength, Karna looked towards the sky garden in the distance, where his companions were still fighting, waiting for his support.

————Illya’s dividing line————

"This time, I won't be merciful."

Achilles, who was wounded by the holy sword and embarrassed in front of his favorite person, Ta Miao, must not be able to bear it!

With the blessing of the Noble Phantasm 'Comet Running Technique', the sprint speed was no less than that of the undead chariot that drove the chariot in the wind and fury just now. Holding the tip of this Noble Phantasm's spear, the Flying Star, towards the guard holding the holy sword. Gong Daxia charges!

It has to be said that Achilles has so many Noble Phantasms. The treatment of the second generation of gods is different from existences like Sasaki Kojiro, a human who has sublimated into a heroic spirit. The poor dragon-slaying swordsman Sasaki Kojiro does not even have a Noble Phantasm, only one move. The profound meaning of "Yan Hui" to people is just a show of support.

Reality is so cruel, not only in society, but also in mythology and mythology. If you want to stand out and be a loser, unless you are a son of a world like Hero Emiya, you are thinking too much.

Facing the menacing Achilles, Hero Emiya has some Alexander, why are you, Achilles, targeting me?

Are you sure that there is another Illya holding a curry stick next to me?

To be fair, her curry sticks are much more dangerous than mine!

Although Hero Emiya has his own plug-in and can even project the holy sword, it does not mean that he is good at close combat. After all, in the peaceful Fuyuki City, how can they have the opportunity to use skills such as close combat?

This problem also exists for Illya and Medea. They are mages, not warriors, and they can't fight in close combat. Isn't it normal?

The only Shredder Rake who has a lot of experience in close combat is obviously an assassin and an archer. It doesn't help that he has experience but no corresponding combat power.

Hero Emiya glanced at the friends around him and understood the current situation. It seemed that he could only solve this crisis by stepping forward and becoming a melee mage.

So, Hero Emiya held the holy sword and charged towards Achilles.

This charge immediately frightened Medea, Illya, and Shredder, and it seemed that it was too late to stop them.

"Courage is good, but this posture -"

Achilles did not expect that when faced with his charge, the opponent not only did not choose to be patient as before, but took the initiative to attack him.

His courage was commendable, but Achilles could tell at a glance from the opponent's sword-holding posture that the opponent was a showman and had no close combat experience at all. He could kill an enemy of this level with just one blow.


Medea is going crazy!

She originally wanted to use group teleportation like before to lead everyone to survive forever. As the saying goes, how can you become stronger if you are not stubborn? Voldemort will eventually get the chicken. As a magician, Medea is well versed in hide-and-seek tactics.

Why do you think that your master suddenly jumped out and wanted to fight a 50-50 servant like Achilles?

"Goodbye, brave young man——"

Achilles felt that the tip of his spear could immediately pierce the sword-wielding boy in front of him who had too many flaws.

But at this moment, a warrior's sixth sense conveyed an extreme sense of crisis. Achilles subconsciously believed in this sixth sense that had saved him countless times, and suddenly hid to the side.

Then he saw a bright red spear piercing his original movement trajectory, and it seemed that if he didn't dodge, the target of the opponent's attack should be his weak point-heel!

"As expected of the great Greek hero Achilles——"

At this time, Achilles finally saw clearly the appearance of the visitor. It was Caster who had been missing for some time.

Hero Emiya looked at Scathach who suddenly stood in front of him and drew his spear, and said:

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